Light Earth

On Wednesday Feb. 5th, 2014, we did a live angelic linkup.

The Replay is now available for a limited time!

This was Week 10 of the Working Within Your Angelic Blueprint 12 Week Course.  An opportunity for greater Angelic Integration!

By Divine Inspiration, I decided to make this class open to a wider circle of participants because the information coming through is too important and needs to be shared with more people. Just click on the players below. The first hour and 15 is a short presentation with an angelic linkup and channeling that follows, and there is an additional 45 minutes of Q and A afterwards.

If you like what you hear, please click on the School of Manifestation here or in the menu bar and read about the school and how you can now get access to the whole 7 month program of channeled courses for a low monthly subscription fee.

Angelic Linkup – 1 hour and 15 min

Q and A – approximately 45 minutes

Also, if you are interested in readings, I still have time to do more before I leave for my tour and my price goes back up. Click Here for more info.

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