Dear Friends,

I have something very special to offer you straight from the Ascended Masters.  A week ago I was surprised when I heard Saint Germain say, “Manifestation!”  At first, I thought he was giving me a commission for a book I was going to write with the Masters but, once I started channeling, it turned out to be something much more.

Sananda came in first, followed by Mother Mary and then, Saint Germain, each delivering a discourse and an invitation to train with them through a new series of offerings, beginning with a telecourse.  You can read their messages below in order.

Sananda’s Welcome Message

Mother Mary’s Message

Saint Germain’s Introduction to the Course

The last time I hosted a telecourse it was a great success.  People really loved it and I am happy to have the opportunity to host another one.  This course will be 5 weeks long, starting on Wednesday, July 3rd, and will complete on Wednesday, July 31th.  The calls will be for approximately an hour and a half at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern.  That’s 11am Thursdays (July 4th through August 1st) for those of you in Sydney. Also, this will be set up so international participants can use Skype or a local number.

This course will involve the delivery of channeled course materials before the calls each week, and all calls will be taped for playback if you cannot make the scheduled time.  The calls will involve presentation, audience participation, and we will definitely be doing some channeled/guided meditations to facilitate connection with the Ascended Masters at certain points.

As Saint Germain says in his opening message, “This is a Golden Opportunity”.  I am very excited about what is in store.  As for the price, Saint Germain gave me special instructions that will help each person align with the energy of abundant manifestation he is holding with us for the course.  This course is about “Allowing Divine Manifestation”, and Saint Germain wants us to align with the spirit of gifting and sharing.

Special Instructions Regarding Registration

The price for the course is $110; however, included in this price is the opportunity to gift the course to a friend.  The Masters said that for this 5-week course, everyone would come in through the resonance of the number 55, which is half of 110. This is about people aligning with a one-one vibration (1-1-0) to join the circle; either gifting or co-manifesting the gift in the process.  So when you register for $110 you have the choice to either bring a friend or gift a scholarship to the course, which I will organize.

Of course, you can always split the cost of the $110 with a friend (co-manifesting).  The Masters are intending through this format to build a group of people that are personally connected and can share the channelings with each other and discuss them during the course.

Be sure to let me know if you are gifting a scholarship for me to award or, include the name, email, and country of your friend. I am sure there will be people needing scholarships, so consider gifting a scholarship to the course.

You might ask: “I am just one person, can’t I just register for $55”.

Answer:  That would defeat the purpose. This format is part of the course instruction and is all about gifting, sharing, inclusion, cocreation, and building a container for the energy of the course with people you personally feel close to. Even if you are an organizer with a group that has an odd number, the extra position could be gifted into the scholarship pool. Let’s just have fun and play with the abundance. The Masters obviously have a reason for doing it this way.

Looking forward to enjoying this course with you.  We are in for an accelerating time!




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