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Experience the last two classes and channeled teachings from an 11 year series of channeled messages from the Masters before Saryon’s 1 year sabbatical. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Click Here to register by donation for unlimited access to the replays.

The School of Manifestation is a portal to the teachings of the Ascended Masters. It offers a form of multidimensional training, designed by the Masters themselves, that links your earthly experience with your training on the inner planes as a soul. Read the intro messages below




This first course serves as an intro to working with the Ascended Masters — a foundation for a whole new body of work that teaches us about how to allow divine manifestation to flow without getting in the way.  It also contains many prophecies about the manifestations being sent down from the higher dimensions, and our purpose to be divine receivers. Many of the people that have take this course reported feeling as though a burden was being lifted in the process.

Click Here to register.    By Donation for a Limited Time


During the previous course the Arcturian Ancient Seven introduced themselves and announced they would be directing this new course.  In this course we hear from Shamal and Spring, two of the Ancient Seven, and we also receive transmissions from Metatron and the Arcturian Angels. This is an excellent course for deepening your sacred marriage to the Earth, one of the focuses of the Arcturian Teachings. If you are not familiar with this highly advanced ET race, this is a perfect introduction.

Click Here to register.    $333


This third course unfolded as a well-orchestrated plan from the higher dimensions. It’s all about Angelic Integration and the role the angels are playing with the process of Higher Self Integration. This course will bring you closer to the Angelic Presence and helps you attune to a more intuitive way of being. The tools offered by the Angels for tapping into your Angelic Blueprint are profound and give you a window into the leading edge of humanity’s awakening process.

Click Here to register.   $333 (ON SPECIAL FOR $97 FOR A LIMITED TIME)


This course came about because of a need for the kinds of experiential insights and techniques I’ve developed for dealing with psychic attacks. My guides also expressed that it’s important for us to be more prepared for the reality shifting that we are moving into because there’s a backlash from the astral plane as the light is increasing in us. We must be careful and vigilant to hold the light without becoming entangled in conflict energy. This course focuses on transcending duality.

Click Here to register.   $155


This unique journey of healing, activation and self-discovery was inspired and overlit by the Ascended Masters: Saint Germain, Kuthumi, and Serapis Bey. This course deals with an intensifying process of self-purification being accelerated by the arrival of the Ascension Flame. Overcome obstacles to your growth, learn how to Engage the Flow of being led by your potential, and deepen your relationship with the Violet Flame and the Ascension Flame.

Click Here to register.    $333


A practical guide to developing practices for working with and communing with your Spiritual Guides; this online course includes 5 classes, 6 videos, and 2 Bonus Classes, complete with lesson plans and homework suggestions. This course was designed to focus more on techniques and exercises than any other course in the School of Manifestation thus far.  Each week we journey into a deeper relationship with our guides and there are many activations that occur along the way.

Click Here to register.   $222


This course is a deep dive on the techniques of channeling. It is supported from the inner planes by Saint Germain, the Arcturians, Metatron, and others that support our process to activate as conduits for Divine Guidance. Consisting of 7 main classes, additional bonuses, and Q and A sessions, this course is designed to help you make a breakthrough in channeling and connecting with your personal guides. It will help you build trust and understanding about your channeling exploration.

Click Here to register.   $333


After the success of the first Breakthroughs in Channeling Course, the Ascended Masters inspired me to create a follow up to offer new teachings about how we are developing as channels in our relationship with Shamballa and the gifts of the natural world. This course contains a full set of video teachings to compliment the audio classes, and adds a lot of new material to this subject. It is also a perfect bridge into the Earth Initiation Course that follows, as these courses were connected.

Click Here to register.     $333


In the Arcturian Course, we were taught about how experiencing a sacred marriage to the Earth is a part of our planetary ascension process. Now, the spirits of the natural world have come to give a teaching that facilitates us to align with the sacred marriage to the Earth that the Arcturians predicted. This course will help you attune to the natural spirits and the hidden realities of nature to activate a dormant and ancient bridge to the natural world that is part of the human chakra system. 

Click Here to register.  $111



Dear Saryon,

I wanted to thank you so much for this beautiful course and all the great transformation it has brought to me. Even though I believe that everything started when I enrolled in the Allowing Divine Manifestation and later the Arcturian Course, this course (Engaging the Flow) has brought me even closer to the Masters, Angels and inner guidance, together with a deep transformation. Through the thoughtful materials and the guidance you have provided I have had a lot of insights and issues to meditate on. It´s like just accepting the new points of view has made changes on my consciousness. Also the activations I think have been very powerful.

Today I have a lot more self-confidence and the issue I asked you about on a call I must say, I am not so afraid of standing out and in my power anymore!! This is an issue I have had almost my whole life and now it´s fading!!  I´m very happy also because now I´m filled with energy to give and create for me and others! So thanks again!

~ Marisol Aguilera

Dear Saryon,

In the past twenty-five years, I’ve known many people who channel. Some of them have garnered large followings, others just do private sessions and small groups.  I’ve always learned from them, and respected their work.

I must say, however, that I have never known anyone who channeled as many entities as you do; and you do it with such clarity and purity that it is an honor to be a part of the experience.

As for the course – “Allowing Divine Manifestation” – I believe I have been waiting for this all my life, and possibly many lifetimes.  I’m sure I have not even begun to assimilate all that has been given to this group; rather it is a process that has just begun, and will continue for the rest of my life. I have such great hope for the future – mine and all of Humanity’s. I am eager to fulfill my role in helping to bring about these glorious changes. Thank you for all that you have done in order to be the messenger for us – I’m sure your path hasn’t always been easy.  Please know that you and your work are greatly appreciated.

~ Ceresa

Dear Saryon,

To date I have taken three courses with you.  “Engaging the Flow” was the most recent one. Your way of teaching is remarkable for me in that you have a way of putting the sane back into insane or the normal into the un-normal ….. or the known into the unknown …. tangible into the intangible.  The place that your teaching helps me move into is like “home” ….  Giving me a sense of being connected.

As I have said before …. Your humility is so, so welcoming. The fact that you share some of your own misperceptions or mistakes of your own path ….. is huge … very reassuring. It gives me hope; helps me forgive myself and others more profoundly. Your gift of sharing and caring have helped me light up my perceptions of multidimensionality and to breathe with the many awarenesses that arise. I have appreciated your accessibility and support. It has made my journey that much more thrilling.  Dixie’s caring and support has also been wonderfully appreciated.

~ Keylaira

It has been a great honor to participate in School of Manifestation. The class has been great and our Teachers have been literally out of this world! This school is all about learning to Surrender to Divine Will. A lot of seeds have been planted and a lot of programs have been downloaded into us. And when the time comes it will be a glorious harvest.  And all that is asked of us is to be Open To Receive. In addition to that we have anchored love and light to Earth and Humanity.

After having many personal sessions with our channel, Saryon, I can assure that not only is he incredibly accurate channel, his integrity is undeniable. I have paid more than $400 once for 90 min reading with another psychic and haven’t gotten nearly as much detailed and accurate information.

~ Kristel

Most Beloved Saryon,

Words cannot express the powerful changes that I have been going through since I started with the School of Manifestation, starting with the first course. I then did the Arcturian course, the Angel course and now Engaging the Flow.  Each course added another flavor of vibration and healing. I Love them all and I am planning to start with the first one again and work my way through them all.

For the first time in many years I feel the quietness and a calm and peace within me that puts a smile on my face often. I feel love and guided and I trust all is well in my world. I am truly open to receive the healing gifts and love from the Angels, Ascended Masters and the Arcturians.  I am so blessed! I am so grateful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

~ Carolyn

The Manifestation course with the Masters has been a beautiful experience of connection within myself on deeper levels. I am grateful for Saryon’s ability to be a clear channel of the Divine. The messages that have come through him are supportive, empowering and imbued with the essences of peace and love. I am grateful for the energy downloads. They have facilitated awareness and clearing of old patterns as well as expansion of my gifts. The value of this course has been way above the monetary exchange that I invested in attending.

Thank you for your generous spirit, Saryon. Thank you for your commitment to be as clear as humanly possible. Your work is a gift to this world.

~ Linda

This is my favorite school to date! Bless You! It’s more intuitive – like blossoms ….just love it….surprising me each time I come.

~ Violet




This first course serves as an intro to working with the Ascended Masters — a foundation for a whole new body of work that teaches us about how to allow divine manifestation to flow without getting in the way.  It also contains many prophecies about the manifestations being sent down from the higher dimensions, and our purpose to be divine receivers. Many of the people that have take this course reported feeling as though a burden was being lifted in the process.

Click Here to register.    By Donation for a Limited Time


During the previous course the Arcturian Ancient Seven introduced themselves and announced they would be directing this new course.  In this course we hear from Shamal and Spring, two of the Ancient Seven, and we also receive transmissions from Metatron and the Arcturian Angels. This is an excellent course for deepening your sacred marriage to the Earth, one of the focuses of the Arcturian Teachings. If you are not familiar with this highly advanced ET race, this is a perfect introduction.

Click Here to register.    $333


This third course unfolded as a well-orchestrated plan from the higher dimensions. It’s all about Angelic Integration and the role the angels are playing with the process of Higher Self Integration. This course will bring you closer to the Angelic Presence and helps you attune to a more intuitive way of being. The tools offered by the Angels for tapping into your Angelic Blueprint are profound and give you a window into the leading edge of humanity’s awakening process.

Click Here to register.   $333 (ON SPECIAL FOR $97 FOR A LIMITED TIME)


This course came about because of a need for the kinds of experiential insights and techniques I’ve developed for dealing with psychic attacks. My guides also expressed that it’s important for us to be more prepared for the reality shifting that we are moving into because there’s a backlash from the astral plane as the light is increasing in us. We must be careful and vigilant to hold the light without becoming entangled in conflict energy. This course focuses on transcending duality.

Click Here to register.   $155


This unique journey of healing, activation and self-discovery was inspired and overlit by the Ascended Masters: Saint Germain, Kuthumi, and Serapis Bey. This course deals with an intensifying process of self-purification being accelerated by the arrival of the Ascension Flame. Overcome obstacles to your growth, learn how to Engage the Flow of being led by your potential, and deepen your relationship with the Violet Flame and the Ascension Flame.

Click Here to register.    $333


A practical guide to developing practices for working with and communing with your Spiritual Guides; this online course includes 5 classes, 6 videos, and 2 Bonus Classes, complete with lesson plans and homework suggestions. This course was designed to focus more on techniques and exercises than any other course in the School of Manifestation thus far.  Each week we journey into a deeper relationship with our guides and there are many activations that occur along the way.

Click Here to register.   $222


This course is a deep dive on the techniques of channeling. It is supported from the inner planes by Saint Germain, the Arcturians, Metatron, and others that support our process to activate as conduits for Divine Guidance. Consisting of 7 main classes, additional bonuses, and Q and A sessions, this course is designed to help you make a breakthrough in channeling and connecting with your personal guides. It will help you build trust and understanding about your channeling exploration.

Click Here to register.   $333


After the success of the first Breakthroughs in Channeling Course, the Ascended Masters inspired me to create a follow up to offer new teachings about how we are developing as channels in our relationship with Shamballa and the gifts of the natural world. This course contains a full set of video teachings to compliment the audio classes, and adds a lot of new material to this subject. It is also a perfect bridge into the Earth Initiation Course that follows, as these courses were connected.

Click Here to register.     $333


In the Arcturian Course, we were taught about how experiencing a sacred marriage to the Earth is a part of our planetary ascension process. Now, the spirits of the natural world have come to give a teaching that facilitates us to align with the sacred marriage to the Earth that the Arcturians predicted. This course will help you attune to the natural spirits and the hidden realities of nature to activate a dormant and ancient bridge to the natural world that is part of the human chakra system. 

Click Here to register.  $111



This intro to the Path of Integration ongoing series includes 4 webinars taped in late 2018, the Bridging Dimensions Video Series, selected audio teachings from the Archives, and three mini video courses: Channeling – A Path to Greater Influence, Keys to Protection and Aligning With Spiritual Guides, and Actualizing Your Gifts – How To Give Readings. This package, which also includes written channeled messages, is an amazing combo to jumpstart your training with the Ascended Masters.


This package begins with a one week process to help you channel your blueprint for acceleration for the coming phase, bringing clarity to your goals and growth priorities for your path. The program also includes the best and most recent channeled teachings from Saryon’s ongoing public tour during this period, as well as additional videos and selected audio teachings from the Archives. Through this journey the Masters guide you through a process of integrating with more of their gifts.


Dear Saryon,

I wanted to thank you so much for this beautiful course and all the great transformation it has brought to me. Even though I believe that everything started when I enrolled in the Allowing Divine Manifestation and later the Arcturian Course, this course (Engaging the Flow) has brought me even closer to the Masters, Angels and inner guidance, together with a deep transformation. Through the thoughtful materials and the guidance you have provided I have had a lot of insights and issues to meditate on. It´s like just accepting the new points of view has made changes on my consciousness. Also the activations I think have been very powerful.

Today I have a lot more self-confidence and the issue I asked you about on a call I must say, I am not so afraid of standing out and in my power anymore!! This is an issue I have had almost my whole life and now it´s fading!!  I´m very happy also because now I´m filled with energy to give and create for me and others! So thanks again!

~ Marisol Aguilera

Dear Saryon,

In the past twenty-five years, I’ve known many people who channel. Some of them have garnered large followings, others just do private sessions and small groups.  I’ve always learned from them, and respected their work.

I must say, however, that I have never known anyone who channeled as many entities as you do; and you do it with such clarity and purity that it is an honor to be a part of the experience.

As for the course – “Allowing Divine Manifestation” – I believe I have been waiting for this all my life, and possibly many lifetimes.  I’m sure I have not even begun to assimilate all that has been given to this group; rather it is a process that has just begun, and will continue for the rest of my life. I have such great hope for the future – mine and all of Humanity’s. I am eager to fulfill my role in helping to bring about these glorious changes. Thank you for all that you have done in order to be the messenger for us – I’m sure your path hasn’t always been easy.  Please know that you and your work are greatly appreciated.

~ Ceresa

Dear Saryon,

To date I have taken three courses with you.  “Engaging the Flow” was the most recent one. Your way of teaching is remarkable for me in that you have a way of putting the sane back into insane or the normal into the un-normal ….. or the known into the unknown …. tangible into the intangible.  The place that your teaching helps me move into is like “home” ….  Giving me a sense of being connected.

As I have said before …. Your humility is so, so welcoming. The fact that you share some of your own misperceptions or mistakes of your own path ….. is huge … very reassuring. It gives me hope; helps me forgive myself and others more profoundly. Your gift of sharing and caring have helped me light up my perceptions of multidimensionality and to breathe with the many awarenesses that arise. I have appreciated your accessibility and support. It has made my journey that much more thrilling.  Dixie’s caring and support has also been wonderfully appreciated.

~ Keylaira

It has been a great honor to participate in School of Manifestation. The class has been great and our Teachers have been literally out of this world! This school is all about learning to Surrender to Divine Will. A lot of seeds have been planted and a lot of programs have been downloaded into us. And when the time comes it will be a glorious harvest.  And all that is asked of us is to be Open To Receive. In addition to that we have anchored love and light to Earth and Humanity.

After having many personal sessions with our channel, Saryon, I can assure that not only is he incredibly accurate channel, his integrity is undeniable. I have paid more than $400 once for 90 min reading with another psychic and haven’t gotten nearly as much detailed and accurate information.

~ Kristel

Most Beloved Saryon,

Words cannot express the powerful changes that I have been going through since I started with the School of Manifestation, starting with the first course. I then did the Arcturian course, the Angel course and now Engaging the Flow.  Each course added another flavor of vibration and healing. I Love them all and I am planning to start with the first one again and work my way through them all.

For the first time in many years I feel the quietness and a calm and peace within me that puts a smile on my face often. I feel love and guided and I trust all is well in my world. I am truly open to receive the healing gifts and love from the Angels, Ascended Masters and the Arcturians.  I am so blessed! I am so grateful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

~ Carolyn

The Manifestation course with the Masters has been a beautiful experience of connection within myself on deeper levels. I am grateful for Saryon’s ability to be a clear channel of the Divine. The messages that have come through him are supportive, empowering and imbued with the essences of peace and love. I am grateful for the energy downloads. They have facilitated awareness and clearing of old patterns as well as expansion of my gifts. The value of this course has been way above the monetary exchange that I invested in attending.

Thank you for your generous spirit, Saryon. Thank you for your commitment to be as clear as humanly possible. Your work is a gift to this world.

~ Linda

This is my favorite school to date! Bless You! It’s more intuitive – like blossoms ….just love it….surprising me each time I come.

~ Violet

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