The Examples

In one of my channelings this last year with my partner Susan, I heard the Masters referring to us as Examples, and they talked about “the Examples”, meaning those of us on the planet who had come to live the teachings of the Masters.

The fact that they referred to a whole global group of people as “the Examples” really struck me because it emphasized the very essence of what GOD intends for us to be.

More than anything, humanity needs good examples of how to be. We need to see mastery being demonstrated in many ways and many forms. The deepening of this realization made me even more focused on self examination of my example in every moment, and more dedicated to being the best example I could be. (more…)

Feeling Connected to GOD


Lately I have heard a number of people talk about feeling disconnected from Spirit for long periods of time and, a reader just asked about how to connect to GOD from within. Many of us have experienced periods of grace when we felt more connected to the heavens and yet these times do not seem to last. All of this brings to mind a number of my own trials that have borne some wisdom about this subject that I can relate here.

First of all, none of us have ever been truly disconnected from GOD. The GOD connection sources us whether we know it or not. What makes it challenging to perceive this GOD connection is that we have been living on a world where the light was turned down so that our species could, as requested, experience overly identifying with the field of matter, and with our bodies. Countless worlds have ascended from a denser vibration to a lighter one, but humanity decided to approach ascension from the densest vibration possible, and from a state of almost complete amnesia. Pretty radical idea if you ask me, but also likely to create transformation of a scale never before realized.   (more…)

Foundational Teachings


I realized the other day as I was sending out press releases for this blog that I did not have any kind of article stating the basic truths/potentials I am stewarding and teaching people about. For those coming to the site who are new to my work, this article will relate a basic framework for the underlying themes and messages.

Because of my abilities as a seer and out-of-body explorer, I often just write as an investigator and witness; sharing a rare, multidimensional and more well-rounded discernment about the unseen and unknown for the sake of other seekers who are formulating their own grasp of the Big Picture. Seeing the Big Picture has been my mission since I was a child, and I was blessed with investigative abilities that would make my exploration of historical importance.

As far as original teachings go, I can say a few things here that will introduce my work more completely, though I am quite aware that the greater part of it is waiting for the audience to be more fully assembled. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but it gives you a very good idea of who I am. (more…)

Regenesis! — A Message From Our Future Selves


This morning I traveled out-of-body and into the future by more than a decade. Could have been as many as two decades but I wasn’t sure. What stood out during this experience is that I was able to talk to people about the planetary shift and learn some thing about it from their memories.

Secrecy was gone. A new age of space exploration had begun. There was peace in the world and a unity consciousness that was continuing to nurture everyone’s spiritual growth, but the most exciting part of all was what they said about the environment.

Our future selves were describing to me how the energy of GOD had entered the world and healed the environment. There had been some kind of miraculous restoration of the environment that defied scientific explanation.

I have been aware of this potential for some time but this was an amazing confirmation. What this means is that we do not have to fear that we will destroy the Earth, or the Earth’s capacity to support a large population of humans. There will be a divine intervention. What this does not mean is that we can just keep polluting and destroying right up until this intervention occurs. My sense is that the intervention did not happen because we forced it by being stubborn and continuing on a path of destruction.

The intervention began as a series of trials that brought us out of the old paradigm consciousness that pollutes. The miraculous healing of the Earth came as we passed those trials and became worthy.  In other words, we still have to make an effort to change, and we must be prepared for the inevitable great waves of change that will soon wash over our world.

The changes could be catalyzed in many ways and I have definitely seen the potential that the sun could play a role. In one of my visions, a solar flare knocks out all of the electricity on the planet for weeks. It doesn’t have to happen this way, but it is one scenario being considered to help wake everyone up.

I felt incredibly inspired after having this trip to the future. There are a lot of people writing about where we are at and what the future holds and it all sounds more bleak when you don’t have GOD in the equation. I have always been able to see and trust that GOD is in control of this process, and so I worry less and have less fear about what is unfolding.

Yes, there is a climate change happening, and we will experience many devastating effects from this change before a new paradigm is born, but don’t buy into the fear that the climate change is going to destroy us and that there is nothing we can do. We will remain intact as a civilization through the shift and everything we do to affect change is important. The real climate change is that we are shifting from a climate of fear and duality to a climate of oneness and unity.

Contact With the Arcturians

I was lying down to go to sleep one night when an intense vibration entered my body and consciousness. It was unmistakably a form of ET contact. I knew this not only from previous experience but, the source of the energy showed me an image of two of my friends who have had a lot of ET contact. I saw a very brief sort of memory/movie where I saw my friends experiencing the same frequency, knowing that contact was about to occur.

Because I did not know who was contacting me at first, I panicked and broke off the connection. I bolted out of bed and went to my living room to meditate and see if I could discern who this was. The fact that the contact was not being forced was the first sign that it was OK to relax and trust. If this was a truly invasive form of contact they would not have backed off to allow me to adjust to what was being offered. My soul had already agreed, but I needed to get the conscious mind to go along with it. (more…)