Arcturians in Our DNA

Before I complete the seven part “What is Awakening in Our DNA” series, there is an extension to this that I know all of you will find fascinating.

The whole galaxy is awakening in our DNA, but not just the consciousness of ET civilizations that are part of our galactic heritage. I mentioned this element in part four of the DNA series, but there is much more.

The New DNA is a container for the consciousness of the galaxy itself, and so it is able to reflect in a mirror-like fashion, the consciousness of any civilization that is part of the hologram.

One night I had an experience of traveling into the memory of the body to explore what the galactic level of this New DNA connected us with. I found myself traveling at enormous speed to another star system where I could see and feel the presence of many other planets.

Two of these planets had life and were developing civilizations of intelligent, humanoid beings. As I observed, I saw the records of these two world speed up to reveal a pattern of awakening that reveals part of our own potential.

I was not sure to what extent these two civilizations were related historically. They could have been colonized at the same time, or perhaps civilization on one planet colonized another. What was interesting was the moment of awakening.

I actually saw and felt one of these worlds awaken into oneness and, at that point, they made a commitment to unconditionally support their sister world to awakening into oneness. As the records of this solar system’s history accelerated I felt the second planet enter oneness and both began to explore the galaxy together as a singularity. They are the Arcturians!

What is significant about this witnessing is that the Arcturians discovered a part of their purpose through awakening the second world. If they had just awakened as one world and moved on they would not be who they are today. Realizing the plan to awaken the second world brought their purpose into focus, and they discovered something about their role in the galaxy through what happened.

Seeing through the experience of their own solar system how they could be midwives to the birth of another world gave them all a revelation. They decided that this is what they wanted to do for other worlds: help them awaken into oneness.

I have heard reports of people seeing two different kinds of Arcturians, the shorter ones and the taller ones. This is probably due to the key difference between the two Arcturian home worlds.

Gudrun Miller painted this picture of a male and female of the taller ones. She does the artwork for her husband David’s channeled books with the Arcturians. Probably the closest representation in film would be the beings in the movie Cocoon. The Arcturians glow with an inner light and radiance that is very warm and loving.

Gudrun also painted this image of one of the Arcturian Crystal Temples that resonates with me. I have definitely felt a connection to these temples during some of my contacts with the Arcturians.

The most exciting part about the vision was the knowing that our New DNA connects us to the records of other living worlds. We are going to be able to surf the web of the galaxy by just reflecting inwardly to read the records of our bodies. The New DNA connects us to everything!

Channeling the Arcturians


The first time I channeled my Arcturian guide was in 2001, in a little German city called Munchengladbach. It was one of the first workshops I ever hosted and the channeling took me by surprise.

I was already accustomed to leading groups through guided meditations, but this time it felt different. An Arcturian ship appeared over the room and I felt my consciousness aligned with the Arcturians in meditation.

They brought an energy vortex into the center of the room and offered each person an etheric crystal that connected them into the energy of the Arcturian spiral of ascension. I felt these crystals going into our auric fields and it was a very powerful activation. We all felt a shift, and then my guide came through me and began to speak to people about the Arcturian energy.

I felt very blessed by this experience. They obviously wanted to show their support to those who were coming together to align with the ascension energy. One of the things I remembered the most clearly about the session was the comments the Arcturians made about the potential for humans to evolve our sense of smell.

Arcturians have very acute senses of smell. They can take in a lot of information through smell and it is also a source of great pleasure to them. Of course, their higher dimensional reality probably smells a lot better than ours, but still, they said that they would like to help us to evolve this aspect of our physicality.

Last year, I went to Sedona out-of-body to check up on the work the Arcturians are doing there and I was led to a deposit of blue stone that had been brought to our world from one of the Arcturian home worlds. The instant I touched one of these blue stones it was like leaping into a portal.

I found myself flying through the galaxy at incredible speed until I entered a portal and leaped right onto the planet where these blue stones came from. This is a perfect example of why such gifts are given to our world, to weave a web of consciousness between worlds that we can find within ourselves.

The Arcturians have brought many such gifts and continue to place them in key locations around the world, though Sedona is an excellent place to visit if you want to connect with the Arcturian energy.

I know there are a lot of people who would like to know how to channel the Arcturians, or who would like to make a connection to an Arcturian guide. I first learned about the Arcturians in a little book about Sedona and it suggested a brief meditation for contacting the Arcturians. I am quite certain that the signal I sent out was heard because I did begin to experience contact.

Thought I don’t remember the meditation, I can tell you quite simply that all you need to do is ask. Do a little meditation and send out a signal to the universe if you like, asking for a high level Arcturian guide to work with you on your ascension process.

Not everyone is destined to channel the Arcturian guides, but just signaling your readiness to explore the Arcturian energy will begin to open the doorway to this wonderful resource of galactic healing energy. They are very telepathic, humorous, loving, and friendly. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in touch with them at some point. The best way to make yourself available to that is to practice some form of meditation, though telepathic contact can happen whether you are in a meditative space or not.

That is one thing that I have noticed about the Arcturians. Channeling them is one thing, but they are very able to carry on a conversation with you telepathically without you being in a channeling space. I have had many spontaneous conversations with them. Sometimes just mentioning them to a friend prompted one of them to chime in on the conversation and offer a message telepathically.

There are several good books about the Arcturians as well that can help connect you to them. One is called “We, the Arcturians” by Norma Milanovich. My favorite Arcturian books though are by David K. Miller. Both David and Norma have been guests at my previous conferences in Colorado. David is a very psychologically clear channel and I have enjoyed his work. I hope those of you who want to learn more will look into his work.

Many Blessings,


Contact With the Arcturians

I was lying down to go to sleep one night when an intense vibration entered my body and consciousness. It was unmistakably a form of ET contact. I knew this not only from previous experience but, the source of the energy showed me an image of two of my friends who have had a lot of ET contact. I saw a very brief sort of memory/movie where I saw my friends experiencing the same frequency, knowing that contact was about to occur.

Because I did not know who was contacting me at first, I panicked and broke off the connection. I bolted out of bed and went to my living room to meditate and see if I could discern who this was. The fact that the contact was not being forced was the first sign that it was OK to relax and trust. If this was a truly invasive form of contact they would not have backed off to allow me to adjust to what was being offered. My soul had already agreed, but I needed to get the conscious mind to go along with it. (more…)

Meeting My Arcturian Guide

Before I share any more Arcturian updates, I thought I would post a few entries about how I came to be connected with the Arcturians.

When I first met my Arcturian spiritual guide I was out-of-body. I had been drawn into a meeting space somewhere on the inner plane where there were many other lightworkers. Then, a woman tapped me on the shoulder and said there was an Extraterrestrial being that wanted to meet me. (more…)

Is the Galactic Federation of Light Fake?

That is what one of my subscribers on YouTube recently asked.  I thought I would share my response to the question below pertaining to the “Final Exam” video.

“To your knowledge is The Galactic Federation of Light fake? Are they the bad aliens? Their videos are everywhere in YouTube. Can you share more information?”


I actually watched the whole video and found it quite fascinating. First of all, after all my years of traveling out-of-body, channeling, experiencing and even facilitating ET contact, I feel I have become somewhat of an expert in this area.  Having developed many associations with various friends and guides who are part of the advanced ET groups visiting Earth, and also having experienced many levels of interference from ETs that I learned to protect myself from, I have experienced the full spectrum of what we are dealing with.

I have also witnessed some of the darkest and most devious forms of the ET presence undergo radical transformation through their participation in the karmic planes of Earth, so I don’t view fear-based ETs as a threat but, rather, a reflection of ourselves that we have drawn to us for a process of mutual healing and resolution.  I also recognize that we must also be very careful and vigilant about maintaining boundaries with the ET’s showing up, even seemly positive ones, because even so-called benevolent ETs can have agendas that do not serve the highest good. They are all learning, just as we are, from the Creator’s plan. (more…)

The Venus Transit and the Arcturians

A Shift into Greater Harmony

On June 6th of this year we will experience the second of a pair of Venus Transits (when Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun); likely the last one we will witness in this lifetime for those of us alive today.

I remember the first of the pair in 2004 very vividly.  I shifted out-of-body to get an angel’s eye view of how this astrological event was affecting the planet and I witnessed incoming waves of Venus energy at work on the mass consciousness.  There was an infusion of love and harmony that connected me with the incoming waves of creative energy that were pouring into our planet during the 1960s.  It felt like Venus was reawakening a creative matrix that was seeded back then, but which was seeking to rebirth in a more refined form.

The energy of Venus accentuates awareness of love and beauty; however, with this Venus Transit there is an added kick to what we are receiving.  We are more ready now to assimilate what Venus has to offer, and this particular astrological event has attracted the attention of many highly evolved multidimensional beings that are able to work with humanity through the resonance of such astrological alignments. (more…)