Welcome to the Learning to Channel Series!
One of the most common issues that people bring up about where they feel blocked to explore channeling sounds something like this:
Will I get something dark or bad?
Will I open myself up for psychic attack or manipulation?
What if give my power over to something negative?
It’s understandable to have fear of the unknown. And let’s face it, most of these questions stem from looking at the potential of channeling from the perspective of feeling that your spiritual eyes and inner senses are not open yet, and so it feels like you’re reaching in the dark for something that you don’t have eyes on. Your normal capacity to assess what your getting into is just not there in the same way.
I get it. I’ve been there.
I wasn’t in touch with any degree of clairvoyance or clairaudience, or any other intuitive senses when I started. The first time I attempted to make contact with a guide, I felt a vibration in my head and immediately ended my meditation, because I didn’t know what kind of a being this was. Clearly it had the ability to affect my inner experience, but I couldn’t see it. I didn’t hear any kind of introduction—just a vibration, and not enough information to determine if it was safe.
But I got past it. I realized that whoever was contacting me, they backed off the moment I did not feel safe, and that was the first clue that my guide was letting me make the first moves. He didn’t want to go too quickly. It had to come from me.
What I also didn’t realize at the time is that I was protected. My intentions to learn, explore and grow spiritually into realizing more of my potential was like a signal that shined into the realm of the guides like a searchlight, just like it is with everyone else; and because God and the Angelic Presence did not want an innocent beginner like me to lose my nerve, I was being held in a womb of protection, just like you will be.
Archangel Michael is on the lookout for anyone seeking to open their channels to the Angelic Realms, and special attention is afforded to those taking their first steps. All you need is a willingness to learn, a desire to grow spiritually—to heal, and be of greater service. If you have some degree of these intentions, you are already in the safe zone. And it helps to have a sense of adventure and a desire to explore and know more about who you really are.
And “no”, you don’t need to start out with psychic abilities. I didn’t. I started from absolute zero. It was learning how to channelthat began the process of discovering and opening my inner senses. We all have them. We were made with them. They just need proper exercise.
One day I will teach students in physical schools all over the world about how to develop their inner senses, but for now, I am happy that you are participating in the work of this online school. This is the beginning of something great.
In the future that I know, centuries from now, all human beings practice focuses of attention that can produce different effects in human consciousness. Learning how to focus attention and consciousness will one day become more important to humanity than physical technology. Those of you that feel draw to this work in this present time are among the Founders of that paradigm. We are pioneers of a new frontier of consciousness that is coming into focus because we are collectively beginning to rediscover the make up of our own souls. We are becoming multidimensional explorers of our own multidimensional selves. That is what channeling is about.
Some people might think: “I don’t need an intermediary. I’ll just talk directly with God.” But this is not just about whom you are talking to. Focusing on the I Am Presence through your crown chakra is definitely a focus you will want to develop, and Source is always listening, but once you begin to realize how vast your own multidimensional self is, and how your whole being—as Spirit—encompasses everything that the Spirit of God is within; you may realize that channeling is how we practice riding the currents of being, to connect with, and experience, what existence is like in other forms. This is how we may see through the eyes of the ETs that are watching our world. This is how we may know how the Masters see us. This is how we see life from an angel’s eye view, or know what it is like to truly be in someone else’s shoes.
Channeling is not just about communing with your personal guides, it’s about letting awareness into your body. It’s a practice of mastering what the human body is as a multidimensional conduit. It is a way to experience the knowledge of higher beings while sharing the experience of being human with them. And besides, your personal guides are already your best friends that you picked to help you make the most of your life. The more you become connected to the I Am Presence of your higher self, the more you become aware that your personal guides are like an inseparable part of you.
Now there are many reasons why people fear to explore channeling. At the beginning, I mentioned a few of the ways people have framed this concern, but I want to take you beneath the surface.
While worrying about getting something dark is certainly a valid concern that deserves more attention, there is a greater fear that most of us have that underlies all of the ones on the surface. Sometimes the ego will make excuses for moving forward, saying that it’s about this fear or that. But the ego is very clever at creating obstacles for itself if it wants to obscure the real hidden fear so that you don’t look close enough to begin to unravel the mystery.
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,” the ego would say. I say, let’s pull back that curtain and get to the bottom of what stops us from truly knowing what we are capable of: Fear of Our Potential.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson
The great challenge with knowing our true potential is that once you know it, it is very difficult to un-know it, and that presents a certain kind of challenge. Knowing it makes you more responsible for the potential you have and the difference you could make if you were living it. You realize that if you were living more of your potential, it would uplift others, and you might even live more joyfully, which for some means giving up the victim card, or the poverty card, or some other means that the ego has devised to justify staying small.
If you knew more of your potential, you would have face being more accountable to it. You would be less free to pretend that your life doesn’t matter so much. People who answer a calling in life are being led by their potential into greater and greater levels of accountability. That is what your guides want to help you with—to enter an experience of being led intuitively by your potential so that it begins to feel like all of life’s choices are made for you as the revealing of a divine plan.
The key question becomes: how much is ‘fear of your potential’ underlying the other obstacles and fears the ego projects and places into your path? That is a question worth asking more than once as things unfold.
What I’m suggesting is that the fear of the dark stuff isn’t the real underlying issue. Such fears may be obscuring something else, like fear of your potential, or fear of what others close to you will think. Often our egos disguise the real fear for something else so that we can avoid responsibility for our great potential.
So what about dark entities and stuff we need to watch out for?
As I mentioned before, our intentions are very visible to the guides that we already picked to be on our team. We are afforded a great deal of protection when we are taking new steps, and our guides are very capable of keeping us safe. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things to watch out for, and it doesn’t mean that you are never meant to experience something dark either. Remember that sense of adventure I mentioned earlier.
We are here to learn from both light and dark. Having experiences with both are what allow us to develop discernment, and for that reason, our souls may choose to allow experiences with something dark so that we can face our fears and become smarter than beings that would attempt to use our fears against us.
There. I just gave it away. That’s mostly what we are dealing with. If you were to look at the lower astral plane, you might see all kinds of ghoulish creatures trying to get some human attention to flow toward them like a food source to make them feel a rush of power. But you would quickly notice that these beings have very little power of their own. They are able to see people’s fears, and morph their appearance to look like what people are most afraid of. It’s a game they play, and once you know it is a game, the game is up. You are not so easily fooled, once you realize that we have more power in this relationship.
Remember that your personal guides are always with you. There is never a chance that you would open your channel and they would be asleep at the wheel, accidentally letting someone else jump in and begin to steer. What that means is that whenever you encounter anything dark, it is happening with your teachers by your side who are lovingly allowing you to learn from an experience that they’re already prepared to teach you about. They can allow what you need for your discernment and close off a connection if it’s truly not serving you.
In short, there are entities that pray upon people’s fears, but once you understand their game you become immune.
And then there are those entities that are more psychically developed, that may attach themselves to people that desire the amplification of their abilities. If you become enamored with psychic abilities, as some people do when their channels first open, you are in danger of attracting beings that will manipulate you through such desired, promising that if you stay connected to them they will feed your abilities with more light from the astral plane. This pitfall of awakening can easily be averted if you stay grounded in the focus of not making your gifts more important than serving others and developing good discernment.
Becoming more psychic is not the key to how you can help the world. This awakening process is not about how psychic or influential you can become. You might become amazing at channeling, and hardly develop what you think of as psychic abilities at all.
What I want for you is not different than what your own personal guides want—which is for you to master channeling yourself and the dreaming of your soul, so that you will live a life that satisfies you.
Now there’s one more key to overcoming fears. It’s that encountering something scary is not anything to avoid. Why? Because all experiences with channeling or spiritual contact happen because they are allowed by our own souls as an experiential teaching. Trust yourself to learn, grow, and become more fearless and powerful no matter what. Trust the reasons why your soul and higher self are choosing the experiences you have.
I say all of this, not because I am expecting you to have to deal with darkness while working on these lessons. But because you are powerful enough to clear anything and evolve through anything—so don’t let fear stop you!
There’s a great clip of a video I was guided to share for this part of the message. It’s from the movie Ray, about the life of musician Ray Charles.
In this clip, we see a couple of Ray’s flashbacks to childhood: one in which his mother is starting to teach him how to navigate being blind, and more importantly, a flashback of when his mother sought to teach him self reliance and trusting his abilities by not answering his cry for help even though she was standing by.
This is us learning to channel, and our guides are practicing wisdom and discernment about when to embrace us and when to help us stretch our abilities by not making it all too easy.
This video reminds me of how our guides are always right there with us, but they can allow us to have a momentarily scary experience when they already have the foresight to know that this will pass, and we will evolve through the experience to grow in some way. Please leave a comment under this blog post and let us know what this video means to you, or anything else you want to ask or share.
In summation:
- Our intentions to learn, grow and explore are clearly visible to our guides and we are protected by Archangel Michael and our personal guides as we are learning and taking new steps.
- Fear of our potential underlies most other fears.
- Most astral beings are just using our fears against us and the only power they have is what we give them through our fear.
- A key to staying clear of beings that try to corrupt channels is to not glamorize psychic abilities or pursue them over simply becoming a more loving version of yourself
- Discernment training is part of our path, and so there is no reason to fear dark or scary experiences because even if they do happen, it is only because we have chosen an important lesson to help us transcend duality.
- Message of the Video: Since darkness is nothing to fear, and your guides are always with you, going on a blind adventure to discover the world anew is part of the gift of the human experience, and we are never truly alone.
- Please leave a comment!
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Good information. I very muchlike the reassurance that our guides are always with us and I will try to welcome them on a daily basis
It is so amazing and inspiring to read that you hadn’t ‘any degree of clairvoyance or clairaudience or any other intuitive senses’ when you first started.
It is also very interesting (and encouraging) to know that Archangel Michael is ‘on the lookout for anyone seeking to open their channels to the Angelic Realms’. This makes sense of a developing sense of that Presence in my life over the last few years.
Also really delighted to hear that you will be teaching in person worldwide in years to come.
So heartening to know that focusing attention and consciousness will supersede physical technology in humanity’s interest in the future. That I am part of building that new paradigm I have known for years, and I am so grateful to you for what you have given me, and continue to give, in the deepening of the recognition of both my potential and responsibility.
When I first saw that film about Ray Charles, I wept at the scene you’ve shared. What a beautiful demonstration of how real Compassion is always grounded in Wisdom, and vice versa.
Hello Sayron, thanks so much for this article.
This has come very timely and spoke to me personally as I’ve felt the huge urge to develop and practice my channel but I’ve always let something else come in the way (its clearly my ego).
Appreciate you brother and now I’ll face it with courage, knowing that I’m supported and guided.
Your teachings are always so loving, clear and direct. This is so refreshing contrasted with the current illusion in the 3D environment, not that this is lower. It used to bother me but now I see and enjoy the journey, even the “hardships” have become much more interesting. As a child, I did the opposite of running from darkness, I threw myself into understanding “darkness” at a young age because i was curious and it felt so foreign that there was suffering? So, I understand it now from a deep level and am not afraid, as I know the energy humbly well. My greatest joy now is remembering my light essence in full and largest potential in the light for the greater good while extending a deep love for and in All. Your blog and clip reminds me of an old movie from1992 called “the Power of One” when the a young orphaned boy growing up in Africa experiences moving into his fear of being trampled by an oncoming elephant. When the charging elephant reached the boy, the boy put out his hand in love and non fear and the image dissipated. The shaman then laughs uncontrollably with joy. Thanks Saryon, you are a true and wonderful teacher and I am honored to learn more from you! Yes, I too see all of these things being taught in schools beyond technology… it’s exciting… thanks for holding the torch! So much Love, Susan
This is incredibly helpful, Saryon. Thank you. I truly appreciate your wisdom and teachings.
This message came in divine timing.
That clip was a powerful reminder that we are always supported whether obvious or not.
That was great – short and sweet. I have a short attention span and this was just the right amount of information to start with. I loved the clip from the Ray Charles movie – a clear and heartwarming message. Looking forward to the next lesson
I don’t know
..its so powerful that i was guided to find you and this course, so strong like big rope (but not harmful at all) is pulling my heart, and amazing my guide or spirit talk through you. Right before I was feeling that I came to the point that I put the curtain to make my connection blurry like dimming… i think its strong cause of fear of many and deep level. now suddenly my heart is strongly yearning to connect to guides more, and I feel that is coming from the other side(from guides) too. Deep and calm gratitude for this divine orchestra, thank you Saryon.
Hello Saryon. I loved the video clip you selected. No matter what age we are while trying to explore and excel at something new, we are all like small children at the beginning, i.e., unsure, maybe lacking confidence until we are shown, through love, that we are capable and we will excel. I’m grateful that I discovered you only today. I asked my guides for assistance and I found you on the arcturian fb page. I know I can do this and I’m very excited to be moving forward in my journey into myself, and to assist humanity.
Hello Saryon, I truly appreciate your service in providing these 13 lessons. Just 2 days ago, I asked for guidance in how to ‘sail’ through the interference I create for myself. I am in the process of writing a book about my transformational journey, and I keep receiving “to take the wisdom to the ground.” I do receive guidance, often. But sometimes, I get myself stuck. And my prayer had been, how do I get myself unstuck (stop the interference…). And asked for guidance. And poof, you showed up. I love the way this type of manifesting works. And I knew this is the right series of lessons because 13 is a key number in my life (I love numbers and dabble in numerology for the sheer play of it). So thank you. Maria
I loved this article. It was so helpful and clear and reassuring. I have tried to enter my name for the newsletter/future articles on channeling, but I haven’t received anything in my email inbox.
This article reminds me of when my children were small and made demands. I would challenge them to resolve situations on their own, to use their knowing to earn the extra money they wanted (thereby teaching them how difficult it is to earn money). They’ve grown up to be fine, hardworking young men. Thank you for this wonderful flashback. Excellent video! I understand.
This teaching has really put me on a higher level of understanding and clarity. I´m so grateful for this guidance. I feel different after this reading. Thank you so much…
I am sure that what is holding me back is the fear of my potential! I’ve suspected this for quite some time now, and yet I haven’t been able to transcend the blocks. It seems that lately, the quieter I get and the more I listen to the silence in my own heart, I find it’s not really silent after all, just like the “sight” of the blind. Thank you, Saryon, for your compassionate, humble and clear guidance!!!
Oh my goodness…Yes! I’ve been waiting for this! Thank you. THANK you. With lots of LOVE, THANK YOU!!!
L&L, Sunshine Jen
Oh yeah, did I say THANK YOU? lol Blessings and looking forward to this!
This explains a lot. Thank you!
Hi, Saryon!
This message is exactly what I needed. I am so thankful for you because you have helped me to see things in ways that I otherwise would not have conceived. Because of your teachings, I have recently been able to make connections to Teachers with very meaningful and helpful information. Thank you so much for all that you are doing!
Thank you so much for the free series! Yes, all of it sounds true.
Wow, the film clip of Ray Charles is beautiful. Lesson 1 brought up my awareness and acknowledgement of the fear I hold in being responsible for my potential. I feel that this may well help me to turn the corner! Thank you, Saryon.
Wow,very good lesson Saryon, you hit the nail on the head ,or even better “A Homerun” with this lesson.. much needed and the movie clip is exactly how I seeing the spiritual realm with my my third eye,all blurry and then sometimes crystal clear..mastering this human body is a challenge that i took up when I came into this world, but the gifts or abilities we have and the abilities we can use are two different things .in my case saryon,I was scared to death to be rich and I goof up my abilities by bad choices. I had amazing gift to play sports n marital arts and I found myself downplaying my abilities cause I was getting so much attention . It scared me… so I went under the radar. Until now . So now I don’t care if I rich or not cause I here to heal and channel to help all that need my/our Help. I ready to go forward with this ..
Very very good Saryon, this is all truth and really clear. Thank you very much for your help and guidance 😉
Such of heartfelt clip of love, trust and inner strength that we all have if we allow ourselves to ‘tune in’ to who we truly are🌟
Thank you Saryon for you love of humanity and your guidance.
Hello …thank you .
I really like to know that we are choosing our guides…i never hear that before.
I do really wish to channel ..from very first time i have fi d out about that ..it fascinate me..if life is about experience, i do want to experience that.
I am quite intuitive person and i always deep down felt that life is more than everyday routine ,suffering ect . The only thing i have put in front of myself is lack of believe in myself ..i am very hard on myself. I feel like it’s taking me forever to overcome or befriend my fears but i see it as a journey and i love it.
Thank you for including me in your post.
Much appreciate,
Anna Skotniczna.
That made me cry. Happy tears of joy, of course.
Thank you for such a heart warming moment t brighten the day.
“Fear of our potential underlies most other fears”…I feel this should be on a billboard, Saryon. Hearing this is very beneficial. Thank you 🙏
Thank you for providing this information!
Thank you for this Saryon! This is exactly the reminder I needed today. There has been this feeling of urgency around me about opening up to my gifts and a I recognize that pushing the process causes me to feel that I am not trusting the divine timing and the beauty of the unfolding. The video clip is is a perfect example of how we are always lovingly supported in our learning .
I have to say that I deeply appreciate your gentle and loving guidance. Love to you , yours and the Angels always.
I totally related to the video. It really helped put into perspective of your teaching. I have been in fear of what is ahead in my journey. With using the spiritual senses that I have and my guides with me for the love and support, I know I will learn without having someone do it all for me. I will grow because of this and in turn, help others to finding more than what the can just see in the flesh. Thank you Saryon Michael for giving me this opportunity to learn with you. I’m very excited to meet my Guides and to work with Angels. With Gratitude and Love, Sunshine Jen ❤🙏✌
You are so very welcome!
This article reminds me of when my children were small and made demands. I would challenge them to resolve situations on their own, to use their knowing to earn the extra money they wanted (thereby teaching them how difficult it is to earn money). They’ve grown up to be fine, hardworking young men. Thank you for this wonderful flashback. Excellent video! I understand.
Wonderful blog and the clip is perfect to embed the learning of how the 3D world around us keeps us distracted. When we actually open up our ‘other’ senses a wonderful orchestra of sound and discovery is right there and has been there the whole time, we just couldn’t see, feel, hear or sense it with all our dramas, fears and victim consciousness.
I loved this blog. I had recently made a conscious decision to open up to channeling and I look forward to the rest of your ideas and concepts. I have purchased G, K and F Crystal bowls and would love to be able to do sound healing for others. I have some other bowls in my shopping cart.
Hi Saryon
Just yesturday I lived a very bad experience with my family. A rain storm damaged my sons bedroom luckily my boy was not in his room and there were no health issues
Guides knew this was gonna happen cause my son is always in his bedroom but they had us protected like in the video
Thank you for this blogpost, Saryon. It is so helpful and reassuring. I have wanted to open to channel and feel like I am on the verge of a breakthrough. Even though I have felt energy around my throat chakra a number of times over the last several years and taken your channeling class, it has yet to happen for me. In the past I’ve wondered why this hasn’t happened for me yet because I’m not conscious of a fear but my guides must have a plan and I wasn’t quite ready yet. I think maybe I got too obsessed with developing my abilities and this was creating resistance. I decided that I needed to let go of my expectations and concentrate on love-seeing everything through the lens of love, seeing the lesson in my experiences, sending love to all beings daily- and continuing my meditation. I felt like I got an activation in meditation yesterday. A being I believe may’ve been Ganesh (he didn’t show me his face but he sat cross-legged and I just had a feeling that was who he was-sent me 3 yellow/golden balls he pulled from his own solar plexus chakra. Thank you again!💖