The World That Might Have Been – part 2

The World That Might Have Been – part 2

Before I talk about the America that might have been, or the Atlantis that might have been, there is more I want to say about the Islam that might have been. In the first article I shared a vision about what the spread of Islam would have looked like in a single ancient city if the movement had maintained its original resonance of oneness.

One day, after a period of intense inner reflection and truth searching in the presence of Archangel Gabriel, he showed me a full vision of the Islam that might have been.  I saw before me the whole of Eurasia, and I could feel the presence of the Muslims and their influence throughout the land. It was incredibly inspiring!  If Islam had reached its full potential it would have been a more unified and more fully realized companion to a diverse garden of faith; stabilizing the ancient world as it aligned with a future of peaceful cocreation.

When I saw what was originally intended, I understood the necessity of catalyzing global change through such a movement. There was no way to communicate to our ancient selves about many of the historical potentials that were planned; like the invention of computers and the Internet, but the seed of these things were part of the original movement of Islam. GOD worked backwards from the intended result, and gave us the first part of a progression of events that could help lead us to a Global Awakening.

In the vision I saw a great many more hospitals, universities, libraries, houses of wisdom, and a greater diversity of professions in the ancient world. These innovations spread further and faster in this alternative version of history, and the presence of the Muslims was more well received. Part of the divine intention of this movement can be understood through the effect that the Quranic verses had on the barriers that existed to the sharing of knowledge.

The Quran was a tool for spreading a language system that was intended to be a knowledge sharing platform between many cultures and many lands. It became a standardized system that was needed for preserving and spreading knowledge that had been, and was being, seeded in many places. One of the best examples of this legacy is the fact that the western world adopted the use of the Hindu/Arabic numeral system, an essential precursor to binary code.

While some parts of the plan were achieved, many others were stifled, both by resistance in the world, and by struggles for power from within the Muslim community. As I observed the vast holographic vision of what might have been, I tried to search for the points of greatest deviation; to see when and how they might have occurred.

The angels told me that they literally cried when Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols in 1258 AD. A massive part of humanity’s potential was destroyed with this one event. Much of the light of our future potential was extinguished from that region of the world, disrupting a fragile connection in the Iraq portal between our destined future and the versions of us in the past that were the best equipped at the time to help align humanity with the Great Awakening. This was not the first time this had happened in the portal of Iraq, just as it would not be the last.

But the light of the future that calls us is persistent, and the light continued to seed itself throughout the world. Even if Islam had fulfilled its highest potential in Eurasia, America would have still been the platform for the formation of a whole new human identity. In some ways, the potentials that were missed before have an opportunity to awaken again in America.

The stage has been set for many great historical potentials to converge and become fully realized. Perhaps having a window into what might have been can help us to see more clearly the world of light that is still seeking to emerge. Now is the time to ask ourselves, “What will our legacy be?”


The World That Might Have Been – part 1

The World That Might Have Been – part 1

One of the most fascinating things I have learned from the angels in the last few years is that there are many missed potentials in history that have continued to play out as alternative timelines.

At times it has been difficult to accept the world we live in versus that ones that might have been; but the lessons I have learned from these visions hold promise for the future. If we can understand what potentials we veered away from in our reality, and how they were stifled, we may have the opportunity to recapture them at the crucial point in history we have now reached.

Many of these visions centered around the religious movements that were seeded by the prophets. There were amazing historical potentials being catalyzed through them in their own times, but so many of these potentials were missed. Why?

In many cases there were nefarious forces, invisible to human beings, that sought to lead us astray, and it worked.  I know this to be true of the early Jewish, Christian and Muslim movements. Some of the truths concerning these distortions were shocking to my senses when I learned them, not because they were hard to understand and accept, but because I knew that so many religious people are way more attached than I was to the stories and beliefs that were handed down to us.

My mind was well prepared for the shifts when they came, but I could not imagine how some of this information would go over with people who have been taught to believe that a deception is the absolute truth. I am not going to go into what the deceptions are at this point, but I will tell you something about what might have been.

Only a couple of months ago, I was shown another vision from an alternative version of history. This vision centered around a small city somewhere in Eurasia, many hundreds of years ago. This was about the coming of Islam to this community.

I saw the spread of Islam as a spreading of oneness, which it primarily was in the beginning. In our version of history, the angels tell me that the resonance of oneness that was seeded through Muhammad’s ministry lasted for almost 300 years, though it immediately began to wane after he was gone. In the alternative version of history that I was witnessing, the movement of oneness had stayed strong.

I saw the coming of the Muslims to this community where there were both Jews and Christians, and many others. The Muslims came bringing the full strength of the inspiration in the Quran, and they opened the way for trade and organization on a level that was greater than the community had seen. They brought in architects and skilled builders, and they began to remake the community, building schools and a well organized marketplace that were a resource for all.

They honored both the Jews and the Christians as part of the same spiritual family, and not only did they build a beautiful mosque; they also built a beautiful Jewish temple, and a Christian Church. They did not place one above the other.  The mosque was larger only to accommodate the larger numbers of people coming there, but they ensured that those who practiced in the Jewish and Christian faith weren’t left behind with all the changes that occurred. The Muslims sought to preserve the cultures they found, and bring them into unity.

Over time, I saw everyone growing more prosperous together, and the knowledge and wealth of this city increased. At the end of the vision I saw Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all talking together in the common areas; having lively discussions and philosophical debates and sharing in each others endeavors.  There was peace, equality, and mutual respect for each other’s differences. The city had become a vision of diversity, tolerance, and intellectual freedom; an excellent symbol of what was originally intended by Muhammad and the revelation of potential that spoke through him.

This vision showed a version of humanity and history that would never have spawned Islamic terrorists, or Islamophobia. This was a humanity that was far better prepared for the new revelations that are coming. The truth is, there are distortions in the stories that were handed down to all three of these movements, and all of them were equally affected by them.

The Quran, for instance, tells that the Torah was corrupted, but it does not specify what was changed. This was by design. If the whole truth had been given to the Muslims, it would have led to many imbalances historically. Only now that the world can listen as one are we becoming ready for a big picture regarding the nature of the deceptions that have perpetrated themselves on the religious movements of the world.

These were all movements towards oneness, equality, and freedom of frequency. They were not perfect, but for each group of people that were visited by divine revelation, it was the next step. The world that might have been would have been far more prepared for the changes that are coming. In fact, the world is ill prepared for what is coming, but it is not too late to achieve the Dream of Peace.


Interview on Planetary Spirit

On the 21st of March, I had the honor of being a guest on the Planetary Spirit talk radio show with host Jeff Ferrannini.

Click here to go to his webpage where you can listen to the interview.

Just a side note: I have been working a lot lately and have not had as much time to write, but I do have many new articles planned that I am working on, so stay tuned.

I have lots to share through this site, but may not be writing as frequently until the summer.  I am still doing readings though, and I love channeling for people more than ever.

Many Blessings,


A Galactic Alliance

Last night on the inner plane, I found myself talking with a group of people about the extraterrestrial presence in the galaxy. There seemed to be an opening within this group to impart some information about the connection between Earth’s animals and the Galactic Community.

We had been communicating telepathically with a group of seals and sea lions near the ocean somewhere and they were telling us that our fishermen should practice releasing a portion of their catch instead of trying to net as many as they possibly could. They explained that the fish are their food source too, and that releasing a portion of the catch would insure that the schools could continue to repopulate, providing fish sustainably for both the human population and the ocean-dwelling animal population. By only thinking of ourselves, we are actually risking the sustainability for everyone.

At some point in our discussions, a man asked me about an alliance between myself and a group of ETs that are squid-like in nature. He apparently could feel this alliance in my presence and wanted to understand more of what he was sensing. I sometimes have a more vivid impression of such galactic associations while on the inner plane than I do when I am awake, and in the moment that the question was asked, I felt a connection with the Starship Commander of a specific ET ship. I could feel the vast presence of a benevolent squid-like ET, whose people were keenly interested in the outcome of human history. (more…)

Humanity’s First Galactic Mission

This morning, December 30th, 2012, I found myself thousands of years in the future, witnessing humanity’s arrival in another solar system where we had been guided to an emerging civilization. We had graduated from the greater constraints of physical reality and were less bound by time and space. We had become a singularity through surrender to the vehicle of our oneness, and that vehicle of love had translated into a unified body of light, through which we could travel the galaxy as beings of light.

The event I had been called to witness represented our first mission of pairing with an emerging world to act as midwives to their birth, in the same way that other ET cultures, like the Arcturians, are assisting us now. I watched as we moved into a position near one of the gas giants, where we could observe the planetary civilization without being detected. A state of wonder, compassion, and inspiration appeared to emanate from our collective body. Watching emerging cultures such as this was like the new reality TV.

The planet we were observing had attracted us due to its cries for help. It was an isolated world, not so near to the trade routes and well worn highways of the local galaxy. They did not appear to be bothered with the interference that we are currently dealing with from less spiritually evolved space-faring races that are interested in the planet’s resources. We immediately began to probe the hologram of this world with a discerning Eye, looking for evidence of previous contact and analyzing their current state of affairs while looking for signs of their oneness potential. (more…)