There has never been a better time to learn how to channel or work with the loving support of your invisible spiritual team. I say this because we are living in a time when a field of oneness, light and dimensional interconnectivity is growing in the world. This field is strengthening our connection to the realm of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and all manner of high level spiritual guides.

We are living in a time when the Ancient Mystery School of the Masters is being reawakened and restored, and the growing presence of this unifying field of love and light is part of that. People are attuning to the presence of an Angelic Grid that is making the presence of the angels more accessible as a permanent fixture of human consciousness. We are becoming Angel Infused, and Angel Integrated. It’s what I like to call the future of A.I. Not Artificial Intelligence, but Angelic Integration, the divine alternative to computerized augmented human intelligence.

Do we want to become limited by what more immersion with computers will do to our brains? Or do we want to see how the Angelic Intelligence of the universe that was divinely created for us can unlock the dormant potential of our spiritual and creative gifts?

Even if you are one who struggles to make a connection, it is easier now to make breakthroughs than it was many years ago, and the field that is bridging the dimensions within our bodies is growing stronger every day. My point is, even if it takes many months or years to see the progress you want in your channeling or spiritual practices of working with your guides, if you start now, you can ride the incoming waves of light and progress much more quickly that you could before.

That is part of why I’ve been given the opportunity to teach channeling and Angelic Integration work in these times. I have dedicated my life to such pursuits since my teens, and what I was able to develop in 25 years of experiencial learning and spiritual practice, I can now teach. That means, I can give you the fast track and all the shortcuts during this time when the waves of light are starting to come in stronger to give us the dimensional boosts we need to make breakthroughs in channeling.

Let’s face it. Most of us don’t have time to go meditate in a cave for 10 years. Many of us don’t feel we have much time for meditation at all. Fortunately, in the same way that I have benefited from absorbing the gifts and strengths of masters who have meditated in nature for decades, I have developed, with the Masters, ways of integrating their gifts and strengths that can also work for people like us that live in the modern world: people that are raising kids, running businesses, maintaining relationships, and struggling to deal with the craziness of our world.

I recently asked people to share with me about what holds them back from going to the next level with their connection to their spiritual guides so that I could better gage how I could help. I’m grateful for all who responded, and will be sharing a whole new series of blog posts to give you some tips and to prepare you psychologically for your next breakthrough.

I hope you are making the most of your experience this year, however the global changes are impacting you. And if you feel that supporting the Angelic Grid to strengthen through our collective attention to Angelic Integration, or that learning more about how to work with personal guides would support people you know — please let people know that I am here to help with these endeavors.

To Access my new Learning to Channel Free Course, please create a free account for this and other bonuses for the School of Manifestation.

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