Angels and Intuition

Here is a short clip about Angels and Intuition from the seminar I hosted in Sarasota, Florida.

Speaking of intuition, a number of people followed theirs to make the connections that led to me hosting a seminar in Sarasota, and one of theme is this amazing woman below.  Sharon-Elizabeth is the head of the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, and I am happy to say that I will be returning to do another seminar in March of 2014.


Angels and the New Peace Consciousness

This is a video segment from the very beginning of the seminar I hosted recently in Sarasota.  There are some camera adjustments unfortunately in the beginning but this video segment is a great introduction to the whole series of talks.

There is some very good and hopeful information here so please reblog, share this on YouTube and give it a good rating. And check back soon for more video releases from the Sarasota events.

And thanks again to the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light


Video Testimonials from the Sarasota Events

Here is a sample of some of the video testimonials people gave at the Sarasota events. All of these people had private sessions with me and also attended some of the events.





Thanks to everyone that gave video testimonials from the Sarasota events. I am so blessed, I am so grateful. See you guys again soon.


The Sarasota Events – Photo Journal

During the first week of November (2013), I hosted a week long series of events in Sarasota, Florida at the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light. My sincere thanks to artist, Mary Angelico, who recommended me to a friend of her’s in Sarasota who then recommended me to the president of the Board of Directors for the Center.


Sharon Elizabeth, president of the board, also had a session with me by phone and decided at once to have me out for their next big event. They are use to putting on expos and had done things like this before. I was an honor to be a guest there for the week. That’s me with Sharon EL, as I call her.


We really hit it off as friends and soul family, and her center was a perfect fit for hosting what I offer. The first talk I gave was on Angels and the second was on ET Contact. I even channeled my Arcturian guide, Shamal.


This was the first time I had ever presented a lecture series and it was a hit. More people came each night until it was standing room only. All in all, I did about 45 private sessions that week, 7 to 8 a day, while hosting the seminars and channeling for the group in the evenings. I barely had time to eat and change clothes between the doing the private sessions and the evening presentation but I was blessed with a supportive team that brought me some good vegan food to keep me going during my short breaks.


I even hosted a luncheon with question and answer from the audience. It was a sold out event!


I had a lot of fun sharing the most inspiring visions I have had about the future. The presentation was based on answering the question: “What timeline are we on?”



On Sunday evening, I had all of the healers that work through the center come together to co-facilitate a community healing night. Here are some of the wonderful volunteers that helped make the week special.

DSCF9805(2)Most of the healers that evening wore white. We had several chairs set up for people to come receive healing in while several of us moved about the room and worked with people where they were sitting.






It was exciting to feel such a flow of energy moving through the center that evening, and I often received personally messages for those that I laid hands on. Below is a picture I took with Richard, who filmed all the presentations. Our videos will soon be available on the blog.  Thanks Richard!

DSCF9594They already have plans to bring me back in March of 2014, and it will be great to reconnect with all the new friends I made.


Officiating My Brother’s Wedding – Photo Journal

I must thank Skip and Erika again for the opportunity to officiate their wedding because it was great practice and prompted me to get registered as an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

Not sure if this is going to lead to many more weddings, but it did immediately lead to one more. My youngest brother, Brian, asked me to officiate his wedding in Oklahoma with his fiancé, Shelby.

That’s Brian!


I have always felt blessed with my two brothers. I can’t remember any of us ever fighting with each other. We always enjoy being a part of each other’s lives. Brian is very loving, responsible, down to Earth, and has a big heart. When he met Shelby online, it was a big surprise that they decided to commit to the relationship before ever physically meeting each other.

That’s Shelby!


They met for the first time finally in Las Vegas where Shelby is from. Together, they read vows and promised they would give it their best shot. That was nearly two years ago and their love surprised all of us.

That’s Brian on the left, and our middle brother, Mark, on the right.


The wedding was held in the back property beyond a house that belongs to some of our family friends. It was a beautiful fall wedding next to a lake — just what the bride and groom wanted.

When I arrived on the scene I was handed a copy of the wedding ceremony with very little time to review it. Apparently it was a bit of a mix of pieces from several ceremonies that had been copied and pasted together, and it needed a little work.

There was also a candle ceremony included, which is usually an indoor thing, so I made it my mission to find a hurricane lamp before the ceremony. I managed to get all of their vows, plus the ceremony, prepared and printed only an hour before the wedding. That’s Shelby looking over her vows one last time.


At the last wedding, I noticed the groom was nervous enough that his mouth was really dry leading into the ceremony. This time I came prepared with lip balm and a bottle of water for each of them that I had stashed under the table for the candle ceremony. Those definitely were needed.


Funny story.  I had managed to find a hurricane lamp to protect the candle ceremony, but when I returned from the shopping trip I discovered that the hurricane lamp would not fit over the green candle holder that you see below for the main candle. This was a bit comical and we played around with several possibilities until we someone came up with the idea to place small blocks of wood around the base for the hurricane lamp to rest on.


Everything turned out great, and I will soon have a new baby niece. They found out about the baby not long after they got engaged. We are all very excited and I hope to see them again soon, after the baby is born.


I don’t know if GOD wants me to officiate more weddings, but if it means getting flown out to an exotic location, or getting to see old friends and family, I am open to the possibilities.