Many people struggle with emotional sensitivity and empathic abilities, and often develop coping mechanisms that are difficult to deconstruct. Below is part of an email response to a client that I thought might hold some relevance to others that struggle with similar conditions. This person is very dedicated to self healing but needed support to progress and was exploring the possibility of a session with me.


“I think where you might have had difficulty with self healing in past efforts has to do with the fact that the mind alone is not capable of healing the heart. Perhaps with your inner work, you were trying to affect too much through the mind, when it is the mind that needs to be healed with the heart.  When there is emotional trauma, the mind can become like the guardian, seeking to shield the heart to control and protect its sensitivity.  The mind becomes like a rock, temporarily damming the flow of the emotional body, but only through allowing the heart to expand can the flow of emotions move past the rock, and gradually wear it down over time.

The mind is excellent for programming and reprogramming the self, but it also needs to learn how to relax and allow the emotionally body freedom to just be.  The mind can take on the form of all the things you fear from the past, reminding you of the past at every turn as a way of protecting you from a feared recurrence.  So the mind often struggles against what it perceives as a host of things to be avoided, which inadvertently keeps out everything else that is good and needed for nurture and growth.  Ultimately we find that the mind is not always the wisest steward of the body and needs as much healing as the body.

It is very easy to give power to the belief that you are a victim of the body’s conditions, but the truth is that the conditions of the body bear the reflection of the conditions in your consciousness.  The body is there to show you a map of what is in your consciousness that needs to be addressed, healed, and brought back into the perfection of unconditional love.”


I will be writing more about empathic abilities and how to find your strength within them, but the remainder of this post is a testimonial from this same client who had her first session with me yesterday:

Dear Michael…Firstly

I wish to thank you for  your reading and channeling for me yesterday.  I found the information very helpful and very significant indeed.  I think you nailed things pretty accurately.

You can imagine, that I spent many  years, trying to fathom out my issues and what was causing them, and have  looked at literally everything and anything I could think of – leaving no stone unturned that I thought would free me from my prison of low energy –illness—and feeling a prisoner in this world – more so in recent years with my stubborn agoraphobia… I was impressed by certain aspects of my personality that were picked up on again were totally accurate too.

I had also thought that there were likely to be some kind of issue/s about being in my physical body, yesterday you have proven that to me beyond doubt – by what you  have told me about those aspects of my being, which were fragmented, and needed to be welcomed back  into my full soul component, so that I may actually have sufficient life force ..source energy to be here and live well in my  physical body.

I am very pleased that you provide the recording service too.

– Jane

Thanks, Jane, for this testimonial — Saryon

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