My First Out of Body Experience

The story of my first Out-of-Body Experience and how I began to explore the out-of-body state. My first connection with a spiritual guide in the out-of-body state and the synchronicities that unfolded.


2012 Spiritual Discernment: More About the Four Shifts

Spiritual discernment about the year 2012; what the Mayans think about our interpretation of their predictions; and more information about the four global shifts in consciousness that will occur over the centuries. Mention of the awakening of our telepathic abilities and the education system that will be inspired from this awakening.


Discerning Humanity’s Potential: A Video Response

My video response to a comment posted about “2012 Spiritual Discernment: Future Lives on the Ascension Timeline”. I tell a brief story about leaping into the body of my future self in the year 2063 to witness aspects of humanity’s future; including the future of galactic contact. Also, some info about the process of integrating with light and the lightbody/ascension process.
