Arcturians in Our DNA

Before I complete the seven part “What is Awakening in Our DNA” series, there is an extension to this that I know all of you will find fascinating.

The whole galaxy is awakening in our DNA, but not just the consciousness of ET civilizations that are part of our galactic heritage. I mentioned this element in part four of the DNA series, but there is much more.

The New DNA is a container for the consciousness of the galaxy itself, and so it is able to reflect in a mirror-like fashion, the consciousness of any civilization that is part of the hologram.

One night I had an experience of traveling into the memory of the body to explore what the galactic level of this New DNA connected us with. I found myself traveling at enormous speed to another star system where I could see and feel the presence of many other planets.

Two of these planets had life and were developing civilizations of intelligent, humanoid beings. As I observed, I saw the records of these two world speed up to reveal a pattern of awakening that reveals part of our own potential.

I was not sure to what extent these two civilizations were related historically. They could have been colonized at the same time, or perhaps civilization on one planet colonized another. What was interesting was the moment of awakening.

I actually saw and felt one of these worlds awaken into oneness and, at that point, they made a commitment to unconditionally support their sister world to awakening into oneness. As the records of this solar system’s history accelerated I felt the second planet enter oneness and both began to explore the galaxy together as a singularity. They are the Arcturians!

What is significant about this witnessing is that the Arcturians discovered a part of their purpose through awakening the second world. If they had just awakened as one world and moved on they would not be who they are today. Realizing the plan to awaken the second world brought their purpose into focus, and they discovered something about their role in the galaxy through what happened.

Seeing through the experience of their own solar system how they could be midwives to the birth of another world gave them all a revelation. They decided that this is what they wanted to do for other worlds: help them awaken into oneness.

I have heard reports of people seeing two different kinds of Arcturians, the shorter ones and the taller ones. This is probably due to the key difference between the two Arcturian home worlds.

Gudrun Miller painted this picture of a male and female of the taller ones. She does the artwork for her husband David’s channeled books with the Arcturians. Probably the closest representation in film would be the beings in the movie Cocoon. The Arcturians glow with an inner light and radiance that is very warm and loving.

Gudrun also painted this image of one of the Arcturian Crystal Temples that resonates with me. I have definitely felt a connection to these temples during some of my contacts with the Arcturians.

The most exciting part about the vision was the knowing that our New DNA connects us to the records of other living worlds. We are going to be able to surf the web of the galaxy by just reflecting inwardly to read the records of our bodies. The New DNA connects us to everything!

Is it Highest Good?

Is it Highest Good?

I learned a long time ago to always ask if some potential I am considering is “Highest Good and Right Action.”  At first I just asked if something was in the highest good, and then I heard a friend add “Right Action” to his check-ins with guidance, and this made even more sense.

You see, the ego can justify all kinds of things as good, but if what you are considering doing is not in the highest good, then it is probably less than aligned with Divine Will.

Asking guidance whether or not something represents highest good and right action is a great way to check the ego and see if you are trying to justify something that doesn’t really serve you or others. Only wanting what serves the highest good becomes a way of clearing egoic influences. It is much easer to discern your guidance when you are able to ask this question sincerely, but you must also be willing to let go of whatever course of action the ego has become attached to.

Remember, the ego can find all kinds of reasons to justify something as good, so we must be really honest with ourselves if we are to find the discernment and clarity we need to tell the difference between a subtle egoic agenda and true guidance. The ego is great at disguising itself as guidance. You have to really want all of your egoic agenda’s to be unmasked, and then a great healing can take place.

Several years ago, my old friend Dr. Joshua David Stone paid me a visit on the inner plane and gave me a message from the Masters. He said that, “from here on out, it is very important that you always defer to the guidance of the Masters”. He was referring to the fact that the ego can become even more clever about maintaining its hold as you get closer to becoming free from its gravity.

The Masters need to see a constant commitment to remain in alignment with Divine Will before they will take you higher. When Jesus said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” — JOHN 14:6 (KJV) , he was not simply talking about having allegiance with the person, but rather, obedience to the Law of One that he embodied, which is the foundation of the Holy Spirit. In order to attain the One (and return to it), we must enter the oneness of the Holy Spirit, and in order to enter oneness, we must enter the Law of One in our consciousness.

The Law of One says that we are all One, and anything we do to another we do to ourselves. It is such a simple truth, and yet it takes constant work to see past our blindness of this one truth. This is all about becoming responsible for the ripple effect of our lives.

When something is not highest good, it is usually because someone will be affected in an adverse way. If not you, then someone connected to you. It is also really easy to become attached to the ideal version of an outcome, not realizing that this may not be what we are aligning ourselves with. What our hearts really want is to always find that optimum path where everything flows, and if we constantly seek the highest possible truth of our guidance, we will find that path; we just have to let go of attachment to what it may look like.

Obedience to Love

In my last post I talked about my obedience training, and how all of my resistances to surrender fully to Divine Will were being broken down. Words like “discipline” and “obedience” do not always connect with people when they think about ascension or the process of enlightenment. Perhaps it would would be more meaningful to talk about where love comes into the picture of obedience training.

When Jesus called people to love their enemies, he was calling them into alignment with a form of love that is universal. As many of the people who heard this continued to fall into the gravity of his heart, this message created a shift in their consciousness, opening the community container for love to include even those people that were feared and hated by the community.

This was a compelling message and, the love behind it was so powerful, it commanded obedience with the will to bring all of humanity into the love vibration. Jesus was commanded by Divine Will to love his enemies, and he was teaching by example when he inspired others to do the same.

Likewise, I find in my obedience training that I am being commanded to open my heart more and more to those who have wronged me in the past. I can feel that I am part of the way that Christ’s love wants to reach them. I think of the man who robbed me at gunpoint about 5 years ago.

Perhaps I met him so that I would remember him when my heart became merged in Christ so that Christ’s forgiveness and love would be aided to reach him even more through me. Perhaps my compassion for him is having a nonlocal effect.  I never held it against him, but I like to believe that the more my heart grows, the more love I can send to everyone that I have ever known.

For me, obeying Divine Will is the same as obeying Christ’s love. I am bound by the gravity of Christ’s example and must constantly focus on self improvement and self purification; a divine directive that was close to Prophet Muhammad’s heart.

Obedience to Divine Will means constantly recognizing every non-loving thought or expression and converting it or refining it into more loving and empowering patterns of thinking and behavior. This has to be done to reach the threshold of one’s transcendence into full alignment with the Christ Consciousness, and the refinement must also continue after.

I have had many visions of an all consuming flame of GOD’s love that is constantly stepping closer to humanity, as I take my own steps toward meeting and merging with it. I can feel the all consuming flame that seeks to purify the mind of all forms of duality, and the transformation I am experiencing through obedience to the Will of this Flame is happening very quickly.

I will try to describe more of this process as I experience it. We are all experiencing having our ego’s broken down and deconstructed as we surrender to the gravity of our divine selves. My hope in blogging about this process is that some might find in my writings a meaningful reflection of themselves.


Obedience to Divine Will

I am deep into my obedience training. As I understand it, this is usually one of the last hills to climb in the journey to the threshold of enlightenment. Letting go of attachments is pretty easy at this stage but becoming completely obedient to Divine Will is a bigger challenge.

The ego doesn’t want to give up control. It believes in an illusion that it needs control to make sure things happen its way, but this logic is flawed.

Pranananda gave me a dream the other night where he showed me what my life would look like if I became completely obedient to GOD. I was in a vehicle somewhere, racing through a city very quickly. I seemed to know exactly when to turn, hitting every green light; navigating with precognition to a destination that I could not see, and yet I knew it was exactly where I was meant to be.

The mind was completely out of the way and GOD was driving. It was a vision of effortlessness. Nothing interrupted the movement, and there was nothing but synchronicity along the way. I was free from fear, knowing that however GOD instructed me, it was for my own good and the good of all. I trusted in GOD completely.

Having this dream made me realize even more that, as long as I believe I need to be in control, I will block the manifestation of Divine Will. The ego sees Divine Will as something suspicious that might not always work out, but Divine Will is able to account for all of the factors that our egos cannot see.

On the other side of that shift into alignment I am sure it will seem silly looking back to have not wanted to be in complete obedience to Divine Will. So why, if being aligned with Divine Will is so beneficial, is it so difficult? I believe it is because Divine Will give us directives that don’t always fit into the linear thinking of our minds. Our plan is to turn right, but GOD is saying “TURN LEFT!” We ignore these inner signals because we think we know better. Our linear minds become fixated on our goals, blinded to the fact that we are about to run into an obstacle that GOD is trying to help us avoid.

For now, I am busy mapping out all of the ways I avoid living in the present or committing to where my presence is needed the most. Being obedient to Divine Will means many things. It means being totally present to your job, trusting that no matter how you might feel about the work or your coworkers, it is where you are meant to be until GOD opens the doorway for something else.

I remember thinking last year that I couldn’t wait to be done with the job I had at the time so I could move on to helping people with the readings I do. I had not yet relaunched my practice and was working to save money for my family’s move to California. Then, I realized that the people I worked with were the ones I was meant to help. I was meant to do the best I could and be present to everyone around me and not just dream of some future life.

Obedience means having integrity with money, not running away from responsibility and making good on our commitments. It means obeying the maintenance of our lives, our houses, our cars, our offices, our bills, and everything that requires our attention to remain in balance. Obedience means responding to the opportunity to love and be with those who need us.

In my case, it also means getting up between 4 and 5am to meditate for an hour or so. Spirit has been waking me up around that time each morning to meditate, and even though I can feel a little resistance still to getting up that early, I know that it serves me to ignore the resistance and just respond to the prompting of the Masters.

I keep seeing people showing up at work wearing shirts that say: OBEY. It’s a nice reminder. I was even woken up at 4:44am the other morning just to confirm that it really was Spirit that was starting to wake me up that early for meditation as part of my obedience training. The more I discipline myself through this training, the more effortless it becomes to surrender to any form of divine calling.

Whatever you are being asked to do, if it is something your ego resists doing, it is part of your obedience training. GOD is trying to break down your resistance so you can enter the path of grace and stay on it. Wherever your resistance is in life, you will inevitably attract an experience that shows you your resistance and gives you the opportunity to transform it. See these opportunities as a blessing. Don’t be afraid to get dirty (commentary on a recent job GOD picked for me that was very dusty).

I had a lifetime as a slave and was forced to work very hard. This made me resent having to work a manual labor job, and yet GOD picked several such jobs for me to help me transform my resistance. The truth is that being a slave helped me develop tremendous stamina, and the way my employers supported me in this life was a healing for the part of me that had felt dishonored as a slave. Now I see it all as a blessing in disguise. Doing physical work helps me stay grounded.

Unenlightened people will run from their resistance and yet encounter road blocks at every turn, forcing them to eventually turn around and face their fears. People who are on the path of enlightenment will find strength in the opportunity to transform their fears through each divine directive.  This is how I have found the greatest healing in life.

I am quite certain that if I keep following the promptings of Spirit without resistance, and always defer to the Masters for guidance about what is mine to do, I will get closer and closer to receiving a dispensation of love and light that will help to boost me across the threshold of enlightenment.

It is getting easier and easier to see my way out of the maze, knowing exactly where and when to turn. Being surrendered to Divine Will is like having perfect timing all the time.

I only know that I cannot give up. I must become more and more accountable and responsible for the example I set in each moment, and I believe that if I can fully enter the path of grace, it will make it even easier for others to do the same. I am committed, and I believe that it is only a matter of time before the ego takes its dying breath.

I am focusing more and more each day on conscious breathing, and the progress is amazing. I only want to breathe with GOD now. Just taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide is not enough. I will not be satisfied until I have re-trained my body and consciousness to breathe only in GOD.  This is why I must become obedient.  I know it would be far better for GOD to instruct my every breath than to allow the mind and body to be on automatic pilot. There is more love in GOD’s breath than in the unconscious breathing of being in survival mode.

More GOD please! I am not asleep any more!

How Do I Work With the Violet Flame?

One of my clients recently asked that I address the subject of the Violet Flame for the benefit of all. At this stage, I am welcoming all questions and writing prompts as I continue to develop this blog as a resource for people on the spiritual path.

Before I address how to work with the Violet Flame, it might be more relevant to address working with Saint Germain. Saint Germain was my primary guide for many years until he passed me over to Kuthumi for a time, before I was then passed to Pranananda. Saint Germain was also Pranananda’s teacher all the way up to his enlightenment, and he is still one of the main Ascended Masters I hear from. I call him my inner plane guru.

Many years ago, while conducting a workshop in Crestone, Colorado, Saint Germain appeared at the foot of my bed and began to give a transmission of the Violet Flame.  He had come to give everyone in the workshop, myself included, an attunement to the Violet Flame, and this appearance was his way of introducing what the theme of the day was to be.

Even though I had worked with the Violet Flame before by invoking it into my meditations, I got a stronger dose of it that weekend than ever before. It made the whole subject even more real for me.

What the Violet Flame does is to transmute old energies that no longer serve us; to cleanse them and spiritualize them, updating the old and bringing it into the new. Sometimes the Violet Flame can produce a healing release of old energies as they are burned up and transmuted back into unconditional love, however it is not simply a magic formula for healing.

It might be more accurate to say that the Violet Flame bridges the old and the new together in a way that facilitates healing. For instance, suppose we had an experience in childhood where we shut down emotionally as a response to some kind of energy that felt threatening or dishonoring and, we have experienced this kind of emotional shut down being triggered over and over again in our adulthood. Over time we begin to see passed this, developing wisdom and insight about what this was about as we reach for the experience of greater unconditional love — the love of the higher self or greater self.

The Violet Flame comes to us as a dispensation. It is not a way around doing the kind of meaningful resolution work that Saint Germain teaches us about. There is a reason why things happen to us that create unhealed or stuck energy. When we are willing to do our homework, the Violet Flame can do more for us, helping to bridge the gap when we are close enough to the transformation that our efforts are worthy of grace. It might seem to those who have experienced it like a magic formula for healing, but I promise you there was some form of worthy effort that came first. So if you are willing to change and evolve, the Violet Flame can accelerate the process.

The Violet Flame can also help us to realize the path to healing. Take the example I just described two paragraphs above. If you had not even realized the source of the unhealed energy, invoking the Violet Flame could actually bring you the awareness of what you need to forgive, accept, or let go of so that you can receive more healing from the Violet Flame.  It doesn’t just help a healing process to complete. It can reveal what needs to be healed and changed so we can take the right steps in our inner work so that we can receive more healing from the Violet Flame.

One thing that might give you hope if you feel you are struggling against certain patterns that seem difficult to change — we do not have to transform every bit of the patterns we took on to become clear of them. The weight of certain self-imposed limitations act as a catalyst to get us to muster the strength to change but, once we have become strong enough to begin moving our energy differently, the weight of our psychological limitations can be lifted off gracefully.

I can remember a time when I was working with Kuthumi on changing a certain pattern within myself and once I reached the moment of transformation, when my mind began to become more unconditional, Kuthumi lifted the remaining weight of the pattern off. It had felt like a dense, heavy mental energy, but I learned through this experience that I was not alone in shifting any of the patterns I was working through. It is really a team effort, and we mostly only need to reach a threshold to change our tune before grace can help us along by removing what we experienced as an obstacle before.

Most of these patterns we are working on healing are collective in nature and though these collective patterns may seem to have a resonance stronger than our own, it is really just a test for us to change our resonance. We don’t have to change the collective pattern, just the way we were relating to it.  Once we become unconditional to the pattern, we no longer need it to test us.

Also, many of us often get stuck in the resonance of consciousness our parents were in. As children, we felt a lack or disparity in their consciousness that we wanted to change. We sacrificed ourselves and our alignment with Source to meet them in their more emotionally shut down state, and then we became stuck trying to change something that we were not meant to change. The child in us might have reasoned that, if we could heal our parents, then they would have a greater capacity to love us and our families would feel more whole and more reflective of how we all feel in heaven; but there is a flaw in this form of child logic.

We heal the family by first healing ourselves, and we heal ourselves by first accepting everyone exactly as they are. We accept that no matter how unconditional our love was for our parents when we were little, it was not our job to heal them and so we cannot blame ourselves for failing to heal them. Most people are walking around in a maze of parental projections, projecting the unresolved feelings of childhood onto their partners, their bosses, their children, their finances, and even onto GOD. Finding your way out of this maze is part of the path to enlightenment.

My standards for what healing my family looked like were very high as a child, and it was not until I let go of this more as an adult that my angels were able to come in and explain to the child in me that, actually, I did bring some healing into the family, just not as much as I would have liked. I was not even able to hear that message before, because I held myself to a different standard, and for a long time I felt unresolved about failing to do something that was not really mine to do. Each person has to take responsibility for healing themselves, and then the role of each person in the drama can have the maximum impact.

The same goes with the Violet Flame. Like I said, it is a dispensation. We need to put forth some effort to heal ourselves by becoming more unconditional, making an effort to change. This is what warrants such a healing dispensation. When we have changed a certain percentage of a pattern, the rest can be gracefully burned up and transmuted. That is part of how the Violet Flame works.

Invoke it to help you see what needs to be healed.  Then focus on it as a source of healing energy that is helping you to change your resonance and release into it that which does not serve you any longer.  If you are not sure how to work with it, ask Saint Germain.  Knowing his name is as good as having his cell phone number.  He is always available to focus on you in a loving way to help you see the higher potential of your situation.

Most of the healing sessions I have done with people were done with the Violet Flame without me even asking for it or invoking it. Saint Germain just showed up with the Violet Flame and everything just flowed from there. So don’t think that you have to constantly invoke the Violet Flame to get it to come to you. This reinforces the idea that you are separate from it and that the Masters are not aware of what you need.

Working with the Violet Flame has more to do with making yourself available to something that is constantly there, wanting to flood in at every moment of opportunity created by your willingness to learn and grow and heal.

Two key points on working with the Violet Flame:

1) If you are going to work with the Violet Flame in meditation, make your focus Saint Germain. Invite Saint Germain into your meditation to work with you and focus on celebrating the gift of the Violet Flame healing energy for humanity. Don’t invoke Saint Germain like you are summoning something that is separate from you. Invite Saint Germain to your meditation like you would invite your best friend over for tea.

The energy of celebration is key because it connects with the higher vibrations of the emotional body that are aligned with healing energy. Focus on celebrating that there is this beautiful healing energy available and hold an intention to be dressed in it. Just as you put on your clothes in the morning, imagine putting on the Violet Flame like a meditation robe that links you with the energy of Saint Germain’s ashram on the inner plane.

The key is to hold an openness to receiving Saint Germain’s teachings, aid and support, to align you with the healing opportunities that will come to you through working with the Violet Flame. Saint Germain will help you to receive more of what the Violet Flame has to offer, but be prepared to receive instruction. When you show up in the inner plane ashrams of the Masters, ready to learn, they will take notice and come to instruct you. All you need to do is hold the intention of being willing to learn from them, and your spiritual form will appear within the ashrams on the inner plane.

2) There is actually a global dispensation from the Violet Flame taking place. The world is being bathed in this energy, and it is literally the energy of the new paradigm. Perhaps one of the best ways to align yourself with this energy is to become more of a conduit for others. The more you include others in your prayers, the more you will align yourself with heavenly aid. If you are just praying for your own healing, it is not as powerful a calling as when you pray for the healing of your family, or love ones, or the people in the area where you live.

Intend for more of this healing energy to reach everyone that you are connected to, and imagine sending it to others. This is a great way to work with the Violet Flame. Wherever you are, imagine that you were sent there to be an anchor for the Violet Flame and practice holding an intention for this energy to ground more fully and deeply through the whole surrounding area.  Visualize your neighborhood being bathed in the Violet Flame.

Working with the Violet Flame is not a process of just using it as you would imagine it being used. It is about learning how the Violet Flame wants to work with you. Cultivating a relationship with Saint Germain is a great way to move into this. He is the steward of the Violet Flame, and one of the primary teachers for the new age.

Visualizing it in your meditations can help the conscious mind begin to accept the presence of this energy, but the deeper connection comes through aligning your intentions with that of the Master. Choose to become a student of the Violet Flame and the keys to how to work with it will come to you through your training. 

The Violet Flame is helping to transmute the energy of the old paradigm to make room for the new paradigm. It follows that the same is true of the way your divine self is imprinting into your physical form. There are older versions of you that need to be repatterned until you are more aligned with what is coming in. The Violet Flame can bridge the old consciousness with the new that is coming in so that the transition is more graceful.

There is no one perfect method for “working with” the Violet Flame, but what we can always do is ask Saint Germain: what do we need to do next to repattern ourselves? As long as we are doing what is ours to do and not ignoring or avoiding any of life’s lessons, we will afford ourselves the maximum benefits of the Violet Flame and all of the healing dispensations of the Masters. Our efforts to self-improve will never go unnoticed.

It is also worth mentioning that you cannot just invoke the Violet Flame to “burn up” emotions that you are repressing. Often when we feel stuck energy in our mental or emotional body, it is due to repressed energy. In this case, working with the Violet Flame can help you to become aware of what is being repressed and why, so that it can be honored, processed, and released.  Trying to get the Masters to help you “get rid” of something or some part of you that needs to be felt and integrated with will only reinforce the separation inside of you that needs to be healed.

If you liked this article, please consider reposting it, and if you want more personal instruction for your spiritual practice, my readings come highly recommended. I often receive key guidance and instruction for aiding people to develop their spiritual practice. Sometimes these readings can take you in an exciting new direction, opening new doorways to spiritual growth.  I am here to serve.