In my last post I talked about my obedience training, and how all of my resistances to surrender fully to Divine Will were being broken down. Words like “discipline” and “obedience” do not always connect with people when they think about ascension or the process of enlightenment. Perhaps it would would be more meaningful to talk about where love comes into the picture of obedience training.

When Jesus called people to love their enemies, he was calling them into alignment with a form of love that is universal. As many of the people who heard this continued to fall into the gravity of his heart, this message created a shift in their consciousness, opening the community container for love to include even those people that were feared and hated by the community.

This was a compelling message and, the love behind it was so powerful, it commanded obedience with the will to bring all of humanity into the love vibration. Jesus was commanded by Divine Will to love his enemies, and he was teaching by example when he inspired others to do the same.

Likewise, I find in my obedience training that I am being commanded to open my heart more and more to those who have wronged me in the past. I can feel that I am part of the way that Christ’s love wants to reach them. I think of the man who robbed me at gunpoint about 5 years ago.

Perhaps I met him so that I would remember him when my heart became merged in Christ so that Christ’s forgiveness and love would be aided to reach him even more through me. Perhaps my compassion for him is having a nonlocal effect.  I never held it against him, but I like to believe that the more my heart grows, the more love I can send to everyone that I have ever known.

For me, obeying Divine Will is the same as obeying Christ’s love. I am bound by the gravity of Christ’s example and must constantly focus on self improvement and self purification; a divine directive that was close to Prophet Muhammad’s heart.

Obedience to Divine Will means constantly recognizing every non-loving thought or expression and converting it or refining it into more loving and empowering patterns of thinking and behavior. This has to be done to reach the threshold of one’s transcendence into full alignment with the Christ Consciousness, and the refinement must also continue after.

I have had many visions of an all consuming flame of GOD’s love that is constantly stepping closer to humanity, as I take my own steps toward meeting and merging with it. I can feel the all consuming flame that seeks to purify the mind of all forms of duality, and the transformation I am experiencing through obedience to the Will of this Flame is happening very quickly.

I will try to describe more of this process as I experience it. We are all experiencing having our ego’s broken down and deconstructed as we surrender to the gravity of our divine selves. My hope in blogging about this process is that some might find in my writings a meaningful reflection of themselves.


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