Sacred Stories Interview

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In this interview I had the great pleasure of being the final guest for this amazing series.

Please enjoy this interview and be sure to listen to the empowering activation process at the end.

Click Here for the special offer.

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My Interview on Awakening the Heart

This call was SO SO special! Saryon opened the call up and created a group experience that attuned us all to the Source energy pouring through the call. He was so incredibly compassionate, loving, insightful and remarkable as he spoke to the realities of embodying Oneness while channeling incredibly high content and sharing his own personal experiences so that people could relate and understand how to embody this oneness themselves! The group process literally brought tears to my eyes! He is a true Master and it was such an honor to hold Space with him.

— Turiya

So Grateful for Turiya and Donna for creating the sacred space for this interview.  This really unfolded as a cocreation with Spirits of the Indigenous Elders who came to cocreate with us during this two hour journey of healing and activation.  This is a very indepth mini seminar about how we are working with these Spirits to change the resonance of humanity in our time period, along with the help of the Arcturians and the Ascended Masters.  Lots of topics covered related to our awakening.  The seminar finishes with a healing ceremony that you can participate in to send love, heading and forgiveness to the Middle East.  Please share this activating and educational talk with others.

— Saryon

Also, Click Here for the Special Offer of the Engaging the Flow Course that was mentioned in this interview

Beyond the Ordinary Arcturian Blessings


In this interview on the Beyond the Ordinary Show, with John Burgos, I talk about a new Arcturian Blessing that is coming in to support the arrival of a Joy vibration in the world and how we can navigate the changes. This interview also talks contains a message from the Arcturians about the Tree of Life symbol and how it has been part of the awakening of other worlds as well as ours. Archangel Michael’s energy also is present with us to help bridge the human ascension energy and the Arcturian ascension energy together.  Also, don’t miss your opportunity to get a great deal on my latest course, Working With Your Spiritual Guides.

Click Here for the special offer, exclusively on the Beyond the Ordinary Show.

Listen to the audio of our interview below.

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