Rising Above the Frequency of Fear

In the Arcturian Update I posted last November, I spoke of the increasing use of frequency control in our cities and how the Arcturians were countering it by increasing their transmissions of galactic love and light to our planet.  On the very first evening of my family’s stay in Orange County we had a shocking experience with these mind control technologies.

Almost as soon as we arrived in our new home we experienced a sudden breakdown of emotional harmony.  Everyone’s attachments came up to things being a certain way.  There was an unsettling mood that seemed to sour our arrival and we went to sleep that night feeling confused about why we were arguing when we should have been happy with our new surroundings.

That night I became aware that we had all been dosed with a frequency of fear and chaos that was coming from somewhere in the city.  I honed in on it psychically and discovered some kind of a transmitter that was beaming out this frequency.  It appeared to be on top of a building somewhere. I could not tell if we had been targeted specifically or if we were encountering the general effects of this frequency. (more…)

Arcturian Update

More than 10 years ago, the Arcturians introduced themselves to me during an out-of-body experience by taking me to see one of their projects. I was shown an impressive Earth healing project that involved laying down a gridwork of crystals around the portals in Sedona, Arizona. These crystals are too high in vibration to be perceived by our physical senses, but they are there — anchoring the healing energy of the Arcturian home worlds on Earth.  And you can be certain that there are many other locations like this one that have been receiving such sacred objects to help change the resonance of our world.

This experience was the beginning of a long series of interactions with the Arcturian ETs that involved physical sightings, contact experiences, visitations at my home, channelings, healings, and out-of-body visits aboard the Arcturian starships.   These have all been joyous experiences as the Arcturians model a blissful integration of love, light, and angelic energy. They are here to demonstrate part of our evolutionary potential — one aspect of which involves becoming seamlessly infused with our own angelic counterparts.

Over the last few months, after a long quiet period, my main Arcturian guide began to speak with me again to deliver some information that feels highly relevant to our times. The first subject of these transmissions is that of galactic contact for humanity. (more…)