Exiting the Corporate World

For the last 8 months I had a unique opportunity to work in the corporate world, selling and implementing a pricey software package and providing tech support. The job involved getting to know people’s businesses inside and out, and I was a key player in landing deals worth tens of thousands of dollars.

For those of you that have followed me for a while, you might have noticed that I did not blog as much these last 8 months. And though I still did readings in the evenings and on weekends, it was not a primary focus. That is about to change.

Very recently, I had an encounter with the Master Jesus during which he showed me his memory of two disciples that came to him, hungry for GOD in a way that ungrounded them from their earthly responsibilities. Jesus admitted to me that he also had to get more grounded before he could begin his earthly ministry, and that there was a huge difference in the person he was before and after his grounding initiations.

These two disciples wanted Jesus to take them to GOD and complete their Source connection, but Jesus knew that what these two needed was some grounding work to get them back into there bodies; so he instructed them to get a job. He taught them that the way to GOD is service to others, and that when you are showing up for others, GOD will be behind you. This was a different way of looking at it for these two, but the work paid off.

My initiations over this last year and a half were also about becoming more grounded. Most recently, I was tested by the prospect of my employment coming to an end, which can be a very ungrounding experience, especially when you are providing for a family; but this test was matched by a feeling of GOD’s unconditional support. I found myself surrendering to the changes and moving into deeper and deeper trust in the divine.

For 8 months I had a unique opportunity to work in the business world; getting an education and grounding me through the constant necessity of meeting expectations that stretched me in a new direction. And though it was a momentarily frightening to see that source of income disappear, it became clear that I had passed a great spiritual test and was ready to move fully into my true vocation as a spiritual channel.

When I began the journey of this grounding initiation back in Oregon, I was instructed by the masters to get a job, any job. I took the only full time job I could find on the coast, working in a warehouse at Goodwill. After four months my family and I were able to move to Orange County to find a better opportunity and I took a job working as a furniture mover while reopening my practice of giving readings. After almost 6 months, I was grounded enough for the next opportunity, which ended up being the highest paying job I have ever had.

Last Thursday, May 2nd, I showed up to work and my boss handed me a check — my severance pay. Now I am free to do readings all day long, and the Masters have given this a green light.  My channel feels more aligned than ever, and I feel the quality of my work has gone to another level.

I am more excited than ever before to offer my service to people, and I can feel the light increasing inside me every day, all because I got grounded. This is truly a new beginning for me. I have come so far, healed so much, and grown wiser and more evolved. I feel nothing but gratitude for all these grounded tests, and I am exciting to work with all of the new people that Spirit will bring to me.


While walking around our neighborhood, Susan and I came across this glass piece over someone’s doorway, depicting Ganesha. I am quite certain that Ganesha removed the obstacle of my job so that I could expand in a new direction.  It feels like everything has come full circle since I wrote “Getting Grounded“, the second post on this blog after “God is My Elephant“.

I will be blogging much more often from here on so stay tuned.  It is going to get a lot more interesting.

The World That Might Have Been – part 5

The World That Might Have Been – part 5

Over the years of my channeling work, I have been graced with a number of visions that allowed me to see alternative versions of American history.  By comparison, our version of history is full of missed potentials that were shocking to learn about. I am sure we have all felt that things could have been better by now. Something feels wrong, like we have gotten off course, but where and when did we go out of phase with history’s higher potentials?

In the late 1700s, there were many historical potentials arising in human consciousness, and the angels were very active, seeding revelations into the minds of those who were aligned to receive them. Much of this seeding work centered around the community of Joseph Smith, who would become a founder of the Mormon Church.

Let me share with you something I learned about his character that I have never heard from anyone else. Joseph was the first person in modern history to understand the concept of spiritual resonance. This concept, which became part of his awareness, was like a lightbulb going off in human consciousness. It made his aura the most light-filled of any man in America at the time. It was part of a larger body of revelation that he was helping to bring through, but there were problems with this process that stifled its potential.

Both men and women received revelations that were part of a greater body of work that Joseph was helping to catalyze, but the male consciousness at the time held superiority over the feminine, minimizing their roles; and the women who received revelation did not feel empowered to speak or act on it without the unconditional support of the men. This lack of balance between the masculine and feminine energy in the community caused the male part of the revelation to become distorted, while the feminine part became veiled.

One day I will write a lot more concerning the details of what happened, but what is relevant here is the understanding that revelations begin as something more universal, all encompassing, and unconditional towards all life; but once they reach us in the physical, our human filters can interfere, especially when we try to put such divine revelations into a religious structure. The Mormon revelation, as I understand it now, was about something else entirely. Not the source of a new religion, but an opening that could have freed us from the religious structures of the past to enter a new age of spiritual awareness. This new spiritual awareness is still continuing to awaken in America, but it will no longer be tamed by any religious structures.

Had the Mormon revelation become what it was meant to be, it would have facilitated a more harmonious integration between the American/European settlers and the Native Americans. This, in turn, would have preserved native culture and led to a more balanced relationship with the environment.

When I moved forward into the alternative present of this America, I saw a society that was guided by certain social principals towards wealth and the environment that we are struggling to implement in our present. It was a less polluted, more abundant, safer America. Not necessarily a more Mormon America, as we define who Mormons are today, and yet the work of the early Mormons in this other America had a whole different meaning that was more interwoven in the the collective American identity.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation about our alternative history regarded the work of Nikola Tesla. His spirit came to visit me one night and he took me into the memory of his lab, which was deliberately destroyed by fire. Amazing inventions were lost, and the momentum of his work never fully recovered.

His soul explained to me that all of the right people were in place, with the right resources at their command to bring free energy to the world. We were on the verge of a whole new technological paradigm, but Tesla was the only one who could see the big picture of what they were there to create. It was like each of the people he showed me with his mind were part of a divine blueprint, and yet I could see in the thought-forms of these powerful men that all of them were attached to owning, controlling, or profiting from the technology, which inevitably limited our progress.

Tesla showed me with his own eyes once, in a channeled state of contact with this soul, an America that was not covered with telephone and electrical wires. It was like he was looking at the world through my eyes as I drove past telephone pole after telephone pole, saying “None of this was suppose to happen.”


I felt his pain as he shared the terrible feeling of the more advanced world that we were denied through greed; a world that extended from a pure place in his heart. Still, this potential is not lost. We are nearing the point when all of these alternative worlds will collide, and we will have the opportunity to choose once again.

The angels showed me how our atoms are made of probability fields, and that over the past so many years these probability fields have been increasing. The affect of these widening fields means greater unpredictability, and that the ripple effect of our choices is also widening. Everything we do matters. Every choice creates a resonance that others can align with.

This is one of the reasons I started tithing 10% of everything I make to charity. I don’t even think about it anymore. It happens automatically when I get paid. I believe in Gandhi’s message that we must be the change we wish to see in the world. I am certain that this insight is a key to unlocking our highest potential.

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The World That Might Have Been – part 4

The World That Might Have Been – part 4

Following the release of the Sirius movie, I had a vision that took me back in time to one of the original events of ET contact that triggered the paradigm of secrecy we have been living in. I witnessed the crash of an ET craft many decades ago and its discovery by the military. I do not know if this was the Roswell event, but it didn’t matter. It happened, and it had tremendous impact on our planet’s history.

Had this discovery been made by a different group of people it might have yielded a whole different version of history, but the reaction of the military minds that surrounded this event was fear-based. There were many shocking revelations that were terrifying to their world view. The military/intelligence leaders of today need to understand that the decisions that were made back then to conceal the truth were not made by the best of minds.

Assumptions were made that set history on a course with the present dilemma of ending a global paradigm of secrecy that has only reinforced humanity’s denial of the truth. In the world that might have been, humanity would have begun a process of self discovery that would have ultimately empowered us with knowledge that is sorely needed in the present. That knowledge has been gained by the few, but is limited in its affect because the basic truth that we are not alone is still being obscured by both secrecy and denial.

The original resonance of these terrifying revelations about ETs that happened back in the 40s is still vibrating in the land of America; still characterizing a drama that is unfolding behind the scenes. At present, the worlds of greater potential that might have been are more than echoes. They are pulsing into our present like cascading waves of light that can reveal to us the choices that we made as our other selves. We have entered into a powerful, multidimensional window of time when the resonance of these other versions of history are more linked together.

Through this event, we have the opportunity to undo the decisions that bind us to a lower vibration of reality. We can even release the resonance of fear from the land and be lightning rods for a whole new love based reality to ground.  The Sirius movie is helping to inspire a push for a reformation. It is a sign that we are moving in the right direction, and that we should all remain engaged and inspired by the potential for humanity’s transformation into a lasting age of peace. The world is ready for peace. It is only a minority that is seeking to hold us back.

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The World That Might Have Been – part 3

The World That Might Have Been – part 3

In a different version of our present, the culture of Atlantis is alive and well. All throughout this alternative world there exists a powerful energy grid that not only links together many resources of free energy, but also the consciousness of the people are united through a telepathic world wide web. The power that sources the Atlantean technologies is the same power that sources their steady acceleration of consciousness through the ages.

The Atlantean legacy was that it powered technology with the light of Source Itself. The universal energy that the Atlanteans had learned to tap was understood as a force of consciousness. It was understood that all forms of energy were alive with an intelligence that willingly moves into cocreation with the human realm when honored.

We tend to think that inventions like the incandescent light bulb were the work of clever inventors, but the Spirit of Electricity was working in Thomas Edison’s lab. The energy knows what elements and designs work best to channel its potential.  

A great many of the cultural innovations the Atlanteans developed are also part of our timeline, just as we are still working out the dark side of Atlantean greed and secrecy as our culture flirts with global disaster. What interests me about the influence of Atlantean culture is not how its past is echoing into our present, but how the alternative version of Atlantis that was not destroyed can impact the present reality.

There was once a great alliance between many families of consciousness in Atlantis, and this is what supported the human realm to gain and maintain access to Source’s energy. When all life is honored, Source empowers our role as stewards, but Source will not allow us to destroy the things that we have not learned to appropriately value. On our timeline, Atlantis was destroyed to protect the Earth. At least, that is one way to look at it.  We allowed it to destroy itself, and yet we knew that this was only one of many probable versions of Atlantean history.

In the alternative present of Atlantis, those same alliances between many families of consciousness still exist, and the resonance of those relationships could potentially bleed through into our version of history, carrying with them a knowledge of our potential that hovers around us in this “World That Might Have Been”.

Our scientists could potentially discover that matter is alive, and that there are elemental beings within matter that specialize in helping civilizations such as ours to design technologies that empower human freedom. Such beings are holding blueprints for humanity’s success as a sustainable, non-polluting civilization, but we must align with the right intentions to be able to meet them in our consciousness as cocreators.

This path of discovery with the consciousness of matter is already underway, but the most powerful way we can bridge ourselves into the knowledge of the other versions of history would be to engage a more conscious relationship with earth’s cetaceans. Their consciousness is a gateway into these other timelines. This is part of how I have come to know of the other timelines. In this case, I was able to travel out of body into the alternative present of Atlantis through the consciousness of the whales I am connected with.

The whales and dolphins were one of the families of consciousness that were once aligned with humanity in a global grid of collective psychic awareness. Even though a new psychic grid is forming through the Internet, and through the telepathic web of the incoming waves of psychic children, this grid is not complete without the other families of consciousness whose cooperation is being modeled in the other Atlantis.


I have foreseen a day when whaling and the slaughter of dolphins for their meat will end. I saw a day in which many activist groups were celebrating this achievement, which marked part of the shift in planetary consciousness; and I was aware that all of the whales and dolphins in the world knew what had happened. When this day comes, a part of the grid that we embodied on the other timeline will be restored, and a great healing will begin.

Right now, there are forces trying to disrupt our connection to this alternative world, because it holds so much potential. The pollution we put in the world’s oceans, including noise pollution, is like a barrier to the awareness I am describing, but this barrier was meant to be healed.

The worlds that might have been are still a part of us now. Even the most perfect and flawless  application of Christ’s teachings over the centuries is still calling us to align with the world that Jesus originally intended to create. The opportunity to enter that world is ever present as a potential inside all of us. We waver, at times, in and out of alignment with that world, but more and more we are being called to stand in the light and represent the truth that we are unconditionally loved by the Source of all power and life.

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Yekra Player

Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.


“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experience with the cover-up. Though he feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt, he comes upon an amazing find: a possible ancient E.T. skeleton, 6 inches long, is discovered in the Atacama desert. Dr. Greer, along with his team, backed by crowd funding supporters, travel to Europe to get a sample of bone fragment in order to have an IVY league university run genetic tests on the skeleton. What they find will completely change the reality of human existence.

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.