Telos and the Lemurians – Webcast Event

Telos and the Lemurians – Webcast Event


Ever since the first year that I visited Mt. Shasta in 1997 I have had a connection with the hidden city of Telos beneath the mountain.  I even traveled there out-of-body and visited with some of their people.

On Saturday, July 19th, I helped host a gathering in Mt. Shasta with Telos USA as we aligned ourselves with the new Lemurian energy that is being restored, in part, by a reconnection with the people of Telos and the Inner Earth. It was a beautiful gathering and I channeled a discourse with the combined energies of Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Saint Germain.

Here at the link below, is the replay of a webcast that was inspired by the Telos USA event in Mt. Shasta where I give a presentation about the subject as well as a channeling. In the first half I talk about Telos, the Lemurians, healing the separation between Atlantis and Lemuria, and our reconnection with this part of the human family that has been hidden beneath the surface. In the second half I channeled Adama and then Saint Germain. Unfortunately the recording cut out about halfway through Saint Germain’s talk, but it is all worth listening to.

Click Here to listen and please let friends know about my work as a channel.  Lots more stuff like this is on the way.

Restoring Sacred Knowledge – Live Global Webcast


Join us from anywhere in the world for this free, live global webcast event with the School of Manifestation.

This Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6pm Pacific Standard Time, I will host a special live webcast event to share a global report that I call the “Cosmic State of the Union Address”. Topics discussed will range from Restoring Sacred Knowledge, Ancient Egypt, Highlights from the recent Angel Course, Oneness Movements, and a message from Melchizedek about the upcoming 1-year training with the Masters. Please feel free to invite friends!

Click Here to listen via the Web.

Click Here for a list of local numbers if you prefer to listen by phone.

You will need to enter Guest pin code: 744248#

Sign up for notification of future free webcast events and other announcements by Clicking Here.

Live Angelic Linkup

Light Earth

On Wednesday Feb. 5th, 2014, we did a live angelic linkup.

The Replay is now available for a limited time!

This was Week 10 of the Working Within Your Angelic Blueprint 12 Week Course.  An opportunity for greater Angelic Integration!

By Divine Inspiration, I decided to make this class open to a wider circle of participants because the information coming through is too important and needs to be shared with more people. Just click on the players below. The first hour and 15 is a short presentation with an angelic linkup and channeling that follows, and there is an additional 45 minutes of Q and A afterwards.

If you like what you hear, please click on the School of Manifestation here or in the menu bar and read about the school and how you can now get access to the whole 7 month program of channeled courses for a low monthly subscription fee.

Angelic Linkup – 1 hour and 15 min

Q and A – approximately 45 minutes

Also, if you are interested in readings, I still have time to do more before I leave for my tour and my price goes back up. Click Here for more info.

Exploring Soul Extensions – audio

The I AM Chart

During a recent conference call from one of the School of Manifestation courses, a participant asked about the subject of Soul Extensions, something I happen to know a lot about.  I had been planning on writing about this subject on the blog so I thought this audio segment would be a great way to introduce the topic.

Please enjoy this 30 minute intro to the subject.


This month (Feb) is the last full month that I will be doing readings for $125. I will go back to the $150 price on June 1st though I only really have this month available for phone/skype sessions as I will be on tour after that. Check out some of the recent video testimonials and if you are interested, you can book one of the remaining timeslots by Clicking Here.  For more info, visit