The Future of Global Warming

On Dec. 23, 2012, the morning before Christmas Eve, a window opened in my consciousness that linked me with the future and I found myself in the body of a man who was visiting a submerged group of islands.

I don’t know who this person was.  It could have been my own future self in this life, or that of a future life, but I was far more interested in exploring where we were. It was immediately apparent that I was seeing many decades into the future because the ocean levels had risen significantly.

The grouping of islands before me had been fairly well populated during the time when they were being gradually inundated with the rising ocean. There were several distinct city centers that had been gradually reinforced over time to protect from rising water.  The scene suggested a gradual evolution of these small cities over decades, rather than a more rapid change that would have caused the complete evacuation of the islands. I call them cities because some of the buildings were much taller than you would find in a small town but, in terms of population size and land area, they could be rightly be called towns. (more…)

The Geological Forces of Evolution

On the morning of October 14th, 2012, I became aware of something called the Super Continent. I was on the inner plane and my guides were showing me some kind of an energetic super structure that links the continental plates together. It was like a giant, more flexible, continental plate that all the others are connected to and resting upon. No doubt it is paralleled in the physical crust of the Earth by certain layers of matter (perhaps in the form of magma), and yet it is also made of conscious energy and a confluence of forces both physical and electromagnetic in nature.

So I was seeing something real and physical, but I was also seeing the hidden energetic dimensions of this structure as an extension of the beings who work within it and through it. This Super Continent is under the control of a very large collective of nonphysical, elemental beings, some as large as countries, who collaborate and coordinate to fulfill a divine plan.

What they were showing me had to do with Earth Changes, and specifically with the rising of the sea levels of the coming decades. I believe I have been shown that this will occur; however, the rate at which this will occur is being carefully managed by such conscious, elemental forces. If destruction, due to a rise in sea levels, happens too quickly, we will not achieve the degree of unity needed to solve certain crises as one. Apparently, there are minor adjustments that can be made through the Super Continent to influence how the volumes of water melting from the icecaps are being absorbed. (more…)

Local Trade Routes in the Galaxy

On the morning of October 12th, 2012, I was out-of-body, exploring the local trade routes that ETs use to travel back and forth between worlds. Having just read, “Life in the Universe”, by Marshall Summers, I wanted to continue my investigation of his material with a little soul traveling.

The book asserts that there are very well established trade routes and travel corridors that are used and controlled by the ET nations of the local galaxy, and that most of the advanced civilizations in our sector do not deviate much from these routes. To do so can be dangerous and disorienting, and most prefer to work within secure parameters that are well managed.

While out-of-body, I found myself connecting with the resonance of some of these trade routes and was able to follow the pathways with my consciousness. I sensed precisely what the book describes: that our solar system is in a hotspot area of the galaxy where there are many ET civilizations who are aware of each other; that we are near to a number of these trade routes which pass near our system; and that we are isolated from many parts of the Greater Community because of the way the space around us is controlled and managed by certain ET governments. (more…)

The Akashic Records

A reader asks: “Do you know anything about the Akashic Records and how one can view their own?”

First of all, thank you for this question. It is one I am more than happy to answer as I have had a lot of experience with reading the Akashic Records.

First of all, the term Akashic Records is an old one, referring to the sum total of all human experience and including all of the cosmic knowledge that has imprinted itself here.  Some channels have suggested that there are special places, like the Hall of Records buried in Egypt, that represent a physical location for where they can be accessed.  I have actually traveled into the Hall of Records in the out-of-body state and found holograph records there that can be accessed by direct, consciousness interface.  (You don’t have to be able to go out of body to connect with them though).


The Records of Another World

As I have gained more experience with surfing the web of our emerging new Galactic DNA, I have stumbled upon some fascinating information that is highly relevant to the challenges our world is facing.

On one occasion, I tapped into the holographic records of another world that fell to the influence of an alien civilization that succeeded in conquering that world and acquiring all of its resources.

It was like watching a speeded up holographic movie that contained all of the relevant information about the direction of that planet’s history. I could feel changes in the overall direction of history, missed potentials, the introduction of certain thought forms that influenced the civilization; and I could even feel the lives of certain significant people who were attempting to mount a resistance to this Intervention.

What I witnessed on this other world reveals frightening parallels to the warnings being given to us through the work of Marshall Vian Summers, and the Allies of Humanity briefing reports. It was like watching what could happen to our own world as if it had already occurred.

I saw an elusive alien presence that contacted this other planetary species at a time when they were vulnerable. The aliens hid their true intentions while enticing the civilization with the promise of solving a great mystery and gaining access to “ET knowledge” and “ET technology”. They kept people guessing outwardly with mesmerizing displays of light in the sky, while secretly contacting their governments to establish “diplomatic relations”.

They tempted these governments with the promise of advanced technology while gradually gaining a foothold to operate in the world on their own terms. They began to provide technological advancements that caused the civilization to become more and more adapted to the alien plan to convert the civilization into a pattern that served the alien agenda.

Throughout this vision I could see how the people were loosing themselves through giving power to alien technology. They were becoming possessed by it and were forgetting all of their natural potentials, including the technological potentials that had been in store for them through alignment with the Divine Plan.

Their creativity became stifled as the alien plans to create a frequency controlled society were accepted as some sort of solution to the problem of disunity. I watched as diversity of thinking waned and people were overtaken by the idea that a technologically facilitated unity was some sort of landmark achievement in their planet’s history. Little did they know, other worlds had been enslaved like this before.

Imagine if our world continued to become addicted to cell phones until everyone had one, and then a technology was introduced that allowed cellular technology to become wired directly into the brain so that you could surf the web and call people with your mind. Of course, we would be giving up a natural ability to become a psychic collective of our own, along with access to our emerging galactic DNA and the records of the whole galaxy and universe, but hey, at least we would be unified within a sort of video game-like reality that caused us to disassociate from the pain of physical existence.

Of course, we would never know the bliss of our physical existence either, but that is exactly why are are being contacted by these same kinds of ETs before we enter bliss. They are trying to head us off at the pass before we enter the field of our 5th dimensional existence.

If we never awaken enough to read the records of the galaxy, we will never see what they have done to other worlds before ours, which is why they want to distract us with technological potentials that seem to offer us a path towards an artificial unity that seems better than the state of war and turmoil we are currently experiencing. Nevermind that GOD is willing to give us the Gift of Peace unconditionally; the aliens hope to keep us distracted with disempowering ways of thinking just long enough mold the emerging collective consciousness into a perfect fit for the technologies they plan to introduce.

That is what I saw happen on this other world. The most shocking part of their history was the fact that messengers were sent to them by GOD to warn them, and they were ignored.

I watched as history zoomed in to the final group of messengers. There was one primary messenger, and many who had been sent to aid the new message, and yet they were all considered by Spirit as if they were one messenger because, as a group, they were stewarding a message for all.

The messenger group was trying desperately to wake people up to what was being lost and to alert people to the hidden agendas of the alien presence, but people were becoming lost quicker than the messenger group’s influence could counter. It was like watching a whole world choose to become a Borg collective, subservient to the alien collective that was controlling them, while the messengers stood and watched their world fall way.

I felt their incredible frustration and sadness. They became outcasts and were literally the last true people standing as the rest of their species became something very different. The whole civilization became enlisted in the goals of working for technological enhancements, trading the prized physical resources of their world for the newest feature to the technological system they had become dependent on.

It would be like the equivalent of trading gold for apps.  The apps don’t reveal anything new to us about our existence. They only provide more distraction while we are being raided for our planet’s gold.  The trick of the aliens was to convince their subjects to value apps more than the physical and biological resources of their world. These people became nothing more than technologically enhanced resource collectors, mining their planet for every last scrap of material valued by an ET economy they didn’t understand.

They built a technological prison for themselves, all the while thinking they were gaining freedom. In the end, when the aliens were done using them to mine their world for resources, they were left with nothing; a declining technological civilization with no ability to expand into space and no ability to sustain itself on the planet. The lucky were taken to be workers on other worlds, thinking that they had graduated to another level of existence.

Part of the reason I am writing this is because I have seen a probable timeline where the same thing happens to us here. These same plans are already underway, but this time the odds are stacked in our favor. Just as the inhabitants of the world I saw may have given themselves over to the aliens so that we would learn from their mistakes, we were meant to resist and endure beyond such challenges, defeating them so that others can find the strength to defeat them.

We are creating a new record for the galaxy, so that one day others who reach this same point of awakening will be able to read the records of how we defeated the alien collectives that were assaulting our world with frequency controlling technologies.

Resistance is not futile!