What is Stream of Consciousness Writing?

Someone just asked me about stream of consciousness writing and I thought I would post the answer here. The question came about because this person expressed that they were having difficulty hearing the voices of their guides and I suggested not to get too hung up on trying to access guidance in this way.

I am clairaudient, though I did have to practice meditation and do psychologically clearing work to open and develop this ability. For those who have not had much experience with this ability (being able to hear psychically) people often have expectations of what this kind of “hearing” is like. Sometimes your expectations can get in the way of achieving a trance state, but fortunately, a trance state is not necessary for you to receive guidance.

I actually started the development of my channeling process more through writing, and it is a great place for anyone to start if you have not yet gotten a handle on achieving a trance state.

I recommend to everyone who wants to get to know their guides and how to channel them to buy a special notebook that represents the channeling space you are developing. The notebook becomes like a designated meeting space between your mind and the mind of your guides. It is a good idea to dedicate the notebook by writing something on the first page, like a statement of intentions about your desire to get to know your guides, or to find answers to life’s questions.

I can tell you that there were many times when I started writing “Dear Angels” and in the process of writing out my questions, concerns, dreams and wishes, somehow the letter ended up addressing the issues in ways that revealed that it was not just me writing. The guides were jumping into my stream of consciousness and imparting their commentary, and my mind just picked it up because the very act of writing in my special notebook represented a state of intimate contact with the guides.

I imagined that the notebook appeared in their reality, like they were reading the words I was writing as they appeared before them, or perhaps it is easier to imagine that they are just looking over your shoulder.

I remember once I wrote the name “Sananda” in big letters across the top of a page before writing a letter to Sananda, and at the bottom, I asked “Who is guiding me now?”; and then my eyes drifted to the top of the page and I saw how big I had been guided to write the letters of Sananda’s name. Sananda had done this with me, so that I had together we had answered the question that he knew I was going to ask at the bottom of the page.

Stream of consciousness writing is simply writing without the normal filters of needing it to make sense or knowing where it is going to go. You might start with an intention to connect with your guides, but you just let your mind go and start to write. I suggest looking within for a writing prompt. A writing prompt is a suggestion about what to write about. These are often used to generate writing exercises in education. In this case, your guides will give you the prompt and then off you go.

Start with the first subject that comes up in your mind and start writing out it. It could be totally fictional, or it could be processing about a memory or something that is up in your life presently. I often felt guided to draw little pictures, and later I found them to be highly symbolic. The consciousness of my guides would reflect in the images, giving me an attunement to how they think about their relationship to me and the journey I am on.

I filled many notebooks with letters to my guides and eventually I started channeling little paragraphs here and there in writing. These would happen spontaneously, and gradually the process underwent a shift.

This is a great way to develop your channel. Always have the notebook handy incase you get something that is meant to go in it. Record your dreams. Record wisdom quotes you come across that resonate with you. Write about the synchronicities of your life.

When you channel a piece of writing spontaneously for your notebook, it might feel like a breakthrough. Designating a notebook as a part of your channeling space solves some of the initial challenges people face when learning to channel through meditation and via trance state. Your filters are down. Your guides can just contact you when they see the opportunity, not when you are pressuring yourself to make the connection.

Your guides might notice you daydreaming, and your brainwaves get into a good alpha state; so they blast a message through and suddenly you feel the spark to write down some inspiring idea. Or, your guides might send you a sign in the physical world, or direct your attention to something that symbolically reflects a key they want to impart, and suddenly you feel the impulse to write about the synchronicity.

Before you know it, you are writing full-on channeled messages without even being in a trance state. You are writing in a state of inspiration, which is actually how most of the channeled material I produce comes through. Only so much of what I channel comes through in a trance state. There are many ways to channel, so there is no reason to expect that you have to do it the way some others do.

Look for the feeling of inspiration, because that is where your guide will go to meet with you. In the beginning, stream of consciousness writing might be what helps to open the doorway for more your guides to enter your creative process and interact with it, but as your channeling develops, stream of consciousness writing will be the result of the connections you are making with your guides. You will learn to control the process, hone it, and use it as a way to cocreate with your guides.  There are no limits.

And if you are having trouble getting a flow of words going, just start with channeling one. Ask your guides to give you a “word of the day”. You don’t even have to expect you will get what the word is in the moment you ask. Whatever it is, it will pop up during the day and you will know what word your guides are focused on. They will accentuate the presence of this one word, and many meanings will dance around it.

Even discerning a single key word from your guides can become a writing prompt that produces streams of though. And remember, your guides love you and love to cocreate with you. They will enjoy all of your efforts, taking whatever you bring to the table and working with it. All you need is patience, and your channeling will grow and develop into what your soul intends for it to be.

Channeling the Arcturians


The first time I channeled my Arcturian guide was in 2001, in a little German city called Munchengladbach. It was one of the first workshops I ever hosted and the channeling took me by surprise.

I was already accustomed to leading groups through guided meditations, but this time it felt different. An Arcturian ship appeared over the room and I felt my consciousness aligned with the Arcturians in meditation.

They brought an energy vortex into the center of the room and offered each person an etheric crystal that connected them into the energy of the Arcturian spiral of ascension. I felt these crystals going into our auric fields and it was a very powerful activation. We all felt a shift, and then my guide came through me and began to speak to people about the Arcturian energy.

I felt very blessed by this experience. They obviously wanted to show their support to those who were coming together to align with the ascension energy. One of the things I remembered the most clearly about the session was the comments the Arcturians made about the potential for humans to evolve our sense of smell.

Arcturians have very acute senses of smell. They can take in a lot of information through smell and it is also a source of great pleasure to them. Of course, their higher dimensional reality probably smells a lot better than ours, but still, they said that they would like to help us to evolve this aspect of our physicality.

Last year, I went to Sedona out-of-body to check up on the work the Arcturians are doing there and I was led to a deposit of blue stone that had been brought to our world from one of the Arcturian home worlds. The instant I touched one of these blue stones it was like leaping into a portal.

I found myself flying through the galaxy at incredible speed until I entered a portal and leaped right onto the planet where these blue stones came from. This is a perfect example of why such gifts are given to our world, to weave a web of consciousness between worlds that we can find within ourselves.

The Arcturians have brought many such gifts and continue to place them in key locations around the world, though Sedona is an excellent place to visit if you want to connect with the Arcturian energy.

I know there are a lot of people who would like to know how to channel the Arcturians, or who would like to make a connection to an Arcturian guide. I first learned about the Arcturians in a little book about Sedona and it suggested a brief meditation for contacting the Arcturians. I am quite certain that the signal I sent out was heard because I did begin to experience contact.

Thought I don’t remember the meditation, I can tell you quite simply that all you need to do is ask. Do a little meditation and send out a signal to the universe if you like, asking for a high level Arcturian guide to work with you on your ascension process.

Not everyone is destined to channel the Arcturian guides, but just signaling your readiness to explore the Arcturian energy will begin to open the doorway to this wonderful resource of galactic healing energy. They are very telepathic, humorous, loving, and friendly. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in touch with them at some point. The best way to make yourself available to that is to practice some form of meditation, though telepathic contact can happen whether you are in a meditative space or not.

That is one thing that I have noticed about the Arcturians. Channeling them is one thing, but they are very able to carry on a conversation with you telepathically without you being in a channeling space. I have had many spontaneous conversations with them. Sometimes just mentioning them to a friend prompted one of them to chime in on the conversation and offer a message telepathically.

There are several good books about the Arcturians as well that can help connect you to them. One is called “We, the Arcturians” by Norma Milanovich. My favorite Arcturian books though are by David K. Miller. Both David and Norma have been guests at my previous conferences in Colorado. David is a very psychologically clear channel and I have enjoyed his work. I hope those of you who want to learn more will look into his work.

Many Blessings,


Vision of the Islamic Antichrist (Dajjal)

I thought since I discussed a concept of the Devil in the last post, I would address the subject of the antichrist in this post.

Last year I had a vision of the Islamic antichrist, predicted by the Prophet Muhammad. He is to be the final human deceiver in the end times, according to Islamic eschatology. This was a fascinating vision that paralleled things written in Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian teachings about holographic inserts and fake religious dramas that will be perpetrated on humanity in the Middle Eastern portals. (more…)

The Devil Insight

I witnessed something incredible while out-of-body the other night.  At first I was on the inner plane, observing the physical world from an angel’s eye view.  Then, I noticed a lot of energetic movement taking place. There were illusions being created, popping up in some places and then being moved around to others.

I was perplexed. What was causing these scenes to appear and shift around. It was as if someone was staging these illusions for the sake of others, and then putting them into place to have a desired effect.

I began to track the manifestation of these illusions. They were vast, and the activity was global. Someone was creating a hall of mirrors for masses of people to walk through, distracting whole groups of people with similar inclinations. Then I came to the source. It was a being of some sort, playing a game of illusion. (more…)