by Saryon | Aug 1, 2013 | From the Angels and Ascended Masters
I am incredibly excited to share with you this new project and cocreation with the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms. July 31st/August 1st marked the official opening of the School of Manifestation. Over 80 people gathered through a live webcast event to complete the Allowing Divine Manifestation telecourse, during which the Ascended Masters inaugurated the opening of the school.
So much has happened in such a short period of time, so I wanted to recap what feels like a historical unfoldment of events.
When Saint Germain first spoke the word “Manifestation” in June, I thought he was giving me the title of a book the Masters wanted to write with me, but as they soon explained it was much more than that. They inspired me to call together a group of people to receive the transmissions coming from a new multidimensional center for education that Saint Germain dubbed the School of Manifestation.
First Sananda came in, then Mother Mary, and finally Saint Germain: each giving an opening address and invitation to join with the work of this school. By the end of the telecourse, we had also been joined by a group of Arcturian guides that call themselves the Arcturian Ancient Seven, and Archangel Metatron revealed His direct involvement with the school, having personally established it with the Ascended Masters.
Some people, myself included, had experiences of being aware of the inner plane training during dreamtime. In my case, I saw the entire group of participants and found myself facilitating a group healing project in one of the inner plane classrooms. Now I can actually feel this new center for consciousness on the inner planes, like a collective chakra that is becoming more and more present in our awakening group consciousness.
The central structure for this new inner plane center is the Temple of Manifestation. Saint Germain brought the Violet Flame into the center of the temple and later said that this place was an extension of his Ashram on the inner plane. Throughout the course, many tidbits of information dropped into our awareness about the structure and nature of this temple and I am excited about making these original channelings available in an upcoming ebook.
By Alex Grey
As I understand it, the revealing of such a place like this, as a new resource for human consciousness, is a very rare occurrence. Saint Germain expressed that this is one of the few educational projects that he is directly overlighting and he said that he would personally be inviting more people to come to this school and participate in the offerings. Jesus and Mother Mary will also continue to overlight the activity of this school as we move forward.
This is an exciting moment in both in the spiritual history of the planet, and also for me personally. I have been waiting for a commission from the Masters like this but I had no idea what they had in store. This is more exciting than I could have imagined! And to top it off, the Arcturians came in and said they will be directing the next course. Click Here for more info.
The old “Choose Peace Now!” banner for my work is being retired, and I have purchased both a new website and a new domain name. I now own
Stay tuned for more from this new launch. New articles, videos, and other announcements will be coming in the month of August, and I now have a new mailing list for exclusive content not available on the blog. If you want to receive featured channelings and other opportunities from the School of Manifestation, please Click Here and join the new group.
This is an opportunity to link up with people all over the world that are aligning with the transmissions coming from this new center for consciousness. This is going to be an amazing journey, and I want to share it with as many people as possible.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Saryon Michael White
PS: Here is another image I like, by Gilbert William, that reminds me of the Temple. I will have to commission some artwork at some point to hopefully create a visual representation based on my own impressions.
By Gilbert Williams
by Saryon | Jun 29, 2013 | From the Angels and Ascended Masters
I AM BLOWN AWAY by the power and potency of what the Ascended Masters are offering us through the new telecourse! I am in the middle of transcribing the message that was just channeled for the course this morning and I had to stop and write this.
My whole body is vibrating with the incoming energies and it feels like there is a lightness of being entering into my heart and mind through the dispensation of these new energies. What makes it possible to drink so deeply is the alignment of a group of people that form a container for the resonance of these energies on the physical plane.
The group of people that has formed to receive these new messages and energetic attunements is truly amazing! I have no doubt that what the Masters are saying about this group is true, that together we will ground our connection to a vast new resource of planetary healing energy that they are partly revealing through the course.
by Saryon | Jun 21, 2013 | From the Angels and Ascended Masters
It has been very joyful these last few days, watching people manifest the new telecourse with the Ascended Masters. Many of the people who registered offered to gift their “bring a friend” option as a scholarship and so far this has perfectly matched with those who have requested scholarships.
Already, this course has inspired a feeling of generosity and helped to affirm an abundant universe for those that often feel unable to manifest things for themselves that vibrate with joy. I know there are lots of people interested in this course that have not contacted me yet, and I felt inspired to share a few thoughts about manifesting the experience that this course is about.
If you are one of those people who wants to participate but believes that you can’t afford it, or that you can’t manifest the course because of a lack of money, here is where your course begins. Abundance and joy go hand in hand, but joy is not dependent on having abundance. Joy is an abundant feeling. It is a way to attract an experience of abundance. Let joy come first!
Start connecting with the joy of prosperity as a feeling, and then ask yourself who might want to join you in that vibration. If you are meant to participate, then someone will feel inspired about joining the course with you. Sure, you could just request a scholarship, but I hope you will think about co-manifesting the course with those who are seeking new opportunities to cocreate with the Masters.
This is not about looking for a sponsor and thinking about who might have the money for the Manifestation. This is about finding others who resonate with the idea of “Allowing Divine Manifesation” in their lives, and then representing the potential for others to align with you in receiving these incoming blessings of the Masters. Perhaps you know of a spiritual group that might be interested in the opportunity. Instead of trying to figure out who will sponsor you personally, just start sharing the opportunity of the course and see what happens.
Perhaps you are already feeling abundant and money is not the issue but, rather, time. Of course, not everyone can meet for the calls at the scheduled time, but that does not limit you from participating in the course. I want to inspire you to think bigger, and ask yourself, is there anyone I know that is in need of this course? Because half of this course is delivered through channeled writings each week via email, and because all the calls will be available for playback, logistics has less to do with Manifesting what this course is about than finding the inspiration to participate in abundant cocreation.
The inspiration you give to whomever you gift the course to will fulfill part of its purpose. This is part of the reason why you get to bring a friend, or gift a scholarship when you register.
Whether you are opening to receive a gift from the universe, or joyfully contributing to the field of abundance, for everyone, this is about aligning with a field of abundant cocreation.
This is already shaping up to be an amazing international group and there is a lot of excitement from those who are participating. Please help spread the word and help us grow the container for the resonance of the Masters’ teachings.
by Saryon | Jun 18, 2013 | From the Angels and Ascended Masters
Dear Friends,
I have something very special to offer you straight from the Ascended Masters. A week ago I was surprised when I heard Saint Germain say, “Manifestation!” At first, I thought he was giving me a commission for a book I was going to write with the Masters but, once I started channeling, it turned out to be something much more.
Sananda came in first, followed by Mother Mary and then, Saint Germain, each delivering a discourse and an invitation to train with them through a new series of offerings, beginning with a telecourse. You can read their messages below in order.
Sananda’s Welcome Message
Mother Mary’s Message
Saint Germain’s Introduction to the Course
The last time I hosted a telecourse it was a great success. People really loved it and I am happy to have the opportunity to host another one. This course will be 5 weeks long, starting on Wednesday, July 3rd, and will complete on Wednesday, July 31th. The calls will be for approximately an hour and a half at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern. That’s 11am Thursdays (July 4th through August 1st) for those of you in Sydney. Also, this will be set up so international participants can use Skype or a local number.
This course will involve the delivery of channeled course materials before the calls each week, and all calls will be taped for playback if you cannot make the scheduled time. The calls will involve presentation, audience participation, and we will definitely be doing some channeled/guided meditations to facilitate connection with the Ascended Masters at certain points.
As Saint Germain says in his opening message, “This is a Golden Opportunity”. I am very excited about what is in store. As for the price, Saint Germain gave me special instructions that will help each person align with the energy of abundant manifestation he is holding with us for the course. This course is about “Allowing Divine Manifestation”, and Saint Germain wants us to align with the spirit of gifting and sharing.
Special Instructions Regarding Registration
The price for the course is $110; however, included in this price is the opportunity to gift the course to a friend. The Masters said that for this 5-week course, everyone would come in through the resonance of the number 55, which is half of 110. This is about people aligning with a one-one vibration (1-1-0) to join the circle; either gifting or co-manifesting the gift in the process. So when you register for $110 you have the choice to either bring a friend or gift a scholarship to the course, which I will organize.
Of course, you can always split the cost of the $110 with a friend (co-manifesting). The Masters are intending through this format to build a group of people that are personally connected and can share the channelings with each other and discuss them during the course.
Be sure to let me know if you are gifting a scholarship for me to award or, include the name, email, and country of your friend. I am sure there will be people needing scholarships, so consider gifting a scholarship to the course.
You might ask: “I am just one person, can’t I just register for $55”.
Answer: That would defeat the purpose. This format is part of the course instruction and is all about gifting, sharing, inclusion, cocreation, and building a container for the energy of the course with people you personally feel close to. Even if you are an organizer with a group that has an odd number, the extra position could be gifted into the scholarship pool. Let’s just have fun and play with the abundance. The Masters obviously have a reason for doing it this way.
Looking forward to enjoying this course with you. We are in for an accelerating time!
by Saryon | May 21, 2013 | Angels, From the Angels and Ascended Masters
A reader asks: Can you please teach me how to access Archangel Michael and Metatron?
Connecting with the Archangels begins with acknowledging the presence of your personal angelic guides. Michael and Metatron are so vast, and yet their presence overlights all the angels that work with humanity as spiritual guides. They are all one, so your personal angelic guides are like little Michaels and Metatrons. The more you acknowledge the angelic presence that is with you on a smaller scale, your access to the whole angelic hierarchy opens up.
What I am suggesting here is to not become attached to a specific goal of knowing how to access one particular being at first, but rather cultivating a daily relationship with angels in general, to build that connection into your consciousness more. It will be easier to find Archangel Michael or Metatron in your consciousness when you are able to look for them in the field of the whole angelic presence that you are connected to. A little like having to join Facebook first, before you can link within someone’s page.
Know that you can all request to be trained by the angels to become better at communing with them and living your life in sync with the angelic presence. Ask and you shall receive. (more…)
by Saryon | May 14, 2013 | Angels, From the Angels and Ascended Masters
Channeled by Saryon
May 13th, 2013
Guardians of Peace! We are the Angels of Peace. We are here to protect the peace potentials that you have brought into this world. We share the same guardianship. We share the same intentions of peace consciousness. We are behind your efforts to clear the pathways of consciousness so that the peace vibration can take root.
We are partnering with the Blue Ray at this time that is being sent forth to clear certain structures in human consciousness that reinforce separation and duality. We see the lifting of these structures as a sign that more of you are ready to embody a vibration of universal peace. You could not surrender to the shedding of these structures without a true, pure intent to move beyond duality.
The lifting and lightening of the structures that have reinforced the illusion of individuality are affording you greater access to the resource of yourselves as a Global Peace Council. The Global Peace Council is a group body of consciousness that has formed through the inner planes with our assistance. We have overseen the formation of this council so that it can become a vehicle for the skills, abilities and healing vibrations of all peace guardians to be pooled together as an omnipresent resource for all.
The Global Peace Council is a platform, creating access globally to streams of consciousness that can nullify conflict and ameliorate discord and despair, making it easier for people to find peace within themselves. The presence of this human counsel globally is being felt more and more as its presence strengthens. Whenever there is a call for peace or assistance with any form of conflict, the resources of this council are now available. We will align all those who call for assistance with the appropriate streams of consciousness and will assist you to align your thoughts with the peace and harmony of all relationships.
It use to be that people would fight with one another and it would trigger unresolved energy and defensive patterns; and each side might often end up feeling trapped in some way, unable to expand beyond the conditions of duality. We have seen this pattern everywhere, causing the potential of peace to be stopped cold. People have often lacked the vision of the peace that is possible. The structures that are being cleared from your minds will leave you with greater access to the vision of peace.
Every time we see conflict, whether it is played out between groups of people, or between two individuals, or between one person and their thoughtforms of the world; we see the peace potential in each one. We see the potential harmony. The part of humanity that has already shifted into alignment with the coming peace has made it possible for all to find that potential within themselves.
At present, there are bands of peace that are appearing in human consciousness where groups or collectives of people are sufficiently aligned for a river of peace current to flow. When these bands of peace appear, they reflect an alignment of intentions whereby many hearts and minds surrender their openness to be conduits for the peace that is needed in various places where there is great conflict and pain.
Many people look at the news and see conflict erupting in various places. You hear about the hotspots; but what is invisible to the media is the arrival of peace consciousness and the way in which these conflicts are catalyzing peace in other areas. These areas of conflict are like low-pressure systems that interact with other areas of human consciousness where there is a greater abundance of certain forms of energy to create a flow. You are building your strength now so that collectively you can form into lightning rods of peace consciousness, opening to release from the Earth the resonance of fear.
People often forget or are unaware of how much peace there truly is in the world. It is easy to see and witness severe conflict in other areas; however, the contrast is useful in opening your eyes to the degrees of peace that hold the balance of a greater reality. And though the peace potentials in the world are very fragile in most places, it is important to recognize the vibration of peace that is already present in the air you breathe.
Be grateful for it and know that peace has arrived. It has been seeded within so many hearts there is not a doubt as to whether or not the seed will activate to create the foundation of a global means to ascend. You are the founders of a paradigm of peace. This is what your future selves call you. The conflicts that you see presently will one day be spoken about as the last conflicts that arose as the dream of peace was being catalyzed and fulfilled.
So whenever you hear of conflict in some part of the world, it would be accurate for you to imagine and perceive that there is ten times the amount of peace needed to heal the conflict, readily available. If you seek to join your hearts with us, the Angels of Peace, you will further accelerate the joining together of all hearts with this vibration.
When you find yourself in a band of peace, you will feel within yourself a great calling. You will feel a passion for peace that aligns you with the angelic realms. It forms you into a channel and conduit for the energies of the Global Peace Council. These bands of peace will continue to arise and will be there to activate anyone who finds themselves inside this flow of current. It is for each one who experiences this to discern where this energy needs to be directed. Some of you will be called to create ceremony with this energy, to call the world into alignment with what you embody, or to release the duality within yourself. Some will be called to activate others and inspire others into alignment with these bands of peace. The work of peace is bridging hearts together for a great purpose.
When the strength of these currents pass away from their peak moments they will leave you more activated, more engaged, more prepared for the next calling. Just remember that you have resources available to you. When you find a part of yourself that is feeling trapped in duality, share your thoughts and feelings with the Global Peace Council inwardly. As you invite peace into your mind it signals the council to surround you and assist you to lift your thoughts and your gaze to find the peace potential that is there for you. It is becoming easier every day to transmute what remains of humanity’s duality.