Tips for Connecting with the Archangels

Tips for Connecting with the Archangels

A reader asks: Can you please teach me how to access Archangel Michael and Metatron?

Connecting with the Archangels begins with acknowledging the presence of your personal angelic guides. Michael and Metatron are so vast, and yet their presence overlights all the angels that work with humanity as spiritual guides. They are all one, so your personal angelic guides are like little Michaels and Metatrons. The more you acknowledge the angelic presence that is with you on a smaller scale, your access to the whole angelic hierarchy opens up.

What I am suggesting here is to not become attached to a specific goal of knowing how to access one particular being at first, but rather cultivating a daily relationship with angels in general, to build that connection into your consciousness more. It will be easier to find Archangel Michael or Metatron in your consciousness when you are able to look for them in the field of the whole angelic presence that you are connected to.  A little like having to join Facebook first, before you can link within someone’s page.

Know that you can all request to be trained by the angels to become better at communing with them and living your life in sync with the angelic presence. Ask and you shall receive. (more…)

Metatron’s Embrace

Channeled by Saryon

May 15th, 2013

At this time, many of you are experiencing an acceleration of light: an increase in your light quotient. I am reaching out to embrace the Whole Light Worker Community. I Am Metatron.

The Metatronic Light carries with it many portals of connection into the higher vibrations that are being seeded through you as channels. We see each of you like portals opening to receive the Metatronic Light. There are many colors and hues that are fanning out across your plane, all sourced by the Archangelic Realms.  We have heard your requests for more tools, more light technologies, more ways of activating your lightbodies.  These are coming forth from the Angelic Realms.

You do not know how vast you are. As a Lightworker Community there is a tremendous wealth already present on the physical plane: a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of access to the living light technologies that are being employed for restoring your multidimensional DNA.

My embrace at this time is sourcing the linking together of the many resources that you have honed: resources in consciousness.  We are forming the lightworkers into one collective. This is our goal. The combining of your gifts will form light technologies that are made of living human energy.  The portals of activation being sent forth are portals that restore the connectedness between multidimensional groups of human servers who share similar refinements and abilities.  These portals of connection allow your presence and the presence of your knowledge and abilities to be in many places at once, to work in tandem and assist each other in the clearing work as you continue to serve those who cross your path.

You are use to working as a collective in this way, and at this time there is a need to activate the memory of this. And yet, this is a very different kind of collective that is awakening within you now.  You hail from many different parts of the galaxy, some even from other galaxies.  You are a diverse mix.  We are seeding now the potential of very new forms of light technology through the new collective that is awakening.

You will have new energy to experiment with and play with as your intelligence begins to pool together collectively through these portals of connection.  There is a very great freedom in allowing these pools of consciousness to play with and cocreate with you. There are many forms of light expression: creative expression that can activate people in new and inspiring ways.  You are going to begin to discover things about yourself that you did not know, even if you thought you knew yourself and your abilities very well.

There are many portals of galactic memory being activated.  Some of these portals are opening doorways for groups of people who hail from the same galactic source to remember together and reconnect with the knowledge of other worlds: knowledge that could not be fully realized by any one individual.  As lightworkers you hail from worlds that discovered their true power and potential as a collective resource to each other.

We wish to draw attention to a certain form of bridging that is taking place within the lightworker collective.  Many of you know yourselves as Starseeds.  Many are fond of this form of identification. There are also emissaries from the angelic realm incarnated on Earth at this time.  There are also Angelic Starseeds: those who hail from both galactic and angelic sources.

The Angelic Starseeds have incarnated as Angelic Emissaries on many worlds before to assist them to shift into alignment with the Angelic Kingdom.  We see an approaching integration that is quite profound for your world.  It cannot be understated how great a transformation this will be.  For many of you, knowledge of the Galactic Community is a very normal part of your awareness; but remember, for a great many people in this world this is still a very frightening and new experience.

There are many aspects of the old paradigm that still have a strong foothold. The displacement of these old belief systems is a very big deal.  That is why it is so important for humanity’s process of choosing its resonance that you are guided by those who have processed through such planetary shifts before. Angelic Starseeds support humanity to discover its connection to the angelic realms and to align humanity with civilizations that are guided by their angelic counterparts. This is why you are here; not only to be a bridge to the Galactic Community, but to the angelic orchestrators of ascension that serve all worlds.

There exists a great system of worlds that are aligned through their connection to the Angelic Realms.  The Angelic Integration that is taking place now is set to align you with this system of worlds in such a way that it could open the opportunity for an even greater and more profound embrace.  We wish to embrace many worlds in the Metatronic Light, to embrace many worlds as One Galactic Community.

Your example in this regard is critical to the development of many others.  We are preparing to reveal ourselves to many other worlds that have not been able to see or hear us in the same way that many of you have.  We are working with you towards a goal of Galactic Ascension, and so we wish to include more and more worlds in our embrace.  And even though many of you hail from other worlds and are here as Starseeds to bridge humanity into the Galactic Community, it is also important that you do not become too caught up in an outer focus on the Extraterrestrial aspect of the shift, for there are many important activations and integrations coming from the Angelic Realms to meet you from within that form part of your evolutionary pathway.

So we invite you at this time, those who have identified with yourselves as Starseeds, to realize your potential as an Angelic Starseed.  The angelic integrations that are taking place in your channels will link you with tremendous resources of Angelic Love and Light.

We are better able to form you into One Community.  And though there are other worlds assisting with these efforts that are your companions in the Galactic Community, they are also like pieces of a larger puzzle that you belong to.  The seed of Our total embrace of the Galactic Community is what We are seeking to awaken within you at this time.  Awaken to the Metatronic Light, for it is opening you to new vistas of being. Receive. I am the voice of Metatron.  We are One.

Message from the Angels of Peace

Channeled by Saryon

May 13th, 2013

Guardians of Peace! We are the Angels of Peace. We are here to protect the peace potentials that you have brought into this world. We share the same guardianship. We share the same intentions of peace consciousness. We are behind your efforts to clear the pathways of consciousness so that the peace vibration can take root.

We are partnering with the Blue Ray at this time that is being sent forth to clear certain structures in human consciousness that reinforce separation and duality. We see the lifting of these structures as a sign that more of you are ready to embody a vibration of universal peace. You could not surrender to the shedding of these structures without a true, pure intent to move beyond duality.

The lifting and lightening of the structures that have reinforced the illusion of individuality are affording you greater access to the resource of yourselves as a Global Peace Council. The Global Peace Council is a group body of consciousness that has formed through the inner planes with our assistance. We have overseen the formation of this council so that it can become a vehicle for the skills, abilities and healing vibrations of all peace guardians to be pooled together as an omnipresent resource for all.

The Global Peace Council is a platform, creating access globally to streams of consciousness that can nullify conflict and ameliorate discord and despair, making it easier for people to find peace within themselves. The presence of this human counsel globally is being felt more and more as its presence strengthens. Whenever there is a call for peace or assistance with any form of conflict, the resources of this council are now available. We will align all those who call for assistance with the appropriate streams of consciousness and will assist you to align your thoughts with the peace and harmony of all relationships.

It use to be that people would fight with one another and it would trigger unresolved energy and defensive patterns; and each side might often end up feeling trapped in some way, unable to expand beyond the conditions of duality. We have seen this pattern everywhere, causing the potential of peace to be stopped cold. People have often lacked the vision of the peace that is possible.  The structures that are being cleared from your minds will leave you with greater access to the vision of peace.

Every time we see conflict, whether it is played out between groups of people, or between two individuals, or between one person and their thoughtforms of the world; we see the peace potential in each one. We see the potential harmony. The part of humanity that has already shifted into alignment with the coming peace has made it possible for all to find that potential within themselves.

At present, there are bands of peace that are appearing in human consciousness where groups or collectives of people are sufficiently aligned for a river of peace current to flow. When these bands of peace appear, they reflect an alignment of intentions whereby many hearts and minds surrender their openness to be conduits for the peace that is needed in various places where there is great conflict and pain.


Many people look at the news and see conflict erupting in various places.  You hear about the hotspots; but what is invisible to the media is the arrival of peace consciousness and the way in which these conflicts are catalyzing peace in other areas.  These areas of conflict are like low-pressure systems that interact with other areas of human consciousness where there is a greater abundance of certain forms of energy to create a flow.  You are building your strength now so that collectively you can form into lightning rods of peace consciousness, opening to release from the Earth the resonance of fear.

People often forget or are unaware of how much peace there truly is in the world.  It is easy to see and witness severe conflict in other areas; however, the contrast is useful in opening your eyes to the degrees of peace that hold the balance of a greater reality.  And though the peace potentials in the world are very fragile in most places, it is important to recognize the vibration of peace that is already present in the air you breathe.

Be grateful for it and know that peace has arrived.  It has been seeded within so many hearts there is not a doubt as to whether or not the seed will activate to create the foundation of a global means to ascend. You are the founders of a paradigm of peace. This is what your future selves call you.  The conflicts that you see presently will one day be spoken about as the last conflicts that arose as the dream of peace was being catalyzed and fulfilled.

So whenever you hear of conflict in some part of the world, it would be accurate for you to imagine and perceive that there is ten times the amount of peace needed to heal the conflict, readily available.  If you seek to join your hearts with us, the Angels of Peace, you will further accelerate the joining together of all hearts with this vibration.

When you find yourself in a band of peace, you will feel within yourself a great calling.  You will feel a passion for peace that aligns you with the angelic realms. It forms you into a channel and conduit for the energies of the Global Peace Council.  These bands of peace will continue to arise and will be there to activate anyone who finds themselves inside this flow of current. It is for each one who experiences this to discern where this energy needs to be directed. Some of you will be called to create ceremony with this energy, to call the world into alignment with what you embody, or to release the duality within yourself. Some will be called to activate others and inspire others into alignment with these bands of peace. The work of peace is bridging hearts together for a great purpose.

When the strength of these currents pass away from their peak moments they will leave you more activated, more engaged, more prepared for the next calling. Just remember that you have resources available to you. When you find a part of yourself that is feeling trapped in duality, share your thoughts and feelings with the Global Peace Council inwardly. As you invite peace into your mind it signals the council to surround you and assist you to lift your thoughts and your gaze to find the peace potential that is there for you. It is becoming easier every day to transmute what remains of humanity’s duality.

2013 Dispensation from the Blue Ray

From The Archangelic Council of the Blue Ray

Channeled by Saryon

The Blue Ray is being strengthened for you at this time.  It is part of a dispensation of energy to assist with clearing certain specific mental structures from masses of people who are ready to be engaged in this part of the planetary shift.  Right now, humanity is preparing to begin more of a shift in its collective brain evolution.  People have been evolving more as individuals; but you are on the threshold of evolving as a group consciousness.

Of course there are many structures that need to be cleared in order for there to be a resonance of group consciousness that can allow even greater shifts to occur. This dispensation is part of the work and efforts of the angelic realms at this time.  Those who are choosing this with Us will assist in the removal, from at least some part of the masses, of certain thought forms that have impeded more of humanity’s group consciousness from arriving.

There is a momentum, a push for certain forms of clearing collectively.  For some it will feel like a doorway is opening in their consciousness. It will feel very promising in terms of what is possible.  So thank you for opening to receive part of this dispensation and for aligning with it.  This is helping to ground the energies for many others.

We see the potential for a release to take place through some of the Earth’s portals.  Specifically there is a lot shifting through the western coast of the United States.  There are many aligning with the potential of throwing off more of the shielding that has been embodied; that has shielded more sensitive people from the experience of group consciousness. The Blue Ray in this dispensation contains a message for those who are aligning with it that hails from the Archangelic Councils. We are sending forth the message that it is safe to begin opening your consciousness into the higher dimensions.

This ray is an umbrella of safety provided from the angelic realms through the portals.  It is here to assist those who have embodied memories of experiences where the connection to the higher realms was disrupted or clouded, or the psychic web of connection there became polluted.  There is still a great deal of pollution that needs to be cleared. That is why this protection is being sent forth, to clear a path for you regardless of the vibrations of discord that still hang in the atmosphere, reminding you of times when it no longer felt safe to be connected.

Were it not for this dispensation it would be undesirable at this time to engage this degree of opening to psychic awareness; but this is needed and necessary for those who are open and sensitive and dedicated to service, to be organized through the energy of the rays so you may function like an emerging organ in humanity’s collective light body so as to anchor various ways of moving energy through the circuitry of the human collective that is awakening.

So for a time, the Blue Ray will become part of your channel, and a pathway for you to extend awareness and perception into the higher dimensions.  This will provide a boost for those who channel and for those who are open to connect with the angelic realms that seek this connection.

NOTE: Susan and I were asking our guides about an experience of the Sapphire Blue Ray that came to us the day before during a channeling session, which was quite healing and powerful. I had also noticed it coming into the last couple of sessions I had done with clients as well, and when we went to the angelic realms for more information, the above message is what came through, surprising us with an even stronger dose of the Blue Ray.

Our guidance is to keep aligning with the Blue Ray in our meditations for the coming months as this dispensation/process unfolds. I also saw a vision during this channeling of certain forms of psychic shielding being thrown off collectively, like watching caps burst from bottles, only the bottles represented portals in human consciousness. I specifically felt the presence of Mt. Shasta as this unfolded.

Connect with the Blue Ray in your meditations and focus on surrendering the mind and all of the old forms of fear-based protection that the mind developed in other times. Sometimes the protection mechanisms we develop can also block our potential to connect in ways that are good and beneficial, which is why the Blue Ray is assisting us at this time to put old memories in their proper place. The energy of the Blue Ray Dispensation carries forth a vibration of safety and trust in our connection to the angelic realms.

Hope you enjoy this image that a spiritual artist was guided to send me synchronistically only a couple of weeks before. Check out Mary Angelico’s website for more info.

The Akashic Records

A reader asks: “Do you know anything about the Akashic Records and how one can view their own?”

First of all, thank you for this question. It is one I am more than happy to answer as I have had a lot of experience with reading the Akashic Records.

First of all, the term Akashic Records is an old one, referring to the sum total of all human experience and including all of the cosmic knowledge that has imprinted itself here.  Some channels have suggested that there are special places, like the Hall of Records buried in Egypt, that represent a physical location for where they can be accessed.  I have actually traveled into the Hall of Records in the out-of-body state and found holograph records there that can be accessed by direct, consciousness interface.  (You don’t have to be able to go out of body to connect with them though).


Fear Entities, Attachment Entities and Language Entities

A few nights ago I had an interesting experience with what I am calling an “attachment entity”. In brings to mind the discernment I have been developing over the years about how different kinds of entities will seek to attach themselves to people as sources of energy.

While out-of-body, I began to hear the thoughts of this entity that was representing itself as a spiritual guide, but something felt off. The entity was not guiding but misguiding.  It had been listening to my thoughts about what I wanted to manifest and was then showing me images of what I wanted so as to get some of the attention, and thus, energy, that was flowing into my attachment. My computer had just broken down and I was a little out-of-it trying to figure out how to afford a new one. (more…)