New Activating Interview on Beyond the Ordinary

Check out this new interview on the Beyond the Ordinary Show, hosted by John Burgos.

In this show we talk about Frequency Control and how to transcend the energies trying to interfere with human unity. I also answer questions with live callers and there is a powerful guided visualization to connect with Shamballa and the Ascended Masters during which a channeled transmission comes through that was overlighted by Archangel Metatron.  


Working With Your Spiritual Guides

Lots of people have asked me about How to Work With Spiritual Guides. Even though I enjoy making videos about the energy of specific well known guides and energies, I want to help as many people as possible develop the kinds of skills that I have cultivated over the last two decades of Spirit-Work and Training with the Guides.

This New Course will teach you techniques and practices in awareness that you can immediately start to use to change the resonance of your body so that it becomes more of an open doorway for communion with the guides. This Course is about cultivating a life long relationship with your guides and working with practices that can build and strengthen this connection both immediately and over time.  


This course is now available through the School of Manifestation store under the Online Courses menu. 

Ripple Effects in Bali

This May, 2015, a new and exciting momentum for change opened up during one of my trips to Bali.  The video below explains it, but check out the pictures for the full story.  

We started a little global clean up project and it quickly snowballed.  The smiles of the participants and the before and after pictures tell the story.  This is just the beginning.  

You are seeing a little window into a much larger historical movement that is reflecting within this little story, but if you keep following this you will see how the Ripple Effects are growing.  


Check out the Before and After Pictures Below


2015-05-14 17.51.45

2015-05-14 17.51.17

As soon as we started working, we were joined by some french tourists.

2015-05-14 18.15.00

We went from a team of 2 to 5 in no time at all.

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Next, we were joined by the Football Team

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2015-05-14 18.35.42

Afterwards we celebrated our project and I bought our new French friends a smoothie at my favorite Raw Food place in Ubud.  That’s Dixie on the left who joined me from the states to help start the project.

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Thanks to all who helped!  

You will definitely be hearing more about this project in the coming year.

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