Lightening the Burden of Regrets

“Oh no!  He’s dwelling on his regrets again.”

How many times must my angelic guides have said that about me?  For them, it is like when our computers get hung up and all you see is the little spinning wheel or the hourglass turning over.  We are unreachable to our guides when we dwell on our regrets because our brainwaves do not match with the focus of loving acceptance they hold with us.  We are tuned to a different frequency, and they must wait until we become more present and receptive.

It is for this reason that the angelic realms are reaching out through this article to help lighten the burden of regrets.  We are entering a time of increasing contact with the angelic realms and this can be enhanced when our channels are more psychologically clear.  Let us assume, for the sake of this process, that all regrets can be transformed into self-love.  Every person that has ever attained enlightenment has transformed regrets into self-love, and so can we.  Know then, that a vast association of enlightened masters is also with you on this journey, offering you grace. (more…)

My Training as a Channel

This morning (April 10th, 2012), a visitation with the Ascended Master Saint Germain inspired me to blog about my training as a channel.  It is a fascinating story, but one I have never told publicly.  This is my lengthiest post to date, but for those of you interested in channeling I have tried to write something that will be of value to you.

As a teenager I loved the library.  I learned more from my trips to the library than I did in most of my public education.  I had long held an interest in unexplained phenomena like UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, and paranormal activity.  Eventually, at the age of 16, I came across a book about how to connect with spiritual guides.  It was not a very good book, but it did prompt me to attempt achieving a trance state for the first time.

I had a couple of experiences of feeling a tone or vibration in my head very briefly, which was startling and exciting at the same time. Without better information, I was uncertain about whether or not I wanted to continue with such experimentation.  Then, a breakthrough.

At age 17, (in 1993) I read “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer (I still recommend this book).  This was the first truly spiritual book I had ever read, and certainly the first book co-written by nonphysical guides.  I was hooked.  I knew that I had found my calling.  While reading the book, I felt touched by an awareness that connected me to my future and I knew that I was destined to be a channel.

I had always known that I wanted to be a writer, but now I knew I was going to be working with high level spiritual guides to bring new information onto the planet.  I was very excited about this discovery. It was like finding out that you had been accepted to a great college and knowing you would be able to get the training needed to become successful doing something that you love.  I felt like I had just gotten my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. (more…)

A Visitation From Yogananda

A Visitation From Yogananda

Last August I visited Encinitas for the first time to receive Darshan from Pranananda. Darshan is a spiritual blessing from a self-realized master.  I have been blessed to receive Darshan from a number of male and female Masters and I cannot deny that this has helped to accelerate my spiritual growth.

On this occasion I had fasted for two days leading up to the Darshan event in Encinitas which, as many of you know, was once the home of Paramahansa Yogananda.  My Darshan experience was very personal, but the events of the next morning I will share as they contain some insights relevant to anyone on a spiritual path. (more…)

Rising Above the Frequency of Fear

In the Arcturian Update I posted last November, I spoke of the increasing use of frequency control in our cities and how the Arcturians were countering it by increasing their transmissions of galactic love and light to our planet.  On the very first evening of my family’s stay in Orange County we had a shocking experience with these mind control technologies.

Almost as soon as we arrived in our new home we experienced a sudden breakdown of emotional harmony.  Everyone’s attachments came up to things being a certain way.  There was an unsettling mood that seemed to sour our arrival and we went to sleep that night feeling confused about why we were arguing when we should have been happy with our new surroundings.

That night I became aware that we had all been dosed with a frequency of fear and chaos that was coming from somewhere in the city.  I honed in on it psychically and discovered some kind of a transmitter that was beaming out this frequency.  It appeared to be on top of a building somewhere. I could not tell if we had been targeted specifically or if we were encountering the general effects of this frequency. (more…)

We Made It!!!

After four long months of working at Goodwill, GOD began removing the obstacles to my family’s relocation.  When I wrote, Getting Grounded, I was just beginning to face that I would need to work a minimum wage job for a while in order to make the move happen. Thankfully, I am on the other side of that test.

I had to laugh about the whole ordeal in hindsight.  I had literally grabbed the first full time job that came up in Lincoln City, Oregon at the time.  Uncertain about whether this was the right move, I drove off to the interview and witnessed a beautiful double rainbow that seemed to end right near the location of the store.  I also could not help noticing that the word “Goodwill” contains GOD WILL.  Along the way, I healed a lot of my resistance to surrendering to GOD’s will in the physical. (more…)