Ever since the first year that I visited Mt. Shasta in 1997 I have had a connection with the hidden city of Telos beneath the mountain. I even traveled there out-of-body and visited with some of their people.
On Saturday, July 19th, I helped host a gathering in Mt. Shasta with Telos USA as we aligned ourselves with the new Lemurian energy that is being restored, in part, by a reconnection with the people of Telos and the Inner Earth. It was a beautiful gathering and I channeled a discourse with the combined energies of Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Saint Germain.
Here at the link below, is the replay of a webcast that was inspired by the Telos USA event in Mt. Shasta where I give a presentation about the subject as well as a channeling. In the first half I talk about Telos, the Lemurians, healing the separation between Atlantis and Lemuria, and our reconnection with this part of the human family that has been hidden beneath the surface. In the second half I channeled Adama and then Saint Germain. Unfortunately the recording cut out about halfway through Saint Germain’s talk, but it is all worth listening to.
Click Here to listen and please let friends know about my work as a channel. Lots more stuff like this is on the way.
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Dear friends and beloved in the telos mt.shasta and Lemuria as All.
I greed you all from Island of Pacific country Papua New Guinea. We have the same , same DNA activating within us which is the crystal energy that will accomplish All thing.
As the Universal time frame is working fine with us now let’s expect the unexpect because I’am Acting on behalf of full power given Authority to cease any things and everythings that is Not additional to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is Heaven.
Today 29th Octomber 2014 I Act on the Universal time frame to stop and abolish evey evil acts. As we are raiseing of our energy vibration to the 3rd and 4th to 12 Dimension as creators likeness is recovered to progress on the creation exercise.
Enough is Enough for the ruleing of heart and let heart be total contral with every light body workers to change the course for the sake of Humanity.
What was lost for eons and eons of time was been found for the every lasting eternal glory with all the heavenly host to make it all hapen with entire universal families particular. Amen in deed.
Yours in heart to heart lost paradise.
Son Laco & Mum Pastor Magret JOHN, Alu Gospel Base Headquarter.