Is the Galactic Federation of Light Fake?

That is what one of my subscribers on YouTube recently asked.  I thought I would share my response to the question below pertaining to the “Final Exam” video.

“To your knowledge is The Galactic Federation of Light fake? Are they the bad aliens? Their videos are everywhere in YouTube. Can you share more information?”


I actually watched the whole video and found it quite fascinating. First of all, after all my years of traveling out-of-body, channeling, experiencing and even facilitating ET contact, I feel I have become somewhat of an expert in this area.  Having developed many associations with various friends and guides who are part of the advanced ET groups visiting Earth, and also having experienced many levels of interference from ETs that I learned to protect myself from, I have experienced the full spectrum of what we are dealing with.

I have also witnessed some of the darkest and most devious forms of the ET presence undergo radical transformation through their participation in the karmic planes of Earth, so I don’t view fear-based ETs as a threat but, rather, a reflection of ourselves that we have drawn to us for a process of mutual healing and resolution.  I also recognize that we must also be very careful and vigilant about maintaining boundaries with the ET’s showing up, even seemly positive ones, because even so-called benevolent ETs can have agendas that do not serve the highest good. They are all learning, just as we are, from the Creator’s plan. (more…)

Reawakening the Ancient Mystery Schools

For those of you who have stumbled onto my conference recordings related to the Egyptian Mystery School, I thought I would share a little more about my knowledge of this subject and how this knowledge came to me.

One of the earliest past life memories I had connected me with an incarnation that lived in Ancient Egypt, just after the fall of Atlantis. This incarnation was a keeper of records and a steward of knowledge from the lost civilization and was involved in planning future incarnations of the Mystery School. I knew through this vision that there was a wealth of soul knowledge that would one day returned to me from Egypt. (more…)

Egyptian Initiations – The Death of the Ego – conference recording

This is the third presentation I did via conference call about the Egyptian Mystery School.  I talk about how the Death Initiation in the Mystery School prepared us for the death of the ego in our present incarnations; an important aspect of the ascension process.  The presentation starts less than a minute in and there is a discussion after.

Many of us have experienced death initiations, whether it was in Egypt or with the Mayans, or some other experience that was designed to prepare us for a deeper surrender to GOD in the physical. In this call I share a little of my own experience with this.  Hope you enjoy, and feel free to share questions or comments.

Click Here to Listen

Third Eye Clearing/Activation

This is the second in a series of conference calls I am hosting about clearing the conditions of separation and duality we took on at the end of the Egyptian Mystery School. This call focuses on the clearing and activation of the Third Eye.  It begins with a message I channeled from Archangel Metatron years ago about the Third Eye and explores what happened at the end of the Mystery School as our ability to access the Third Eye was diminishing.

Third Eye Clearing/Activation – conference call recording

The main presentation is a little more than an hour long and there is some sharing afterwards.


Egyptian Clearing Meditation

With this link you can download the MP3 of the first conference call I was inspired to host last Friday/Saturday. The presentation starts about 4 minutes in.

Egyptian Clearing Meditation  (conference recording)

In this call, I share some of the things I remember about the downfall of the Egyptian Mystery School and the clearing process we are in to restore the resource of galactic healing energy we came together to birth through Egypt. This is primarily a meditation/clearing activation. My partner Susan and I listened to it again the next day and both felt an even deeper clearing.

The main presentation/meditation is about an hour long, and there are about 20 minutes or so of conversation after. There are some long pauses in the second half, but if you are in the zone by then, you won’t mind.