Meeting My Arcturian Guide

Before I share any more Arcturian updates, I thought I would post a few entries about how I came to be connected with the Arcturians.

When I first met my Arcturian spiritual guide I was out-of-body. I had been drawn into a meeting space somewhere on the inner plane where there were many other lightworkers. Then, a woman tapped me on the shoulder and said there was an Extraterrestrial being that wanted to meet me. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (6 of 7): The Twelve in One

What is Awakening in Our DNA (6 of 7): The Twelve in One

The Revelation of Oneness would be incomplete without the teachings of Jesus that were sealed until the time of humanity’s awakening. There were many pieces of the puzzle that could not be presented openly because we would not have understood and, it would have distracted people from the parts of Jesus’ teachings that were more relevant to the times leading up to the quantum shift that is now underway.

All of the revelations given to us by humanity’s great prophets and teachers were incomplete, and in many cases there was a sealed portion of these revelations that has been waiting to come forth at the right time, when the great diversity of humanity would be able to receive these keys as a global audience of equals. (more…)

Loving Our Human Needs

So many of us learned to deny our basic human needs when we were little, thinking we were making things easier on others or sparing ourselves from feelings of shame, guilt or embarrassment. For some this began before we could even talk.

Our diaper needed changing and this was treated as something disgusting. Our cries for love and attention were treated as an annoyance, or our need for food was treated as a burden. And how many of us suffered through the projections of poverty that came from our family as our needs were treated as a drain on the family’s resources?

Some parents even reduced our importance and the importance of our needs in their own minds to make themselves feel less guilt for not being able to manifest more money. There are all kinds of ways that our basic needs and feelings may have been resented as we were growing up and this was very taxing on our morale.

A child can only handle so much resentment and poverty projection before the disparity of the adult world starts to sink in. We start to resent our own needs because of how they make others feel and because of the backlash that projects onto us. Better to not have needs at all than to be resented, right? (more…)

In the Name of . . .

Some people are turned off by the very mention of Jesus or GOD, in the same way that people can be turned off by mention of Allah or Islam. People may have good reasons for such aversions, but  in the interest of oneness it is meaningful to look at how the code of the names themselves can remind us of greater unity.

I always write the word, GOD, in all caps because the word contains a circle in the middle. The circle is a sacred symbol of perfect unity. In 1995, I had a mystical experience during which I saw the circle as the most perfect expression of love in form. I felt the circle in my heart as a form of universal resonance that connected me to the very heart and Source of everything. To me, the circle in the word, GOD, reflects a message of unity with All That Is. (more…)

Encounter with Yogananda and Sri Yukteswar

Encounter with Yogananda and Sri Yukteswar


This morning I had an amazing encounter on the inner plane with both Yogananda and his Master, Sri Yuketswar. I had found this image of both of them just the day before (Sri Yukteswar on the left and Yogananda on the right).

My journey on the inner plane began with a telepathic conversation with Pranananda. I had been interested in knowing more about his activity and service work on the inner plane at night and he invited me telepathically to come and see.

I found myself out-of-body, observing Pranananda’s activity on the inner plane. He showed me that he sends beams of love to different populations to test the waters and see if there is a good response. If there is enough receptivity and excitement about receiving more love he will plan an appearance from the inner plane to share a greater transmission of his love with the community. (more…)