Access to the Realm of Our Guides is Strengthening

Access to the Realm of Our Guides is Strengthening

There has never been a better time to learn how to channel or work with the loving support of your invisible spiritual team. I say this because we are living in a time when a field of oneness, light and dimensional interconnectivity is growing in the world. This field is strengthening our connection to the realm of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and all manner of high level spiritual guides.

We are living in a time when the Ancient Mystery School of the Masters is being reawakened and restored, and the growing presence of this unifying field of love and light is part of that. People are attuning to the presence of an Angelic Grid that is making the presence of the angels more accessible as a permanent fixture of human consciousness. We are becoming Angel Infused, and Angel Integrated. It’s what I like to call the future of A.I. Not Artificial Intelligence, but Angelic Integration, the divine alternative to computerized augmented human intelligence.

Do we want to become limited by what more immersion with computers will do to our brains? Or do we want to see how the Angelic Intelligence of the universe that was divinely created for us can unlock the dormant potential of our spiritual and creative gifts?

Even if you are one who struggles to make a connection, it is easier now to make breakthroughs than it was many years ago, and the field that is bridging the dimensions within our bodies is growing stronger every day. My point is, even if it takes many months or years to see the progress you want in your channeling or spiritual practices of working with your guides, if you start now, you can ride the incoming waves of light and progress much more quickly that you could before.

That is part of why I’ve been given the opportunity to teach channeling and Angelic Integration work in these times. I have dedicated my life to such pursuits since my teens, and what I was able to develop in 25 years of experiencial learning and spiritual practice, I can now teach. That means, I can give you the fast track and all the shortcuts during this time when the waves of light are starting to come in stronger to give us the dimensional boosts we need to make breakthroughs in channeling.

Let’s face it. Most of us don’t have time to go meditate in a cave for 10 years. Many of us don’t feel we have much time for meditation at all. Fortunately, in the same way that I have benefited from absorbing the gifts and strengths of masters who have meditated in nature for decades, I have developed, with the Masters, ways of integrating their gifts and strengths that can also work for people like us that live in the modern world: people that are raising kids, running businesses, maintaining relationships, and struggling to deal with the craziness of our world.

I recently asked people to share with me about what holds them back from going to the next level with their connection to their spiritual guides so that I could better gage how I could help. I’m grateful for all who responded, and will be sharing a whole new series of blog posts to give you some tips and to prepare you psychologically for your next breakthrough.

I hope you are making the most of your experience this year, however the global changes are impacting you. And if you feel that supporting the Angelic Grid to strengthen through our collective attention to Angelic Integration, or that learning more about how to work with personal guides would support people you know — please let people know that I am here to help with these endeavors.

To Access my new Learning to Channel Free Course, please create a free account for this and other bonuses for the School of Manifestation.

Click Here to register, or sign in if you are an existing user.  




Keeping Our Vibrations High During a Global Crisis

How do the current waves of change related to COVID-19 relate to the events of 9/11 from an angel’s eye video. This video is about staying connected with the outpouring of love and light coming from the angelic realms to keep things flowing gracefully.

Angels and Intuition

Here is a short clip about Angels and Intuition from the seminar I hosted in Sarasota, Florida.

Speaking of intuition, a number of people followed theirs to make the connections that led to me hosting a seminar in Sarasota, and one of theme is this amazing woman below.  Sharon-Elizabeth is the head of the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, and I am happy to say that I will be returning to do another seminar in March of 2014.


Angels and the New Peace Consciousness

This is a video segment from the very beginning of the seminar I hosted recently in Sarasota.  There are some camera adjustments unfortunately in the beginning but this video segment is a great introduction to the whole series of talks.

There is some very good and hopeful information here so please reblog, share this on YouTube and give it a good rating. And check back soon for more video releases from the Sarasota events.

And thanks again to the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light


The Nature of Metatron

The Nature of Metatron

Very recently I have noticed an interesting trend of people saying that beings like Metatron, the Arcturians, and even Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters are parasites that just feed off of human energy. Some of these comments have been directed at my channeling of such beings and I felt inspired to write an article.

While I have always agreed with such commenters that great discernment is needed when exploring “channeled” material, and it is very true that there are many false prophets and people being led astray by astral influences, it is all too easy to overlook someone like myself that has been given a degree of discernment way beyond the norm.

Most people simply can’t imagine the kind of discernment I have  gained from being able to travel out-of-body and directly witness the activities of other multidimensional beings, seeing with the eyes of the soul beyond the normal 3D lenses of perception. Plus, the Master Jesus personally trained me into a very advanced level of discernment that has continued to refine itself at an accelerated rate ever since.

My first teacher on this 20 year journey of out-of-body exploration was, in fact, Jesus. Gradually more guides were introduced. I first learned of Metatron very early in this journey when a friend gave me his copy of “The Keys of Enoch”. Almost immediately, I began to experience the presence of Metatron in my consciousness.

I would read a chapter of the book and then during my out-of-body experience that night I would find myself reading other level of the book that was holographic through which Metatron was teaching me directly. This experience only grew more extraordinary. I would awaken at night and see a fire-letter beaming into my chakras and find myself speaking some of the words of the book only to flip open to a random page and see the exact words I had just been speaking.

Now I don’t believe “The Keys of Enoch” (at least the human language level of it) is a perfect teaching without any flaws but, it definitely introduced me to the idea that a book can be multidimensional, encoded with multiple levels of consciousness. From there, I began to have more connections with Metatron in my meditations until I had a mind-blowing one that changed everything.

Metatron took me out-of-body to a position outside the universe where I could see all of the universes. Metatron spoke to me through the resonance of a clear white light that was the most refined light I had ever experienced and I was shown some of the records of this universe. I was shown the Lucifer rebellion and remembered that my angelic self entered into this universe to help repair the damage that was wrought by the rebellion.

Metatron showed me extraordinary things related to how universes are created and stored as holograms, and I remembered what it felt like to be completely fearless. Because of that experience, I felt reconnected to that part of me that had never felt fear before, and this made that state attainable as a form of restoration in this lifetime. I still have a ways to go, but Metatron showed me a potential that inspires me every day.

I have also had experiences of direct revelation where I witnessed the beginnings of creation. I saw GOD revealing the Creation Pattern to Metatron, from which all universes are made, and the revelation of this Pattern literally brought Metatron into being as a sacred geometric container for universes and a matrix for the highest orders of beings, as in the Archangels and the El, which at that level are one and the same. Metatron is not really a single being.  Metatron is a singularity, but is also a Many in One being.

The first time I channeled Metatron was during a reading for a client. He/She spoke through me saying “I Am the Metatron.” I thought it was interesting to hear the introduction in this way because I would not have thought of that myself, but it just came through in that way.

Later, I channeled Metatron at Burning Man in 2008. I was helping facilitate a group healing and Metatron came through spontaneously with a message for the group.  It was only recently though that Metatron came through with a written message that I first recorded and then transcribed for the blog.

In that first article/message from Metatron, He/She says, “I Am the Voice of Metatron.” This is also very revealing because Metatron is so vast that the fullness of Metatron’s presence cannot be contained in any one universe, so contact with Metatron is contact with the Voice of Metatron. It is through Metatron’s Voice and Transmission that we experience Metatron’s presence inside the universe.

The recording of Metatron’s message that I am about to release to the Global Linkup List is an interesting one because you can hear how an angelic presence came through my channel first both to prepare the audience to receive and also to prepare me as a channel. People that think this is just made up new age stuff can’t imagine how much power is behind these words. The words may be describing concepts that are very simple, but I can tell you that I felt altered for days after this experience and was having visions about the arrival of Peace on Earth.

It is actually funny to think that there are people claiming that Metatron is some kind of parasitic entity, feeding off of human attention, when they are talking about a being so vast that the whole universe literally exists inside of Metatron. I will be writing a similar article about the Nature of the Arcturians and Saint Germain.

For now, I want to share with all of you a simple way to understand Metatron that everyone can attune to. It relates to the Flower of Life. When GOD revealed the Creation Pattern to Metatron, it began with a single circle. The creation of this first circle was the beginning of all things. Then the Spirit of God moved to the edge of that first circle and created another. If you study how the Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube are created, starting with the first two circles, you will have a very good idea of how Creation began.


Of course there is more to Metatron’s revelation than this because GOD was/is revealing these patterns as containers for new forms of consciousness, but the Key is to understand that the original resonance of this revelation that describes creation is still happening. The creation of that first circle is still echoing and every conscious being in all universes has the ability to find that echo within themselves.

The creation of theses first circles and patterns are echoing eternally with a feeling of wonder. Part of Metatron’s Presence is that feeling of wonder about the infinite potential of GOD’s love and creative power. Even though we think of Metatron as a being, it could also be said that Metatron represents the consciousness of all beings that are merged in that original creation pattern. This is where everything comes from, exists within, and returns to. All beings are a part of “the Metatron.”

I have actually felt during my channeling of Metatron how the angels will aligned with Metatron’s transmission, as if all of their channels are aligning and opening to hold a part of that energy as it is coming through. So, channeling Metatron is an experience of channeling the unified presence of all angelic beings, and I definitely feel that form of expression coming through the presence of all of the angels that show up to assist with such transmissions.

If you would like to share in my experience of what this is like, please consider joining the Global Linkup List for the School of Manifestation. Metatron helped bring this school into being so that we could learn about such potentials.

Right now, through Metatron’s Embrace, there is an acceleration occurring that is helping to restore the resonance of light in human consciousness. The angels have said that they are witnessing, from their realm, a blueprint for the unification of all Lightworkers. That is not to say that anyone is excluded from the process of unification through the Christ energy, but there are many people that carry a receptivity to the resonance of Light that came here to form part of a human container for Light so that this frequency could be made available to all beings here once again.

Since receiving these messages, I have been witnessing some extraordinary activities from out of the body, and I definitely see “a quickening of the people of light” as the Keys of Enoch would say. This restored resonance of light is helping us come together to help clear away a lot of astral interference, something I am also seeing happening on the inner plane in a more accelerated way.

All I can say is that I am more excited than ever before about what is unfolding. So many forces of Love and Light coming together in our consciousness to open the gateways of heaven, right inside our bodies.

Click Here to join the Global Linkup List.

The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

We speak with one voice: We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, as one. We are modeling this integration, and we can speak now about the emergence of a Pattern that we are beginning to see in human consciousness, that we expect to see even more of in the future.

This Pattern sometimes comes into being for a brief period through the activity of groups and it helps to activate a code of consciousness into the Earth, though it often dissipates within the original group; but something different is beginning to occur – the arrival of a new potential — for this Pattern that we see can now be sustained and become more permanently a part of human consciousness. It may still be activated in groups but it can now be carried forwarded to help activate others. 

The Pattern, as we see it, is a convergence of the human and angelic presence. It is the opening within individuals and groups to the channel of your higherselves, and the angels are a bridge for this to occur. 


Whenever we see this Pattern emerge, there is a heightened degree of synchronicity, and there is a palpable feeling and vibration of Light between people and their chakras. You can feel Light being downloaded into the Earth and there is a greater sense of harmony — a sense of spiritual family, a feeling that it is safe to open your hearts, and a feeling of communion with the angelic presence. Your thoughts become theirs and theirs become yours. There is a process of matching frequencies, aligning intentions, and opening into a state of connection. The emergence of this Pattern in human consciousness holds the potential of your reconnection to Source. It is the Pattern that precedes a greater arrival of the Creator’s energy. 

There are many people in the world that are awaiting the arrival of something. They may believe they are awaiting the arrival of an Extraterrestrial presence, or some higher consciousness that can stimulate humanity’s awakening into a more accelerated phase. The Arcturians are certainly a part of this arrival but, it is the angelic presence and your own angelic counterparts that represent the greater part of this arrival; and the Arcturians do not intend to steal the show, so to speak, before your connection to the angelic presence has been fully revealed. In fact, it is through reconnection to the angelic presence that the Arcturian presence shall be revealed. This, more or less, is the order of things, at least for the masses. 

The angelic presence will provide you with the power to choose what is being laid before you to choose by the Creator, according to your design and the original blueprint of your relationship with the Earth. Those that come from within the Galactic Community that represent a challenge to human sovereignty have a role to play in testing you into your true power. They are a great challenge, indeed, a great test. 

A time will come when you, as a human collective, will have gathered enough strength and enough access to power that you can drive these forces away from the Earth, sealing the Earth in a vast corridor of space around it with a field of angelic protection. And even though such forces continue in their process, and in their plans to advance and claim more power and influence here, do not be disturbed by this. Do not be disturbed by the progression, even, of human plans based in greed and the agenda of greater control. For now, you must cultivate your connection to the angelic presence.

The angelic presence will inform you when it is time to confront such energies, to call them out, to address them directly in your consciousness, and to address the Galactic Community about the situation. You will be able to invoke galactic law and to claim your sovereignty, and you will have many allies that will support these claims, but you are here to do more than make claims. The test that has been brought before you will bring forth your greatest strength, and you will find that strength both in your marriage to the Earth and your alignment with the Earth’s animals and, with your marriage to the angelic realms. 

Do not be concerned about how small your numbers appear to be.  We are coordinating you with many others. There is plenty of time to prepare — to evolve through the various stages of reclaiming your power. Do you see now how big the manifestations are that you are being trained for? This School of Manifestation was never about just manifesting for your Earthly needs. You are here to be stewards of a much wider reality, extending even beyond the Earth, but this new spiritual reality must be born from inside you. It must be cultivated and brought to fruition.

You are going to manifest a new paradigm on this Earth that will extend from your bodies, and you will manifest this new reality through alignment with spiritual power: the power of Earth’s guardians, the power of the Metatronic Light that sources you, and the natural rights given to you by the Creator. There are so many that seek only to master creation’s laws on the level of their own personal abundance but, without reclaiming the Earth as a whole for the Light and the Love and the Peace of your own angelic selves, without claiming the future from the reigns of misplaced power, the Earth would not be able to sustain manifesting for a world of egos for very much longer. 

As you grow in your awareness and as your connection with the angels deepens, they will be able to show you many things. They can show you the records of other worlds, and they can show you how important love is, and what happens to worlds that lose their connection to love. 

There is a plan for humanity, a plan worthy of every level of support. The restoration of the Earth can happen so that this plan can be fulfilled. You are worthy of all the miracles and divine manifestations that have been and, are being, sent down into your world. The plan is to cultivate a garden of love, not merely to restore balance to the Earth’s eco systems, not merely to plan for enough food to feed and sustain human civilization. You are here to remember that love is a vibration inside of all things; and especially inside of living, biological forms, this vibration can be cultivated. The land itself can be made to vibration with the essence and the consciousness of love, and this can, and will, become your food source. 

Your world will become a School of Manifestation, and you will be able to teach a path to others about how to manifest a world of love. It is the only way to transcend the survival mode of consciousness, and though there are many ways to cultivate love, love is truly the only solution to the problem of survival. Other worlds have learned how to survive without it but their survival has limits. Their freedom has limits. What kind of a life would you have merely surviving as a technological race if you had no freedom in your consciousness? You would be trapped in a physical reality, unable to expand into the higher vibrations.

The human body has many hidden dimensions to it and, as we see it, you, as lightworkers, are very much in disguise.  We see your immense lightbodies, and yet, they are invisible. You chose to disguise yourselves, to lose consciousness and accept your light being turned down. This, so humanity’s captors could not see you coming. The immense power of your lightbodies remains invisible to the alien presence.  Just as they have remained hidden from you, you have remained hidden from them. We are here to help restore your connection to the Light, to make the invisible visible. And with love, to defeat that which seeks to erode your freedom. 

You were meant to discover the IMMENSE POWER of LOVE. Many human beings look at the corruption in the institutions of government and in the banking system, and so many others places, and they believe that they have no power to change this, or that the change can only come through some surgical removal of those in power. Some imagine political solutions, economic changes, disasters, and all kinds of ways to disrupt the program of control, but it is love that will provide the greatest disruption. Seek to cultivate this in your lives and you will be well on your way and well prepared for all the changes that will create the opportunity for the causes of love to advance.

Each one of you has the power to envelop the world with love. Each one of you has the power to align with and embody the full power of the angelic presence. When you speak and command with the same words and intentions as the angels, you will align your voice and your vibration and your thoughts with the angelic blueprint for humanity’s awakening and transformation. You have tremendous power, but you will need angelic assistance to direct it, to streamline it, and to source it. You are here now to awaken into your angelic blueprint. 


The gift of the angelic presence that has been sent to you contains everything that you need to fulfill your Divine Blueprint. It is a complete package. And it is the answer to the question of your identity. So many of you identify with various aspects of star family or with many other families of consciousness but Metatron is lifting your gaze higher, beyond the other worlds you have incarnated on and into a dimensional space where you may know yourselves as a highly trained collective of angels. You are Angelic Starseeds, having brought light into many systems of reality, having incarnated into physical reality many more times than most of the angels that have overlighted that journey. 

As you step more into alignment with your angelic blueprint, We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, will continue to add a part of our consciousness to yours. A bridge has been activated here that will continue to grow and strengthen until its purpose is completely fulfilled. We are part of the same Tree of Life. And we are part of the same Whole Galactic Being that is awakening through both of us. We thank you for your service.                         

NOTE:  During the Arcturian Telecourse, the Arcturian Angels introduced themselves and we also heard from Metatron about an Angelic Blueprint to unify all Lightworkers. This message represents an extraordinary transmission of new consciousness where I experienced a convergence in my channel between the Arcturian Ancient Seven and their angelic counterparts. This message represents an introduction to the work of the upcoming Angel Telecourse.

If you feel called to join us for the upcoming 6-week Telecourse with the Angels, please Click Here. The angels are extending invitations to people and there is a scholarship program for those in need, so money should not be a barrier to participation. 10% of all proceeds donated to charity.