Getting Grounded

I have recently moved to a whole new level of my discipleship with GOD, Christ, and the Ascended Masters, by realizing one simple key: in every moment, in every way, our example matters.

Now this was not an unfamiliar concept.  We have all heard the Be the Change slogans.  We know the golden rule.  But recently, I was struck by a test of faith that shook me to the core of my being, challenging me to evaluate myself and my life history in a profound way — to weed out what was preventing me from a more accelerated spiritual path. (more…)

GOD is My Elephant

After four blessed years of being sponsored while I work on a series of books, my family and I are letting go of our home in Oregon to pursue new and exciting opportunities.

I know you are all wondering: “When will your books be published?” Personally, I think they are meant to come out after we get past the whole 2012 ordeal.

So many channels and spiritual writers have been viewing the future through the lens of the 2012 hype, thinking humanity’s peak transformation will happen by the end of that year.  But, as we progress into 2012, you will see more and more people backing away from their predictions.  It is a little like Y2K.  Don’t get me wrong, it is going to be an exciting year, but much of what people are predicting will take more time to unfold and there is a lot of illusion being passed around as prophesy.

When I asked my angelic guides about it, they said that they could not even predict when the peak of our planetary transformation will occur, but one thing is certain:  a lot of spiritual books are about to become outdated, and that will be the opportune time to launch something new. (more…)