Message from Melchizedek

Message from Melchizedek

The Masters recently came together in the Golden Melchizedek Vibration and spoke as One of a gathering of spiritual family beginning to assemble to participate in a new level of training from the Masters. It seems we are reaching a new crescendo of incoming light and the Golden Vibration of Melchizedek is setting the tone for the work, as before.

For those new to this work, and for those interested in the continuing journey of the School, this message that I received from Melchizedek years ago still resonates as a perfect intro to the ongoing work we are doing.

This was originally the invitation given for a one year program called, The Shamballa Course, which ran for two years and was directed by the Angels, Ascended Masters and Arcturians that teach in the School on the inner planes, and through me as a channel.

This work transitioned into the ongoing Path of Integration program, which now includes a monthly live class and additional teachings in between, including from the archives of the earlier phases of the work, whenever relevant.

I was guided to share this for those that may feel called to align with what is opening up, so that you can recognized your connection to this vibration of univeral energy.

(Lord Melchizedek is a Cosmic Level Ascended Master energy that represents the Universal Logos, or primary vibration that sets the path of evolution in place for beings universally. All living worlds that have a Shamballa-like center for the spiritual education of that world have a connection to the Golden Vibration of Melchizedek, just like what is described below.)

Message from Melchizedek 

I Am Lord Melchizedek.  I am coming to deepen your training with the Ascended Masters.  The Ascended Masters are a core group of teachers, healers and facilitators that represent a body of wisdom and love through which many higher forms of consciousness are able to impart dispensations to humanity.  They are channels and conduits for a cosmic consciousness that is also teaching them, and so, you are a student of students and a member of a growing student body that is aligning with a singularity of love that unites and guides many, many levels of progression in the human ascension process.

The ascension process does not end when you complete your series of embodiments.  It does not end when you become enlightened, or even when you physically ascend the body, which will be the case for humanity collectively in later centuries.  Ascension is a universal process.  You are learning about it on a planetary level so that you can understand and participate in larger projects of ascension that involve many worlds and many systems of consciousness. 

You are here to be a conscious participant in a grand, multidimensional work that is bringing new educational resources online globally, psychically, and in ever-wider circles of influence.  Do not underestimate your own potential.  Do not underestimate how far the ripple effects of your lives can reach.

God’s Eye is fixated on this world, and this world is being called into unity with itself.  There are opportunities present for rapid evolutionary growth, rapid healing, and the acceleration of many causes of social reform that hold a great deal of promise for humanity’s creative potential.  We are cultivating certain forms of collective intelligence.  This is why we seek to develop you as channels.  You each have your own strengths as channels and conduits of living energy, and Our training with you will concentrate on the progression of your individual channeling process so that you may tap into these new forms of collective intelligence as they become more available. 

God’s Gift to each of you, in the form of the Ascended Masters that overlight your progress, was designed very specifically to compliment your potential, and the potential of those living in this time period.  Centuries from now, many new Masters will have been cultivated into leadership positions, much like those of the Masters you know now, and they will be right for those times.  The Masters we are cultivating now are living lives to compliment the spiritual progress of those they will be instructing and guiding in the future. 

We see the potential for many of you being trained by the Masters to eventually take your place among the guides that serve in various capacities in the inner plane teaching institutions that We have established.  The education of humanity is Our goal.  We are training you now, giving you what you need, not only for your sake but, for the sake of those whose lives you will impact far into the future.  The goal to educate humanity about the truth of its potential – to bring to fruition its divine gifts and qualities – is a very long-term project.  It has been ongoing for ages of time, and it will continue on for many thousands of years.

There are certain individuals that have been marked for this training through this particular channel.  You will know if this training feels right to you.  It is a calling towards a deeper relationship with the Ascended Masters.  It is a calling to advance more deeply and fully into your responsibility to lead by example.  It is a training that is given truly as a gift and a dispensation to those who have demonstrated a devotion towards spiritual progress and service to others.

Through this training you will come to know Shamballa as a teaching center.  The Light of Shamballa is reaching out, increasing Its contact with the students of the Masters on the physical plane.  This is a rare opportunity to train with a model student whose career is being accelerated by the Masters.  The accelerated nature of his training will provide a springboard for many who feel similarly devoted to spiritual progress and refinement.  This training is designed to teach and cultivate a lifelong relationship with the Masters so that you will complete this one-year program with a newfound sense of the spiritual processes that are laying claim to your life.  As you learn to engage the evolutionary forces from within, you will also develop in your capacity to rely upon inner guidance from many different sources, including your higherself.

We want you to be able to find access to higher consciousness more easily and to understand techniques for shifting your own consciousness out of limitation as the need for this is ongoing in your earth-life experience.

Special care will be given to address the individual needs of the participants while We will also seek to lay down a foundation for future students. We see in this group, however, a potential for many to become bonded together as friends, and this is an important part of your journey as a group process.  You will all become more highly reflective of each other through the work of the School. The presence of the School will be downloaded into your consciousness and your souls will be connected regardless of your locations.  This training is for those who are ready to bare themselves, to share their souls and be vulnerable within a group process.  In this regard, you will all get to know each other very well.  There is no part of your lives that this training may not touch in some way. 

The Melchizedek Vibration that runs through this training will seek to unify the student body through the consciousness of the Masters.  While you may be learning from them as individual essences, the golden vibration in My Name will align you with that still-point of unity that the Masters share as One. 

The goal is to move into oneness with the Masters — to know them as aspects of yourself — just as you will also be treated as an aspect symbolically of the other students in the school.  We will all practice looking upon each other as reflections of the One.  And so, you will also see in Me your reflection as this golden light is here also to become a part of you, as one of the many integrations that We are offering.  And though these integrations are not exclusive to those who are going to be joining through this training, the training is designed to propel you into the dispensations being offered so that you may potentially model integration with them for others who are opening to discover these potentials within themselves.

We honor all of the light bringers in this world, and may you all be blessed and find within your hearts the same calling to connect with the global student body of world servers that are sourced through the Heart of Shamballa.  The blessing of Our golden light is upon you, and We will strengthen you as One. 


Excerpt From the Masters’ Personal Message to Me About the School

You are here to develop a worldwide program for training with the Ascended Masters.  This is not a training that can be encapsulated into simply a two-month course.  The depth and breadth of the teachings we will inspire in you will contain a deeper, richer, and fuller accounting of the human potential of the participants.  It is not something that we wish to stop and start.  We would like to work with those that are interested on an ongoing basis. 

The School of the Ascended Masters is going to teach more than the basic spiritual principals that you know and serve and practice.  It is going to delve deeper into the hidden architecture of human consciousness.  It is going to provide many new tools to help you develop in your ability to cocreate — to program reality through the transformation of the self. Do not try to put what this is into any kind of structure.  Do not see any limitation to the range of what will be offered in this course.  It is a channeled course and, as you know already, anything can happen.  

We are calling you together in groups on the physical plane to assimilate more of our teachings and energy.  It is our wish at this time to see the formation of many such groups that are willing to journey together in partnership with a learning process that is multidimensional.  We are taking great care in selecting students for these groups.  You do not need to promote this widely.  People will find you.

This is an opportunity to get to know the Masters more deeply.  Each one of us has something to bring.  There are many integrations that will come to you in this training that will be unexpected but very inspiring, and will address the needs the participants have for growth in their own lives.  You can only speak very generally at this point about what is in store.  This is a Mystery School Training, and, as such, part of it will be a mystery, both to you and to the students.


It is intersting to me now, looking back at how all of this has been fulfilled, and continues to be, as the consciousness upgrades taking place through this work are the result of having integrated with this lineage of teachings.

I’m looking forward to sharing more and continuing to serve in cocreation with the Masters, and if you have participated in some part of this work with me and experienced the benefits of it, please share your thoughts below about this unique and ongoing work.

Channeling Master Kuthumi

Channeling Master Kuthumi

The Ascended Master Kuthumi has been one of my teachers since my late twenties. I remember the day that Saint Germain, who had overlit my training up to that point, passed me over into the auric field of Kuthumi and the Second Ray of Divine Love.

Kuthumi’s first instruction to me was to meditated with him each morning and to allow his presence to merge into my heart. I did not know it then, but he was preparing me to begin channeling the Ascended Masters for people.

My relationship with these Masters has immeasurably accelerated my learning, healing and spiritual evolution, and it is part of my purpose to help other students of the Masters find their way into alignment with the inner plane teaching centers that are extending their influence into the world to train those of us that came here to serve.

I have rarely shown video footage of my channeling outside of the Path of Integration Study Group. More often, I have offered audio clips, but this recent channeling from Master Kuthumi felt like part of an invitation for a wider audience to connect with the flow of guidance that continues to come through for participants in the School of Manifestation.

For those of you that have heard me talk a lot about channeling in the Learning to Channel lessons, I thought I would offer a video this time so you can witness a channeling, and one that is speaking to all of us about the process of anchoring light on the planet.  I am only making this video available for a limited time.  Let us know what you think in the comments below.  And be sure to check out the upcoming class on Sacred Clearing Work.

An Activation from the Master Kuthumi

An Activation from the Master Kuthumi


Kuthumi’s Message

You will likely need headphones to hear the discussion that follows.

This recording will soon be added to a members only section, however, membership to the new library of teachings is FREE.

If you would like access to free channeled audio teachings, please Join the Email List above and stay connected to this ongoing series of Ascended Master Teachings.

Telos and the Lemurians – Webcast Event

Telos and the Lemurians – Webcast Event


Ever since the first year that I visited Mt. Shasta in 1997 I have had a connection with the hidden city of Telos beneath the mountain.  I even traveled there out-of-body and visited with some of their people.

On Saturday, July 19th, I helped host a gathering in Mt. Shasta with Telos USA as we aligned ourselves with the new Lemurian energy that is being restored, in part, by a reconnection with the people of Telos and the Inner Earth. It was a beautiful gathering and I channeled a discourse with the combined energies of Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Saint Germain.

Here at the link below, is the replay of a webcast that was inspired by the Telos USA event in Mt. Shasta where I give a presentation about the subject as well as a channeling. In the first half I talk about Telos, the Lemurians, healing the separation between Atlantis and Lemuria, and our reconnection with this part of the human family that has been hidden beneath the surface. In the second half I channeled Adama and then Saint Germain. Unfortunately the recording cut out about halfway through Saint Germain’s talk, but it is all worth listening to.

Click Here to listen and please let friends know about my work as a channel.  Lots more stuff like this is on the way.

The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

The Pattern – From the Arcturians and Their Angels

We speak with one voice: We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, as one. We are modeling this integration, and we can speak now about the emergence of a Pattern that we are beginning to see in human consciousness, that we expect to see even more of in the future.

This Pattern sometimes comes into being for a brief period through the activity of groups and it helps to activate a code of consciousness into the Earth, though it often dissipates within the original group; but something different is beginning to occur – the arrival of a new potential — for this Pattern that we see can now be sustained and become more permanently a part of human consciousness. It may still be activated in groups but it can now be carried forwarded to help activate others. 

The Pattern, as we see it, is a convergence of the human and angelic presence. It is the opening within individuals and groups to the channel of your higherselves, and the angels are a bridge for this to occur. 


Whenever we see this Pattern emerge, there is a heightened degree of synchronicity, and there is a palpable feeling and vibration of Light between people and their chakras. You can feel Light being downloaded into the Earth and there is a greater sense of harmony — a sense of spiritual family, a feeling that it is safe to open your hearts, and a feeling of communion with the angelic presence. Your thoughts become theirs and theirs become yours. There is a process of matching frequencies, aligning intentions, and opening into a state of connection. The emergence of this Pattern in human consciousness holds the potential of your reconnection to Source. It is the Pattern that precedes a greater arrival of the Creator’s energy. 

There are many people in the world that are awaiting the arrival of something. They may believe they are awaiting the arrival of an Extraterrestrial presence, or some higher consciousness that can stimulate humanity’s awakening into a more accelerated phase. The Arcturians are certainly a part of this arrival but, it is the angelic presence and your own angelic counterparts that represent the greater part of this arrival; and the Arcturians do not intend to steal the show, so to speak, before your connection to the angelic presence has been fully revealed. In fact, it is through reconnection to the angelic presence that the Arcturian presence shall be revealed. This, more or less, is the order of things, at least for the masses. 

The angelic presence will provide you with the power to choose what is being laid before you to choose by the Creator, according to your design and the original blueprint of your relationship with the Earth. Those that come from within the Galactic Community that represent a challenge to human sovereignty have a role to play in testing you into your true power. They are a great challenge, indeed, a great test. 

A time will come when you, as a human collective, will have gathered enough strength and enough access to power that you can drive these forces away from the Earth, sealing the Earth in a vast corridor of space around it with a field of angelic protection. And even though such forces continue in their process, and in their plans to advance and claim more power and influence here, do not be disturbed by this. Do not be disturbed by the progression, even, of human plans based in greed and the agenda of greater control. For now, you must cultivate your connection to the angelic presence.

The angelic presence will inform you when it is time to confront such energies, to call them out, to address them directly in your consciousness, and to address the Galactic Community about the situation. You will be able to invoke galactic law and to claim your sovereignty, and you will have many allies that will support these claims, but you are here to do more than make claims. The test that has been brought before you will bring forth your greatest strength, and you will find that strength both in your marriage to the Earth and your alignment with the Earth’s animals and, with your marriage to the angelic realms. 

Do not be concerned about how small your numbers appear to be.  We are coordinating you with many others. There is plenty of time to prepare — to evolve through the various stages of reclaiming your power. Do you see now how big the manifestations are that you are being trained for? This School of Manifestation was never about just manifesting for your Earthly needs. You are here to be stewards of a much wider reality, extending even beyond the Earth, but this new spiritual reality must be born from inside you. It must be cultivated and brought to fruition.

You are going to manifest a new paradigm on this Earth that will extend from your bodies, and you will manifest this new reality through alignment with spiritual power: the power of Earth’s guardians, the power of the Metatronic Light that sources you, and the natural rights given to you by the Creator. There are so many that seek only to master creation’s laws on the level of their own personal abundance but, without reclaiming the Earth as a whole for the Light and the Love and the Peace of your own angelic selves, without claiming the future from the reigns of misplaced power, the Earth would not be able to sustain manifesting for a world of egos for very much longer. 

As you grow in your awareness and as your connection with the angels deepens, they will be able to show you many things. They can show you the records of other worlds, and they can show you how important love is, and what happens to worlds that lose their connection to love. 

There is a plan for humanity, a plan worthy of every level of support. The restoration of the Earth can happen so that this plan can be fulfilled. You are worthy of all the miracles and divine manifestations that have been and, are being, sent down into your world. The plan is to cultivate a garden of love, not merely to restore balance to the Earth’s eco systems, not merely to plan for enough food to feed and sustain human civilization. You are here to remember that love is a vibration inside of all things; and especially inside of living, biological forms, this vibration can be cultivated. The land itself can be made to vibration with the essence and the consciousness of love, and this can, and will, become your food source. 

Your world will become a School of Manifestation, and you will be able to teach a path to others about how to manifest a world of love. It is the only way to transcend the survival mode of consciousness, and though there are many ways to cultivate love, love is truly the only solution to the problem of survival. Other worlds have learned how to survive without it but their survival has limits. Their freedom has limits. What kind of a life would you have merely surviving as a technological race if you had no freedom in your consciousness? You would be trapped in a physical reality, unable to expand into the higher vibrations.

The human body has many hidden dimensions to it and, as we see it, you, as lightworkers, are very much in disguise.  We see your immense lightbodies, and yet, they are invisible. You chose to disguise yourselves, to lose consciousness and accept your light being turned down. This, so humanity’s captors could not see you coming. The immense power of your lightbodies remains invisible to the alien presence.  Just as they have remained hidden from you, you have remained hidden from them. We are here to help restore your connection to the Light, to make the invisible visible. And with love, to defeat that which seeks to erode your freedom. 

You were meant to discover the IMMENSE POWER of LOVE. Many human beings look at the corruption in the institutions of government and in the banking system, and so many others places, and they believe that they have no power to change this, or that the change can only come through some surgical removal of those in power. Some imagine political solutions, economic changes, disasters, and all kinds of ways to disrupt the program of control, but it is love that will provide the greatest disruption. Seek to cultivate this in your lives and you will be well on your way and well prepared for all the changes that will create the opportunity for the causes of love to advance.

Each one of you has the power to envelop the world with love. Each one of you has the power to align with and embody the full power of the angelic presence. When you speak and command with the same words and intentions as the angels, you will align your voice and your vibration and your thoughts with the angelic blueprint for humanity’s awakening and transformation. You have tremendous power, but you will need angelic assistance to direct it, to streamline it, and to source it. You are here now to awaken into your angelic blueprint. 


The gift of the angelic presence that has been sent to you contains everything that you need to fulfill your Divine Blueprint. It is a complete package. And it is the answer to the question of your identity. So many of you identify with various aspects of star family or with many other families of consciousness but Metatron is lifting your gaze higher, beyond the other worlds you have incarnated on and into a dimensional space where you may know yourselves as a highly trained collective of angels. You are Angelic Starseeds, having brought light into many systems of reality, having incarnated into physical reality many more times than most of the angels that have overlighted that journey. 

As you step more into alignment with your angelic blueprint, We, the Arcturians, and the Arcturian Angels, will continue to add a part of our consciousness to yours. A bridge has been activated here that will continue to grow and strengthen until its purpose is completely fulfilled. We are part of the same Tree of Life. And we are part of the same Whole Galactic Being that is awakening through both of us. We thank you for your service.                         

NOTE:  During the Arcturian Telecourse, the Arcturian Angels introduced themselves and we also heard from Metatron about an Angelic Blueprint to unify all Lightworkers. This message represents an extraordinary transmission of new consciousness where I experienced a convergence in my channel between the Arcturian Ancient Seven and their angelic counterparts. This message represents an introduction to the work of the upcoming Angel Telecourse.

If you feel called to join us for the upcoming 6-week Telecourse with the Angels, please Click Here. The angels are extending invitations to people and there is a scholarship program for those in need, so money should not be a barrier to participation. 10% of all proceeds donated to charity.

Amma Sri Karunami

Amma Sri Karunami

Nearly a week ago, I experienced a visitation on the inner plane with Sri Karunami.


I always like to acknowledge when a Living Master shows up like this because it feels like a blessing that is meant to be shared, and if some of you have never heard of Karunami, I am happy to introduce you.

I first crossed paths with her in Boulder, Colorado when I was living there, and later saw her twice in the Bay Area.  She was the first Living Master that I ever received Darshan from, which is a personal blessing.  Technically, by the strictest definition of the term, Darshan refers to even having a sighting of a Living Master, but like other Masters she offers personal blessings to individuals during her tours.

Karunami spent a long period of her life meditating in nature before she was guided to bring the blessings of her enlightenment to the world.  Having personally experienced her touch on three occasions, I can definitely say that she is one of those rare living saints that embodies the touch of the Divine Mother.

When she appeared to me the other night, it was not the first time that she had visited me.  Since meeting her and receiving her blessing, she has come a number of times and I always experience her presence as one of divine transfiguring love.  I am writing about her now because she goes on tour quite often and there are lots of opportunities to see her, both in the United States and abroad.

She is always fundraising for charities back home, and the people who organize these events for her do a great job.  I highly recommend meeting her to receive a personal blessing if you have the chance.  She has, at times, come to me with a message, like an angel, and on one occasion gave a very inspiring message to me for a friend. She watched over people, long after meeting them.

To learn more about Karunami, Click Here.