Back in 1998 I received a channeled reading from Pranananda during which Sananda revealed my angelic name. I was told that a great many Masters and Angels know me by this name and I have definitely heard them calling me Saryon ever since. I was also told that my life would one day be graced with visitations by Angels and Masters as I was doing readings for people, and this has definitely come to pass.

Though I shared this name with a number of people over the years, even going by this name in Boulder, Colorado for a time; I have been happy to be known as Michael for the purposes of the employee communities I have been a part of.

Upon my recent exit from the corporate world I found my light quotient raising more rapidly than ever before and this began a more noticeable overlaying of the higher self. This name is now fulfilling a new purpose as a tool for the alchemical blending of the divine and earthly self. Thanks again, Pranananda!

Last year the meaning of this name was finally revealed while I was channeling my higher self. I was shown that this name represents a reversal or completion of a long karmic cycle that began symbolically when Gautama Buddha renounced his earthly kingdom. No, I wasn’t Buddha in a past life, but I am here to help fulfill his teachings.

The name means “The Renunciant who inherits the Kingdom”, though I don’t think the name had that meaning until I came along. There is a single movement of self realization that is sweeping through the meaning of this name. First the seeker renounces the earthly kingdom, and then he can inherit the Kingdom of God. It is a name that connects together the teachings of Buddha and Christ as part of a single path, and represents an experience that is dawning on my own life that took lifetimes to achieve. In essence, the meaning of the name contains a prophecy that is being fulfilled through me.

As of this last week I have launched a new website to feature the work of my channelship. Please visit and let your friends know that I am available for high quality readings. This is a whole new beginning and I am excited to offer this service to more people.

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