Changing the Resonance of Humanity

Has the revolution begun?  That remains to be seen; but there is a resonance of change moving through the world that cannot be stopped.  We have already seen it take many forms: from the Arab Spring to the Occupy Movement.

Even the election of Barack Obama represented a change in the resonance of humanity.  Many of us recall how a spirit of unity took hold and inspired the world as America elected a symbol of racial equality, but the lesson we are learning is that we cannot expect the change we are seeking to come from inside the system.  We cannot simply elect change because our elected leaders are prisoners of the same system of control.

The key to understanding the paradigm shift is that it has already occurred in the future.  This is why we must never abandon hope.  There are waves of change echoing backward in time from a future of oneness and equality through a process called: Reverse Causation.  Reverse Causation is when the future has a causal effect on the timeline leading up to it. (more…)

Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street?

Absolutely! — and so would Moses and Muhammad.

A friend recently asked me to comment on the Occupy Wall Street movement, so I tuned in psychically to check it out.  What I felt (in New York at least) was a congregation of protesters longing for community and seeking to step outside the old paradigm structures that get in the way.  The desire for a more heart-centered approach to how we resource humanity is a common ideal, though I did not discern the extent to which this is being articulated in the conversation on the ground.

There is an undercurrent of change moving through many of these protests that is not new but, rather, something ancient that we are only now beginning to align with.  When Jesus drove the money changers and traders out of the temple in Jerusalem he was sowing the seeds of a revolution that is just beginning to arise. (more…)

“What Happens After We Die?”

A friend of mine who is going through a bit of an existential crisis recently asked me this question.  I could easily fill a book with what I have learned about this subject but I will try to make this short and sweet.

When I first started having out-of-body experiences there were many times when I found myself floating above my sleeping body — back before I learned to just rocket off to the inner plane.

I quickly learned that the physical body is merely the container for a second body made of  light and pure consciousness — that part of us that animates the physical body.  Even the second body, or incarnated personality, is just one incarnation of many thoughtform/expressions of the soul, which is a much vaster aspect of who we are. (more…)

Keys for Contact

In the last post I stated that I was not expecting a major opening of galactic contact for another 3 to 5 years.  We will likely see 2012, 2013, and even 2014 go by without the kind of global, paradigm shifting visual show of the ET presence that some are predicting. There will, however, continue to be a crescendo of awakening that will build towards a more global opening to ET contact, and this will prompt more people to form an assault on the official secrecy of the ET subject.

There may be high level forms of group contact that will take place in this window – bursting open part of the bubble of denial – but not the sort of events that will flood the whole world with truth.  I promise you, the flood of truth is coming, but such events can be like a mirage.  The ripple effects of future mass contact events are echoing backward in time, but they may be further away than they appear.

One key to remember is that the Arcturians, and many others involved in the program of contact, are not interested in enabling humanity to be distracted by outer appearances. The Arcturians will usually only appear visually to those who have made the connection with them inwardly, and who are able to meet them as equals. (more…)

Arcturian Update

More than 10 years ago, the Arcturians introduced themselves to me during an out-of-body experience by taking me to see one of their projects. I was shown an impressive Earth healing project that involved laying down a gridwork of crystals around the portals in Sedona, Arizona. These crystals are too high in vibration to be perceived by our physical senses, but they are there — anchoring the healing energy of the Arcturian home worlds on Earth.  And you can be certain that there are many other locations like this one that have been receiving such sacred objects to help change the resonance of our world.

This experience was the beginning of a long series of interactions with the Arcturian ETs that involved physical sightings, contact experiences, visitations at my home, channelings, healings, and out-of-body visits aboard the Arcturian starships.   These have all been joyous experiences as the Arcturians model a blissful integration of love, light, and angelic energy. They are here to demonstrate part of our evolutionary potential — one aspect of which involves becoming seamlessly infused with our own angelic counterparts.

Over the last few months, after a long quiet period, my main Arcturian guide began to speak with me again to deliver some information that feels highly relevant to our times. The first subject of these transmissions is that of galactic contact for humanity. (more…)