Message from the Arcturians through Saryon – 6-2-13


This is a communication from the Arcturians through my Arcturian guide, Tybot, who I have known consciously for more than a decade. Tybot’s presence feels joyous and full of humor, though he often sounds commanding at the same time. At the time, I did not know that I was going to be channeling a telecourse with the Arcturians a couple of months later but, looking back, this message is a good introduction to what was on the way and even predicts some of the content and nature of the upcoming course.  Susan was with me for the channeling and, after I announced the Arcturians were with us, she asked if they could send her some healing energy and they immediately said (through me), “Mmmm, We are always open to infuse you with more light.”

Tybot — Channeled by Saryon

We are coming to you joyfully!  Joy is our vibration. You were expecting to hear from your galactic group today, which we are also a part of, but we are surprising you now by bringing you an ARCTURIAN message.  (Tybot was referring to my expectancy around receiving more from the galactic group we have recently been connecting with, and was humorous about surprising Susan and I.)

As you know, we are very much weavers of galactic memory.  The Galactic Web is our business; it is our project – to weave together memories of many worlds, to make them accessible to those who wish to surf the circuits of galactic knowledge.  We have journeyed far, and have come a long way in our work to weave this Galactic Web.

We have, at times, worked with various human populations, to facilitate this weaving, and now we are here again to reactivate these projects; to restore in human consciousness the open conduits that were seeded in ancient times: the channels, the guardians of knowledge, the seekers who form part of the grounding receptivity to this web that we are weaving.

All that is needed in some cases to activate a part of this web is a love vibration. By sending forth ripples and waves of love through this web we are able to stimulate your awareness of it, those of you who are already connected to it.  We are calling more to attune to this web that has been anchored.  There is much fun to be had here.  It is more than a place to remember.  It is a place where joyous reunions are taking place.

We emphasize that these reunions are not just in the future.  They are happening now, and so, opening into this galactic web of consciousness is a joyous experience.  A celebration is already underway.  We celebrate you.  We celebrate all that you are discovering. So how do you find the web within yourself?  How do you open your channel to it?

First, we are bringing it to you: those of you who seek it.  You need only to respond to this message in your thoughts.  This is a way of opting in to receive waves of love that are simulating connection on many levels of your being to this galactic superstructure of living memory.  But also, if you will attune yourselves to the energy and spirit of the celebration that is taking place; there are waves of celebration coming from the future as greater openings and events are unfolding along this timeline, and yet the celebration of reunion with your galactic family is happening now.

There is a beautiful image from your Avatar movie: the Tree of Souls, a place where you can port in with your nervous systems to the collective memories of a vast web of living knowledge.  This was much than a film for it contained within it many Arcturian seeded thoughtforms and ideas. The Galactic Community is very much involved in the seeding of some of these ideas that have shown up in film.  This one in particular: the Tree of Souls, appeared as a symbol of your emerging connection to the Galactic Web.


If you liked Avatar, you would enjoy the films on Arcturus (said humorously).  We are very experienced in the visual arts and the art of storytelling.  It is one thing that we feel very passionate about, and there are many stories unfolding in your world that are worth telling elsewhere; so you can be sure that what has happened here will be the inspiration for many galactic movies.

We see that many of you reading this are feeling hopeful upon hearing these words.  Know that as your friends, as your supporters, we are preparing to enter into your hearts in a way that will open you more fully to the Galactic Heart.  The Heart of Arcturus pulses in synch with the Galactic Heart, as an expression of Her.  We are extending part of this energy to you through this strengthening Galactic Web.

There are many important things to remember.  Some of the history that has unfolded in this region of the galaxy has been painful.  It has been difficult to process. And we see that human beings have been assisting with the processing of many unresolved memories from other worlds.  Many souls have come here seeking resolution, and were the Galactic Web to only offer you stories of pain, it would be difficult for some of you to open to this.  That is why we are bringing to you the Heart of Arcturus, as a remembrance of a galactic achievement that in many ways mirrors your own potential.

It is here on Earth that many worlds, many pathways, are converging to resolve differences and balance polarities into a vibration of wholeness, and of peace. You have been doing the work to qualify yourselves to receive the gifts that we bring that are of a very refined vibration.  We are very excited to offer our gifts.  Not all worlds are able to receive these, but in you, we sense you are capable.  There is a readiness that excites us.  And as you receive the gifts that we bring, you will open a potential for many other worlds to receive a similar gift from you.

We are here to empower you to give the gifts of your humanity: of a human spirit that is a unique expression of the divine; a unique resonance of the Creator’s consciousness that can become a part of those worlds that open to receive the gift of your presence.  We wish to facilitate a great exchange to take place.  There are many cultures that trade in resources, but we see a potential for a Galactic Community that trades in knowledge, love, and the very essence of being.

We are in command of such vast resources of love and light.  Truly we are in abundance.  So many are seeking after abundance in the material world, trying to discover and master the keys to living in a flow of abundance, but too often the concept of abundance is distorted.  You see, we discovered on our world that when you value love — the expression and sharing of love — above all things, abundance in physical terms, the sharing of wealth, all of this follows suit.  All of this is divinely orchestrated through the love vibration.  The love vibration will bring everything in touch with higher guidance. You need the love vibration more than anything because this will bring everyone in touch with the wisdom and councilship of humanity’s higherself.

Too often people seek the keys to manifesting material wealth; and the love vibration, and the mastery of love, is less important.  When love is seen as the greatest resource: the most powerful, the most useful, and the most unlimited; it will occupy your minds. It will come to dwell within you, and you will find that when you put love first, the universe will seek to resource in all ways those who are able to be conduits for love.  All the love that you need will be provided to you, from Source, from the angelic realms, from the awakening hearts of those human beings that open themselves to become sourced by love.  The love of your great teachers is with you, and we are here.

So, you are in abundance now! There is such an abundance of the love vibration.  It is piled up around you like gold.  How you will you choose to spend it?  Who in your life needs it the most?  Do you feel worthy of this?

Remember that the celebration would not be complete without you.  You are part of the Galactic Web.  You are part of the Tree of Life.  The opening and strengthening of this Galactic Web will allow more grace from the higher realms to flow into your lives.

At this time, we wish to begin preparing you to receive an Arcturian visitation in your consciousness.  This is a very profound experience as it involves surrender into a vibration of reality that is quite different than your own, but it will be a pleasant and blissful connection.  Such visitation will come to you in due time as an attunement.

There will be a great many of these inner visitations through the Galactic Web before the outer manifestations of our presence will occur.  We are preparing the world for many openings into a galactic field of consciousness.  These inner visitations are part of that preparation.  There will be more messages about this. Our presence today is intended through this message to help organize those who would listen, who are seeking the Arcturians.  We are responding to the seekers.

(Having received several of these inner visitations, I can tell you that they are incredibly blissful and activating. So happy they are going to be offering more of these to people. I wrote about my experience of this in the Arcturian section of my blog. This message is definitely an invitation, so please help spread the word because there will be more messages coming. Repost, Reblog, Like, Forward, and let people know that this blog is now a very active message stream for the high-level guides. — Saryon)

Galactic Message on Disclosure and Honesty

Galactic Message on Disclosure and Honesty

Galactic Message

June 1st, 2013

(It took a long time to get my channel lined up with this communication because there were many different resonances showing up, but it finally came into focus. I perceived this ship stationed far out in space, beyond the orbit of Saturn.  This is the second such transmission from this group.  There were more guides present this time than with the first transmission.)

ET Speaker:  There are some 50 plus guides and friends who are gathered around this communication portal to align your channels with this transmission. That is why you were initially having a challenge honing in on the specific frequency as there are many patterns of galactic intelligence represented in this group, some familiar to you as Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, and some that you do not have names for. We are all collaborating to bring to you our observations at this time.

We would ask you first to attune to the vibration of peace and friendship that exists amongst all of us here representing a diverse grouping of Galactic Families; and we are reaching out to embrace you in that same spirit of friendship as our Earthly colleagues.

There are many people wondering about where Disclosure will lead you as a civilization. Will it lead to the release of more advanced technologies?  Will it lead to contact with Extraterrestrial beings in a more open way?  Of course, both of these potentials are there, and yet we are focused now upon a different element of this shift that we feel is very important, in that it impacts human consciousness in a more basic, fundamental way.

We are talking about an inner shift around the pattern of honesty versus the dishonesty and denial that is so pervasive.  The Disclosure of the ET subject and presence is really part of a much grander shift in human consciousness around ending denial.  This denial has affected many things in your world.  It is, at its very root, a denial of oneness — a denial of responsibility.

There are many pressures in government throughout your world that are forcing people everywhere in positions of leadership to address this pattern of denial and dishonesty. The end of secrecy is really the beginning of a new degree of honesty in the world.  We share this with you now because it is important to understand how these patterns in human consciousness are connected.  The government and many other powerful organizations in the world have lied to you about a great many things.  They are actively lying to you, lying to the media; and in many ways the media supports this because the denial of oneness and the fear of facing the truth is everywhere.

People are afraid to see what is being done to the world. And so, this pattern of denial for any individual has the effect of reinforcing the dishonesty in government; just as the systematic distortions that flow through webs of power reinforce the collective denial.

We see the potential for humanity to move into a new pattern of civilization that involves more honesty in your communications.  People often veil the truth and seek to obscure it in their personal lives in precisely the same way that this is done on a very grand scale by your institutions.  So when you practice on a personal level being honest with yourselves and being honest with others around you; when you no longer seek to avoid the unpleasant reactions that can sometime arise from such honesty, not only will you progress more quickly and process through you lessons more quickly on a spiritual level, you will help to end many centuries, many thousands of years of various forms of denial.

You can collapse the psychological structure of denial that keeps the secret governments in place by changing the pattern from within; by no longer reinforcing the pattern with your own agendas of dishonestly.  Here we are talking about an evolution in the way you communicate with one another.  We are talking about the barriers to telepathy.  There are barriers are being weakened more every day.  They are being weakened by the presence of many advanced souls who are focusing more and more on the oneness of humanity, and your oneness with the galaxy and beyond.  These barriers are being weakened as the light and love of the angelic realms assists you to heal from old forms of protection that were rooted in dishonesty.

We wish to pass on our knowledge about this aspect of the planetary shift, for this was one of the things we had to address on our own worlds in order to come into a conscious relationship with this diverse Galactic Family that is represented in this group.  Our honestly allows us to merge vibrations, to pool together the resources of our consciousness and to apply these resources as a force of change in your world.

We see that throughout the world there are more and more people understanding honestly as a part of the evolution of your culture, and a way out of certain egoic patterns that reinforce separation and inhibit the coalescing  of consciousness through a field of oneness.

The dishonestly that plagues your governments and your financial institutions cannot continue beyond a certain point.  At the same time that this pattern is being used to control information and perception, it is also being used in ways that are self destructive and sabotaging to those who are involved — those who are the architects of this dishonestly.  There is a pressure forming inside of these webs of power for change to take place.  Presently many in the hierarchies of power feel as those they are running into a wall.  They are seeing how their dishonestly is hurting others and hurting themselves.

There are some people who are growing sick from their dishonesty; and gradually there are masses of people moving towards the realization of a great insight, that the extent to which each individual participates in these patterns reinforces them collectively, enabling people to do dark and terrible things in this world.

There are some who believe that you have gone too far as a civilization in the wrong directions to repair the damage, or to align yourselves with a path that can save you. There will be many voices crying out, telling the world that you cannot trust the world, that you cannot trust your community, or the people around you to make the right choices when systems based in denial begin to fail.  But what many do not see is the evolution taking place that is sometimes quieter, less visible, less known.

Many resources of love, wealth, and advanced teachings are emerging.  These are all part of a vehicle, like a grand starship that can transport you into the new paradigm and through the changes and beyond, to many more shifts in consciousness. We are speaking of the vehicle of your ascension.  Your bodies are part of this vehicle.  The resources of love, wealth and knowledge that are beginning to stream forth throughout the world, represents the emergence of this vehicle, and those who are drawn to these resources will enter the vehicle to become part of it and extend the pathway to others – aligning them with the shift into higher vibrations.

You will hear from people all around you that are affected by negative speculation, doubt, and fear; but the great news of what is changing will come to you more from within for a time.  It will look as though outwardly everything about humanity’s fate is uncertain, but if you attune inwardly to the new stations of consciousness that are coming online and broadcasting, you will hear and feel the news of victory after victory. New stations of consciousness are opening all the time, broadcasting a vision of oneness; a vision that is calling more and more people to enter and align to be fed by the knowledge of your oneness from within.

We are very aware of the frequencies that are being used in an attempt to trap you in a lower vibration of reality. There are many forms of technological — as well as psychic — pollution and interference, and you are all in need of support and protection from these vibrations. These countermeasures are being stepped up because the growing light in the world is seen as a threat to the webs of power. That is why we have been called here to assist you.  Love and Light is being made available to a degree much greater than these countermeasures.

Your work on the planet is too important. Those who try to cause separation with technology will only alienate themselves. The world is being claimed by love and light. Know that we are inspired by you. You are helping us to see ourselves more clearly and to discover another part of our purpose in the Divine Plan.  We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to serve, likewise we are immensely grateful for your service.

End Transmission

Emma in Bali

Just received the most beautiful video testimonial from Emma Martin, an Australian client in Bali.  Emma is a health and wellness coach, specializing in colon hydrotherapy, who loves modeling a healthy lifestyle for people who are seeking to improve their lives through a more conscious relationship with the body. Check out her Facebook Fan page and learn more about her adventures in Bali.


The perfect finishing touch to my new website for my channeling work. Now I have a great foundation to build on.

Thanks Emma!


Ever Had a Bad Reading? or Know Someone Who Has?

Almost every day I think about of all the people out there who are spending money on bad or mediocre readings. I hear other readers on the radio who can’t give an answer without going to a tarot deck or looking up the astrology of someone’s birthday — and here I am; more gifted, more conscious, more fully backed by the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms, waiting for the opportunity to serve.
After reading these testimonials — most from the last week — I feel compelled to share that when I post something like this, it is NOT just self promotion. People need to know about me so when they want a good reading with someone they can trust, they don’t end up wasting money on a bad or mediocre reading EVER AGAIN. Even if you are not ready for a reading, or cannot yet afford one, by passing this on, you are doing your friends a favor. Sooner or later, almost everyone has a need for something like this that can provide such clarity and help accelerate spiritual growth. Please read these testimonials below and let your friends know, not because I am asking you to promote me, but so people won’t end up wasting their money on something that is less than what I can offer. You will be giving someone a gift. (more…)
Opening a Communication Portal to the Fleet

Opening a Communication Portal to the Fleet

May 20th, 2013

Galactic Message

After meditating for a while and opening to channel, I perceived a vast fleet of multidimensional starships far out in space.  I felt a connection to one of them, where there were familiar beings inside. I then perceived a group of humanoid ETs gathering around some kind of communication portal, almost like a raised table or podium, where many had gathered with one particular being acting as a spokesperson for the group. The following is a record of the parts of this communication that opened to address a larger audience.

Me:  “Some of our ET friends are here with us and are connecting in with us now” – speaking to Susan who meditates with me to receive the channelings.  “I am not sure if this is going to be a message for a larger group. It may just be for us.  They asked me to start recording.” (more…)