A Four-Fold Increase in Intuition

Last year, I channeled an exciting piece of information about intuition that has been proving itself true ever since.  My guides told me that, in the coming years, humanity will experience a four-fold increase in our intuitive abilities.  For people who are not very intuitive, they will begin to discover their intuitive side.  For those of us who are aware of our intuitive potential, we will get a major upgrade!

The guides didn’t say how long it will take for this increase to occur but my sense is that, starting in 2012, we will notice a change from year to year.  It may take the rest of the decade for this global process to unfold, but for some of us it is happening faster than for others.  Choosing this potential consciously will quicken the effect of the shift.  I have already begun to notice a difference this year.  Have you?

So what will this increase in intuition be like?  Imagine you are in your car and you are at a stoplight.  Your linear mind is telling you that you are going to turn right to go to the grocery store to get something to prepare for dinner, but intuition takes over and you find yourself turning left.  “Where are you taking me?” the linear mind says to the intuitive side of the brain, and suddenly you have an awareness that you are meant to go to a friend’s house. (more…)

The Venus Transit and the Arcturians

A Shift into Greater Harmony

On June 6th of this year we will experience the second of a pair of Venus Transits (when Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun); likely the last one we will witness in this lifetime for those of us alive today.

I remember the first of the pair in 2004 very vividly.  I shifted out-of-body to get an angel’s eye view of how this astrological event was affecting the planet and I witnessed incoming waves of Venus energy at work on the mass consciousness.  There was an infusion of love and harmony that connected me with the incoming waves of creative energy that were pouring into our planet during the 1960s.  It felt like Venus was reawakening a creative matrix that was seeded back then, but which was seeking to rebirth in a more refined form.

The energy of Venus accentuates awareness of love and beauty; however, with this Venus Transit there is an added kick to what we are receiving.  We are more ready now to assimilate what Venus has to offer, and this particular astrological event has attracted the attention of many highly evolved multidimensional beings that are able to work with humanity through the resonance of such astrological alignments. (more…)

Become a Child Prodigy

. . . in your next life.

My angelic guides recently told me about a shift that has taken place in humanity’s multidimensional memory.  They said that, going forward, the skills and abilities that we develop in this life will come back to us more quickly and more fully realized in the next life.  In the past, there was far less bleed-through, except in rare cases.  Now all that has changed. (more…)