Beyond the Ordinary Arcturian Blessings


In this interview on the Beyond the Ordinary Show, with John Burgos, I talk about a new Arcturian Blessing that is coming in to support the arrival of a Joy vibration in the world and how we can navigate the changes. This interview also talks contains a message from the Arcturians about the Tree of Life symbol and how it has been part of the awakening of other worlds as well as ours. Archangel Michael’s energy also is present with us to help bridge the human ascension energy and the Arcturian ascension energy together.  Also, don’t miss your opportunity to get a great deal on my latest course, Working With Your Spiritual Guides.

Click Here for the special offer, exclusively on the Beyond the Ordinary Show.

Listen to the audio of our interview below.

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The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

We speak with one voice: We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, as one. We are modeling this integration, and we can speak now about the emergence of a Pattern that we are beginning to see in human consciousness, that we expect to see even more of in the future.

This Pattern sometimes comes into being for a brief period through the activity of groups and it helps to activate a code of consciousness into the Earth, though it often dissipates within the original group; but something different is beginning to occur – the arrival of a new potential — for this Pattern that we see can now be sustained and become more permanently a part of human consciousness. It may still be activated in groups but it can now be carried forwarded to help activate others. 

The Pattern, as we see it, is a convergence of the human and angelic presence. It is the opening within individuals and groups to the channel of your higherselves, and the angels are a bridge for this to occur. 


Whenever we see this Pattern emerge, there is a heightened degree of synchronicity, and there is a palpable feeling and vibration of Light between people and their chakras. You can feel Light being downloaded into the Earth and there is a greater sense of harmony — a sense of spiritual family, a feeling that it is safe to open your hearts, and a feeling of communion with the angelic presence. Your thoughts become theirs and theirs become yours. There is a process of matching frequencies, aligning intentions, and opening into a state of connection. The emergence of this Pattern in human consciousness holds the potential of your reconnection to Source. It is the Pattern that precedes a greater arrival of the Creator’s energy. 

There are many people in the world that are awaiting the arrival of something. They may believe they are awaiting the arrival of an Extraterrestrial presence, or some higher consciousness that can stimulate humanity’s awakening into a more accelerated phase. The Arcturians are certainly a part of this arrival but, it is the angelic presence and your own angelic counterparts that represent the greater part of this arrival; and the Arcturians do not intend to steal the show, so to speak, before your connection to the angelic presence has been fully revealed. In fact, it is through reconnection to the angelic presence that the Arcturian presence shall be revealed. This, more or less, is the order of things, at least for the masses. 

The angelic presence will provide you with the power to choose what is being laid before you to choose by the Creator, according to your design and the original blueprint of your relationship with the Earth. Those that come from within the Galactic Community that represent a challenge to human sovereignty have a role to play in testing you into your true power. They are a great challenge, indeed, a great test. 

A time will come when you, as a human collective, will have gathered enough strength and enough access to power that you can drive these forces away from the Earth, sealing the Earth in a vast corridor of space around it with a field of angelic protection. And even though such forces continue in their process, and in their plans to advance and claim more power and influence here, do not be disturbed by this. Do not be disturbed by the progression, even, of human plans based in greed and the agenda of greater control. For now, you must cultivate your connection to the angelic presence.

The angelic presence will inform you when it is time to confront such energies, to call them out, to address them directly in your consciousness, and to address the Galactic Community about the situation. You will be able to invoke galactic law and to claim your sovereignty, and you will have many allies that will support these claims, but you are here to do more than make claims. The test that has been brought before you will bring forth your greatest strength, and you will find that strength both in your marriage to the Earth and your alignment with the Earth’s animals and, with your marriage to the angelic realms. 

Do not be concerned about how small your numbers appear to be.  We are coordinating you with many others. There is plenty of time to prepare — to evolve through the various stages of reclaiming your power. Do you see now how big the manifestations are that you are being trained for? This School of Manifestation was never about just manifesting for your Earthly needs. You are here to be stewards of a much wider reality, extending even beyond the Earth, but this new spiritual reality must be born from inside you. It must be cultivated and brought to fruition.

You are going to manifest a new paradigm on this Earth that will extend from your bodies, and you will manifest this new reality through alignment with spiritual power: the power of Earth’s guardians, the power of the Metatronic Light that sources you, and the natural rights given to you by the Creator. There are so many that seek only to master creation’s laws on the level of their own personal abundance but, without reclaiming the Earth as a whole for the Light and the Love and the Peace of your own angelic selves, without claiming the future from the reigns of misplaced power, the Earth would not be able to sustain manifesting for a world of egos for very much longer. 

As you grow in your awareness and as your connection with the angels deepens, they will be able to show you many things. They can show you the records of other worlds, and they can show you how important love is, and what happens to worlds that lose their connection to love. 

There is a plan for humanity, a plan worthy of every level of support. The restoration of the Earth can happen so that this plan can be fulfilled. You are worthy of all the miracles and divine manifestations that have been and, are being, sent down into your world. The plan is to cultivate a garden of love, not merely to restore balance to the Earth’s eco systems, not merely to plan for enough food to feed and sustain human civilization. You are here to remember that love is a vibration inside of all things; and especially inside of living, biological forms, this vibration can be cultivated. The land itself can be made to vibration with the essence and the consciousness of love, and this can, and will, become your food source. 

Your world will become a School of Manifestation, and you will be able to teach a path to others about how to manifest a world of love. It is the only way to transcend the survival mode of consciousness, and though there are many ways to cultivate love, love is truly the only solution to the problem of survival. Other worlds have learned how to survive without it but their survival has limits. Their freedom has limits. What kind of a life would you have merely surviving as a technological race if you had no freedom in your consciousness? You would be trapped in a physical reality, unable to expand into the higher vibrations.

The human body has many hidden dimensions to it and, as we see it, you, as lightworkers, are very much in disguise.  We see your immense lightbodies, and yet, they are invisible. You chose to disguise yourselves, to lose consciousness and accept your light being turned down. This, so humanity’s captors could not see you coming. The immense power of your lightbodies remains invisible to the alien presence.  Just as they have remained hidden from you, you have remained hidden from them. We are here to help restore your connection to the Light, to make the invisible visible. And with love, to defeat that which seeks to erode your freedom. 

You were meant to discover the IMMENSE POWER of LOVE. Many human beings look at the corruption in the institutions of government and in the banking system, and so many others places, and they believe that they have no power to change this, or that the change can only come through some surgical removal of those in power. Some imagine political solutions, economic changes, disasters, and all kinds of ways to disrupt the program of control, but it is love that will provide the greatest disruption. Seek to cultivate this in your lives and you will be well on your way and well prepared for all the changes that will create the opportunity for the causes of love to advance.

Each one of you has the power to envelop the world with love. Each one of you has the power to align with and embody the full power of the angelic presence. When you speak and command with the same words and intentions as the angels, you will align your voice and your vibration and your thoughts with the angelic blueprint for humanity’s awakening and transformation. You have tremendous power, but you will need angelic assistance to direct it, to streamline it, and to source it. You are here now to awaken into your angelic blueprint. 


The gift of the angelic presence that has been sent to you contains everything that you need to fulfill your Divine Blueprint. It is a complete package. And it is the answer to the question of your identity. So many of you identify with various aspects of star family or with many other families of consciousness but Metatron is lifting your gaze higher, beyond the other worlds you have incarnated on and into a dimensional space where you may know yourselves as a highly trained collective of angels. You are Angelic Starseeds, having brought light into many systems of reality, having incarnated into physical reality many more times than most of the angels that have overlighted that journey. 

As you step more into alignment with your angelic blueprint, We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, will continue to add a part of our consciousness to yours. A bridge has been activated here that will continue to grow and strengthen until its purpose is completely fulfilled. We are part of the same Tree of Life. And we are part of the same Whole Galactic Being that is awakening through both of us. We thank you for your service.                         

NOTE:  During the Arcturian Telecourse, the Arcturian Angels introduced themselves and we also heard from Metatron about an Angelic Blueprint to unify all Lightworkers. This message represents an extraordinary transmission of new consciousness where I experienced a convergence in my channel between the Arcturian Ancient Seven and their angelic counterparts. This message represents an introduction to the work of the upcoming Angel Telecourse.

If you feel called to join us for the upcoming 6-week Telecourse with the Angels, please Click Here. The angels are extending invitations to people and there is a scholarship program for those in need, so money should not be a barrier to participation. 10% of all proceeds donated to charity.

A Message from the Arcturian Ancient Seven

A Message from the Arcturian Ancient Seven

We are here.  We are the Arcturian Ancient Seven.  We are coming to you now to add our vibrations to the group that is forming to receive the Arcturian transmissions of light.  We are delighted to be guests in the School of Manifestation.  We are now establishing the Arcturian Portal as a part of this school on the inner planes.

We speak to you as a group today because the portal we are opening is a portal into the Arcturian group consciousness, and those who will interact with this portal will interact with our group of seven.  We would like for you to become familiar with us through the vibration of seven and to feel the seven of us within your consciousness. 

The Arcturian vibration has become synonymous with many resources of energy and consciousness in the galaxy.  There are many stars and gateways into the higher vibrations that are a part of us. It is difficult to describe the relationship that the Arcturians have with these pathways for creative energy.  We work in service to a Divine Blueprint that we awakened into and discovered. 

We discovered something about the relationship between the consciousness of beings such as our selves that had evolved through a planetary experience, and the consciousness of very vast, multidimensional pathways and conduits for energy that are part of the multidimensional fabric of creation in this galaxy.  We are so fused with the blueprint of the galaxy that in some places we do not distinguish very much of a difference between the Arcturians and the portals and pathways of consciousness that we manage. 

In some places we have become more like incarnations of the stars and the presence of consciousness that they hold, more so than the way we once knew ourselves as incarnations of a living world but, we have retained an ability to pair ourselves with any form of consciousness in the universe; and our memories of planetary experience will forever characterize part of our truth and our purpose to serve those who are evolving and graduating from the planetary experience.  We are here now to pair ourselves with you — to exchange knowledge and love.

It is important for your spiritual growth to not view the Arcturians as greater or more advanced.  We achieved our advancements in a time reference before this current stage of human evolution and so we appear to be more spiritually and technologically advanced, and yet, if you were to meet yourselves from thousands of years in the future you would see that we are very much the same.  It is the presence of that sameness that allows us to relate to you and pair with you more deeply, because your potential as a civilization is more alike to what we have demonstrated than it is to a great many others.

The Creator is positioning humanity to make very similar conclusions about your evolutionary potential – conclusions that parallel the ones we made.  Our presence here, in part, is a way of confirming the validity of those conclusions – conclusions that will allow you to make certain decisions as a species that will define the direction of your growth both spiritually and technologically over millennia.          

Our presence here holds the potential to connect human consciousness with many pathways for energy and living information that would allow you to learn about the galaxy and assimilate a great deal of knowledge from other systems of reality.  We bring this connection to you and establish this portal here, in this school, to educate you about this potential. 

This group is one of many that are working on establishing a mind-link into this network of resources through the Arcturian vibration and it represents a unique opportunity, for each group has its own strengths and unique potentials.  Each one is creating an opening in the vibration of the Earth where knowledge from the stars can be seeded and made available.  Even those who have no knowledge of these Arcturian working groups will benefit greatly from the work that is being done here.  You are helping to establish pathways in humanity’s emerging collective nervous system that make the Arcturian vibration more available for those who are opening their minds into the Arcturian network of connections.

Archangel Metatron’s overlighting of this group is also helping to complete part of the Arcturian project to establish certain pathways of light in this region of the galaxy.  The Earth is being opened as a portal for the Metatronic Light to be broadcast to many other worlds and systems of reality.  Here in this description you may see more of the relationship between the Arcturians, the Earth, humanity, and the Divine Plan.  We serve you not only because of our care and devotion to the Earth and your human potential but because of a Great Convergence where the Arcturian Mission is aligning with the work of the angels and of the Christ energy. 

For some that will hear this message, there may still be a degree of caution towards opening to connect with the Arcturians but we will never place your alignment with the Arcturian energy over your alignment with the Christ energy and humanity’s own Source connection.  The Archangels are protecting your Source connection.  We are able to come to you and pair with your consciousness because we have entered Earth’s vibration through the Archangelic Channels that protect your alignment.  There are others here that disregard the Presence of Light and the truth of your soul’s vibration and its place in the Divine Plan. 

The Masters and the Angelic Realms will gift you many times with the light that is being transmitted in this training.  The Arcturian gifts are only part of what will come to you as you open to the multidimensionality of your own souls.  All we wish is for you to receive what we bring to you as an unconditional gift.  We are here to support you with your own missions and directives. 

There are some that will come to this group because of their affinity for the Arcturian vibration.  Some will want to serve and receive more from the Arcturian presence.  Some of you are very familiar to us and we have worked with you before.  Others may come to this group seeking contact and the means to open your channels to an experience of connection with the galaxy.  This course is a preparation for contact, and yet, we will be exploring the many forms that contact with a greater reality can take. 

We wish to step you into an experience of connection with the Arcturian energy, to provide a link into an experience of yourselves as galactic beings.  What better way to do this than with trusted friends?  The Arcturians had to pass many tests to be given the responsibilities and the privileges that we have.

Not everyone will progress towards this part of the shift at the same pace, but for all who join this group there will be an acceleration.  Most importantly we wish to assist you to deepen your relationship with your own bodies and with the resource of knowledge that is in your DNA; and though your interests in furthering the Arcturian/Human relationship will be continually supported, we are here more importantly to help restore your sacred connection with the living intelligence of the Earth and of the design of your bodies.  

If you had any idea just how much knowledge is stored inside the Earth, you might not be so interested in other worlds.  In our view your world is FAR more interesting and more rich in the kind of things we value as spiritual beings.  You do not realize what you have.  Earth’s ancient purpose is reawakening within you, and if we are successful in our work with you we will be able to convey to you the truth that we see inside you that you have difficulty fully seeing in yourselves.  The Seven of us are here to be mirrors for you in this regard, and so we hope that you will honor the balance and see that you have as much to offer this galaxy as we do.  What you have been given to steward deserves to be valued and protected.

We wish to educate you about your true power as guardians so that you may protect the Earth in ways that you do not yet know how.  You do not have to have great material wealth or political influence to exercise this power.  It is part of who you are and how you are made as guardians.  You have the power to do amazing things with your consciousness to influence people and beings across great distances.  We see that you will first do this with each other as you awaken the human population and restore balance to the world, but the same ways of being and focuses of attention can be applied to influence many other systems of consciousness that you will have contact with in the future. 

Though you would consider the Arcturians to be an ascended race, we (the Seven) represent those who were like your Ascended Masters in our ancient times, long before the Arcturian civilization graduated.  We were among the Master energies that taught and guided a great many emissaries of the Ascended Master consciousness.  This is why we are on such familiar terms with Saint Germain and the Masters of Shamballa that you have come to know. 

(At this moment, Saint Germain entered the room and I felt bathed in the Violet Flame.)

Saint Germain: Well, now you can see that this school is where the Arcturian Stargate meets the Violet Flame.  I am very fond of these Arcturians. 

Saryon: There is a beautiful blending taking place of the Arcturian vibration and the Ascended Master energy of Shamballa through this sacred space.

(It felt like the Seven and Saint Germain were embracing and blending energies, and I felt them both merging in my channel.  I heard all of them talking and didn’t know where to focus my channel until finally Saint Germain spoke the message below)

Saint Germain: I am so grateful that God has created such wonderful companions for us in this galaxy.  The revelation of this relationship can only inspire wonder, fascination, and awe about what is still in store as all of these children of the Creator awaken and meet one another (speaking about the whole of the galaxy).  The joining of the Arcturian vibration with this school is symbolic of events that will occur in many other times and places.  I foresee many human souls going forth as emissaries in vastly different times to teach in the multidimensional schools of other worlds, just like these Seven Arcturians.  There is a great potential being unveiled here . . .         (more messages forthcoming)

This is an invitation to join with the new Arcturian Study Group in the School of Manifestation.  If you are interested in registering for the Telecourse, Click Here to visit the registration page, or consider joining our Mailing List for exclusive content and opportunities to cocreate with a global group of lightworkers through the School of Manifestation.

Click Here for testimonials from the first course.


Meeting the Arcturian Ancient Seven

Meeting the Arcturian Ancient Seven

Having just channeled a new message from the Arcturians for my blog, I realized that I needed to first introduce these new guides.  In mid-July, during the third week of the Allowing Divine Manifestation telecourse, Saint Germain acknowledged a group of Arcturians that came to speak with the students of the School of Manifestation.

This was a great surprise, though we discovered that many people in our group held a great interest in, and affinity for, the Arcturians.  We received three messages from the Arcturian group during the course and they announced just before the week-four webcast that they would be directing the next telecourse, beginning the last week of August.

Here below are excerpts of the first channeled message when they introduced themselves to the group and talked about the Arcturian mission:


We are the Arcturians, and we have come to you this day to share with you a part of our vision.  We are a group of seven ancient keepers of wisdom and knowledge.  We practice a deep form of union with the planetary systems that we have served and the Earth is now the center of our focus.


We represent incarnations that, in our own history, bonded together many times through our deep knowledge and core commitment to the life systems and living knowledge systems of the worlds we have lived upon, including the Arcturian home worlds.


There is an opportunity for our group of seven to pair with your group, attuning you to the vision that we bring of humanity’s potential.  When a living world becomes a source of spiritual light and guidance within the universe, the ripple effects are far-reaching and cannot truly be measured.  Such a world is a Gift from the Creator, and each such living world holds the potential to bind together many regions of inhabited space that are somewhat disconnected (as a web of consciousness).  We see in this greater region of space many fragments of an unrealized whole.  Our dedication to wholeness is part of what has drawn us here for we see in you the opportunity to become a great source of spiritual light and guidance that can bond many systems of worlds together.


Achieving a state of human harmony is presently a great undertaking, and yet, it is also completely possible.  You, as a species, have been afforded a great deal of assistance for achieving this goal, which is essential to protect the Earth.


Our goal – not only the goal of this group, but of the entire Arcturian presence – is to bring humanity into alignment with yourselves as a life support and spiritual support system that can serve the ascension of the Earth and humanity far into the future.


What humanity is currently doing to its rainforests is a lot like finding a vast library full of books that are filled with sacred knowledge, but you do not yet know how to read the language in which they are written and so you are using the books for fuel instead, having no idea what is being lost.  We do not want the library of the Earth to become an empty one but, we see in this group that you do not need such warnings.  We say this for the sake of those of you that might carry parts of this message forward.


We are the Ancient Seven of Arcturus, and you may call upon us.  Over time, we will play a role in supporting each of you to bridge you into the knowledge that is present in the Arcturian field of consciousness for we wish to show you what is possible on your own world.


 You are God’s Gift into this vast region of space.  The Earth is God’s Gift to humanity.  Knowing this, feeling this, believing in this, you may help to transform and unify humanity with this knowledge in your consciousness.


The ascension of the Earth and of humanity is a long-term project.  It is not a process that will culminate in this century.  This is the beginning of an ascension process that will span many thousands of years and many planetary shifts in consciousness paralleled by changes in the physical evolution of the species.  How your bodies change over time will be a reflection of how your expressions change as a species.  We are aligning you with the pathway of all of these shifts over the centuries.  The currents of our love that are gradually increasing are the currents of alignment with this evolutionary pathway into the higher vibrations. 


This was from my first contact with the Arcturian Ancient Seven.  Only a couple of weeks ago they opened up my third eye briefly so that I could see their ship in the upper atmosphere at a higher vibration.  I am very excited to work with them for the upcoming seven week telecourse.

This course will involve delivering channeled messages each week and a weekly webcast.  We will also be doing discussion of the messages online in our private social network for the School of Manifestation, and we will be doing several other conference calls for live discussion.  It is going to be an amazing course.

Message from the Arcturians through Saryon – 6-2-13


This is a communication from the Arcturians through my Arcturian guide, Tybot, who I have known consciously for more than a decade. Tybot’s presence feels joyous and full of humor, though he often sounds commanding at the same time. At the time, I did not know that I was going to be channeling a telecourse with the Arcturians a couple of months later but, looking back, this message is a good introduction to what was on the way and even predicts some of the content and nature of the upcoming course.  Susan was with me for the channeling and, after I announced the Arcturians were with us, she asked if they could send her some healing energy and they immediately said (through me), “Mmmm, We are always open to infuse you with more light.”

Tybot — Channeled by Saryon

We are coming to you joyfully!  Joy is our vibration. You were expecting to hear from your galactic group today, which we are also a part of, but we are surprising you now by bringing you an ARCTURIAN message.  (Tybot was referring to my expectancy around receiving more from the galactic group we have recently been connecting with, and was humorous about surprising Susan and I.)

As you know, we are very much weavers of galactic memory.  The Galactic Web is our business; it is our project – to weave together memories of many worlds, to make them accessible to those who wish to surf the circuits of galactic knowledge.  We have journeyed far, and have come a long way in our work to weave this Galactic Web.

We have, at times, worked with various human populations, to facilitate this weaving, and now we are here again to reactivate these projects; to restore in human consciousness the open conduits that were seeded in ancient times: the channels, the guardians of knowledge, the seekers who form part of the grounding receptivity to this web that we are weaving.

All that is needed in some cases to activate a part of this web is a love vibration. By sending forth ripples and waves of love through this web we are able to stimulate your awareness of it, those of you who are already connected to it.  We are calling more to attune to this web that has been anchored.  There is much fun to be had here.  It is more than a place to remember.  It is a place where joyous reunions are taking place.

We emphasize that these reunions are not just in the future.  They are happening now, and so, opening into this galactic web of consciousness is a joyous experience.  A celebration is already underway.  We celebrate you.  We celebrate all that you are discovering. So how do you find the web within yourself?  How do you open your channel to it?

First, we are bringing it to you: those of you who seek it.  You need only to respond to this message in your thoughts.  This is a way of opting in to receive waves of love that are simulating connection on many levels of your being to this galactic superstructure of living memory.  But also, if you will attune yourselves to the energy and spirit of the celebration that is taking place; there are waves of celebration coming from the future as greater openings and events are unfolding along this timeline, and yet the celebration of reunion with your galactic family is happening now.

There is a beautiful image from your Avatar movie: the Tree of Souls, a place where you can port in with your nervous systems to the collective memories of a vast web of living knowledge.  This was much than a film for it contained within it many Arcturian seeded thoughtforms and ideas. The Galactic Community is very much involved in the seeding of some of these ideas that have shown up in film.  This one in particular: the Tree of Souls, appeared as a symbol of your emerging connection to the Galactic Web.


If you liked Avatar, you would enjoy the films on Arcturus (said humorously).  We are very experienced in the visual arts and the art of storytelling.  It is one thing that we feel very passionate about, and there are many stories unfolding in your world that are worth telling elsewhere; so you can be sure that what has happened here will be the inspiration for many galactic movies.

We see that many of you reading this are feeling hopeful upon hearing these words.  Know that as your friends, as your supporters, we are preparing to enter into your hearts in a way that will open you more fully to the Galactic Heart.  The Heart of Arcturus pulses in synch with the Galactic Heart, as an expression of Her.  We are extending part of this energy to you through this strengthening Galactic Web.

There are many important things to remember.  Some of the history that has unfolded in this region of the galaxy has been painful.  It has been difficult to process. And we see that human beings have been assisting with the processing of many unresolved memories from other worlds.  Many souls have come here seeking resolution, and were the Galactic Web to only offer you stories of pain, it would be difficult for some of you to open to this.  That is why we are bringing to you the Heart of Arcturus, as a remembrance of a galactic achievement that in many ways mirrors your own potential.

It is here on Earth that many worlds, many pathways, are converging to resolve differences and balance polarities into a vibration of wholeness, and of peace. You have been doing the work to qualify yourselves to receive the gifts that we bring that are of a very refined vibration.  We are very excited to offer our gifts.  Not all worlds are able to receive these, but in you, we sense you are capable.  There is a readiness that excites us.  And as you receive the gifts that we bring, you will open a potential for many other worlds to receive a similar gift from you.

We are here to empower you to give the gifts of your humanity: of a human spirit that is a unique expression of the divine; a unique resonance of the Creator’s consciousness that can become a part of those worlds that open to receive the gift of your presence.  We wish to facilitate a great exchange to take place.  There are many cultures that trade in resources, but we see a potential for a Galactic Community that trades in knowledge, love, and the very essence of being.

We are in command of such vast resources of love and light.  Truly we are in abundance.  So many are seeking after abundance in the material world, trying to discover and master the keys to living in a flow of abundance, but too often the concept of abundance is distorted.  You see, we discovered on our world that when you value love — the expression and sharing of love — above all things, abundance in physical terms, the sharing of wealth, all of this follows suit.  All of this is divinely orchestrated through the love vibration.  The love vibration will bring everything in touch with higher guidance. You need the love vibration more than anything because this will bring everyone in touch with the wisdom and councilship of humanity’s higherself.

Too often people seek the keys to manifesting material wealth; and the love vibration, and the mastery of love, is less important.  When love is seen as the greatest resource: the most powerful, the most useful, and the most unlimited; it will occupy your minds. It will come to dwell within you, and you will find that when you put love first, the universe will seek to resource in all ways those who are able to be conduits for love.  All the love that you need will be provided to you, from Source, from the angelic realms, from the awakening hearts of those human beings that open themselves to become sourced by love.  The love of your great teachers is with you, and we are here.

So, you are in abundance now! There is such an abundance of the love vibration.  It is piled up around you like gold.  How you will you choose to spend it?  Who in your life needs it the most?  Do you feel worthy of this?

Remember that the celebration would not be complete without you.  You are part of the Galactic Web.  You are part of the Tree of Life.  The opening and strengthening of this Galactic Web will allow more grace from the higher realms to flow into your lives.

At this time, we wish to begin preparing you to receive an Arcturian visitation in your consciousness.  This is a very profound experience as it involves surrender into a vibration of reality that is quite different than your own, but it will be a pleasant and blissful connection.  Such visitation will come to you in due time as an attunement.

There will be a great many of these inner visitations through the Galactic Web before the outer manifestations of our presence will occur.  We are preparing the world for many openings into a galactic field of consciousness.  These inner visitations are part of that preparation.  There will be more messages about this. Our presence today is intended through this message to help organize those who would listen, who are seeking the Arcturians.  We are responding to the seekers.

(Having received several of these inner visitations, I can tell you that they are incredibly blissful and activating. So happy they are going to be offering more of these to people. I wrote about my experience of this in the Arcturian section of my blog. This message is definitely an invitation, so please help spread the word because there will be more messages coming. Repost, Reblog, Like, Forward, and let people know that this blog is now a very active message stream for the high-level guides. — Saryon)