Susan’s Journey With Spiritual Healer Michael White

Susan talks about how we met and began to connect through the readings I offer.  She was my very first client when I started doing phone sessions in 2006.  Little did we know of the profound journey we had begun, though it is clear to me now that Spirit wanted me to have a spiritual partner when it was time for me to begin my public work. She has supported my work unconditionally from day one and has been the spiritual editor for all my channeled writings. Now she wants to share about her experience of me as a way to promote my readings.


Susan’s Testimonial of Michael’s Spiritual Readings and Energy Work

My partner Susan offers her take on the spiritual readings and healing sessions that I do over the phone.  This is an excellent indepth description my work from someone who has been on the path a long time and knows what a good spiritual reading is.  I feel blessed and honored to have such a beautiful spiritual partner who shares being on a spiritual path with me.


Dreams and the Out-of-Body State

The third in a series of videos about out-of-body exploration.  This will cover the connection between dreams and how we interface with the inner plane during the dream state.  If you are interested in going out-of-body this will help you to discover more of the makeup of your own consciousness.


Readings by a California Spiritual Healer

Most of the readings I have been doing are for people overseas, so I made this video about my work so that people in California would be able to find me.  I talk about what it means to me to be a spiritual healer and the type of spiritual healing work I do.


Free Classes for Out-of-Body Travel

How to connect with the inner plane schools of self mastery to begin your training with out-of-body exploration and working with spiritual guides. Out-of-Body Exploration is the new frontier and I invite all of you to come join the evolution of human consciousness.
