by Saryon | Jun 8, 2013 | Regarding ET Contact
Channeled by Saryon
June 7th, 2013
Beloved friends. Your voices have an impact here. Your words, your feelings, your expressions of truth, ripple out into our community. We are delighted to know you. We value your unique perspectives and, were it our choice, we would see that your perspectives were heard within all the regional councils of government that exist in space, that are inclusive of many worlds.
We see that there are those of you who are ready and willing to function in that capacity, as representatives of Earth but, at this time, we see that there are many worlds — many consortiums of star nations — that do not recognize humanity as a sovereign culture. They do not see you as a sovereign world.
It is difficult for us, for we wish to see you being honored and welcomed into the Galactic Community by all who are aware of your presence. It is not often that a world such as yours awakens into such a densely populated region of space. We would like to see you become a sovereign world: recognized as an equal by all others; and believe us when we say that we will always advocate for your recognition in this regard, but the path to sovereignty is not so straightforward.
There are many agendas that are affecting your path to sovereignty: some internal and some that come from off-planet. We would like you to consider how it appears to other worlds when you, as a species, do not value the treasures of this world; for even those who would use you and deny you your purpose as stewards of this world place a value on Earth’s treasures such that they believe they have a right to protect and claim these things for their own interests.
We are gathering now to answer the call of the Earth, and your desire to meet with us is a part of this calling. The mood that we hold at the moment around all that is unfolding contains a great mix of emotions. We are both excited and concerned. We are awaiting the arrival of certain forms of energy that will have a great impact in the world. We cannot yet see the outcome.
In any given moment there are many different versions of the world that you are choosing from. It is a rather complex process to describe in words but we see a reflection of many probable worlds in your emerging multidimensional DNA. These worlds represent sets of choices that resonate together as choice fields. These energies can wrap around each other and propel each other. It is a diverse mix of potentials and we see your uncertainty. We see great despair in the world that is based upon not knowing that you have a choice. That is why your listening for guidance is imperative in these times, for you can make choices that will model for a great many others a pathway through these challenges into alignment with the highest expression of the Creator’s energy.
We see a period emerging where many agendas will be exposed. This will allow the choices that you are making to align with the Creator’s energy to be expressed and articulated in the face of these agendas. Were these agendas to remain hidden your choices would also not be recognized for what they are but, there will be a great forum for the conversation regarding choice. You must define through your own guidance what the choices really are because the agendas that you are up against want to limit humanity’s awareness of choice.
We see this partly as a contrast between choices that will be presented outwardly (those that have been made for you) and the choice to align inwardly with a more holistic and unifying approach to solving world problems. Our choice is to align with you and, with the arrival of the Creator’s energy within you: to witness this arrival, to feel the restoration of Earth’s ancient purpose.
Our own faith in the Creator’s plan gives us hope, and the uncertainty that currently exists concerning the outcome of history is actually part of what we believe will fulfill the highest potential. The arrival of the Creator’s energy is partly expressed as an arrival of unpredictability, giving all forms of consciousness freedom to express but not enough power to take the reigns of what is happening. In this way, all the agendas, perspectives and drivers of change become visible so that you are faced with an overwhelming realization concerning your potential. To the extent that the convergence of all these agendas may feel confusing for some, this confusion is also what will bring many to seek the Guidance, the Light, and the Protection of the One. And this is where they will find their alignment with the Creator’s energy.
You are not the only ones that are being challenged to surrender. There is also a loss of control taking place elsewhere as many that hold attachment to the outcome of your history are being challenged to let go and surrender to the Divine Plan. We will continue to guard and protect our ability to meet with you. As we have expressed before, it has been very difficult to formulate such pathways of communication, because of interference, and because the clarity of intent (on the human side) was not always a match for our purpose.
Even though there are many challenges before you with claiming your roles as guardians of the Earth and Her treasures; even though the world is run by institutions that do not resonate with this as a primary directive, it is important that each of you listening to this claim your guardianship roles and hold in your consciousness this aspect of your purpose, for this is part of what the Creator’s energy is sending forth; to restore this consciousness within the human family; to establish a civilization based upon this prime directive.
So do not be concerned about the obstacles. This awareness of your purpose is strengthening in the world. By claiming this and aligning with this in your consciousness as if there are no obstacles; as if by simply choosing this, the pattern of human civilization will change and reorganize itself to reflect this purpose; this is what you can do. This will accelerate the resolution of many of your environmental problems.
We are very thankful that you have heard this message. The number of people who will read this at first will be small, but we would have you know that the number of those who are supporting you from our end is very great. There are more than 40 ships with whole, complete communities living in space, that share a similar intent at this gathering point, to watch, learn, grow, and assist when possible, the process of your awakening. We thank you for listening.
Commentary: It took a long time to get into alignment with the communication portal on the ship this time because of all the noise in my neighborhood, and this felt like a different ET speaker than before. It felt like I was bridging minds with someone who was like a government official on that level and it took a long time for all of the impressions to come together into a coherent sequence of thought. I heard the guides talking about the process of pairing minds through the communication portal and I was aware of a mapping process where words and concepts were being tested to see how they could come through in translation. It is not always an exact science but I felt our ET colleagues appreciated our patience. There is so much more waiting to be said and we could feel they are getting organized and ready to deliver more communications. Thanks to all of you who are helping build the audience for these messages.
Love and Blessings,
by Saryon | Jun 1, 2013 | Regarding ET Contact
Galactic Message
June 1st, 2013
(It took a long time to get my channel lined up with this communication because there were many different resonances showing up, but it finally came into focus. I perceived this ship stationed far out in space, beyond the orbit of Saturn. This is the second such transmission from this group. There were more guides present this time than with the first transmission.)
ET Speaker: There are some 50 plus guides and friends who are gathered around this communication portal to align your channels with this transmission. That is why you were initially having a challenge honing in on the specific frequency as there are many patterns of galactic intelligence represented in this group, some familiar to you as Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, and some that you do not have names for. We are all collaborating to bring to you our observations at this time.
We would ask you first to attune to the vibration of peace and friendship that exists amongst all of us here representing a diverse grouping of Galactic Families; and we are reaching out to embrace you in that same spirit of friendship as our Earthly colleagues.
There are many people wondering about where Disclosure will lead you as a civilization. Will it lead to the release of more advanced technologies? Will it lead to contact with Extraterrestrial beings in a more open way? Of course, both of these potentials are there, and yet we are focused now upon a different element of this shift that we feel is very important, in that it impacts human consciousness in a more basic, fundamental way.
We are talking about an inner shift around the pattern of honesty versus the dishonesty and denial that is so pervasive. The Disclosure of the ET subject and presence is really part of a much grander shift in human consciousness around ending denial. This denial has affected many things in your world. It is, at its very root, a denial of oneness — a denial of responsibility.
There are many pressures in government throughout your world that are forcing people everywhere in positions of leadership to address this pattern of denial and dishonesty. The end of secrecy is really the beginning of a new degree of honesty in the world. We share this with you now because it is important to understand how these patterns in human consciousness are connected. The government and many other powerful organizations in the world have lied to you about a great many things. They are actively lying to you, lying to the media; and in many ways the media supports this because the denial of oneness and the fear of facing the truth is everywhere.
People are afraid to see what is being done to the world. And so, this pattern of denial for any individual has the effect of reinforcing the dishonesty in government; just as the systematic distortions that flow through webs of power reinforce the collective denial.
We see the potential for humanity to move into a new pattern of civilization that involves more honesty in your communications. People often veil the truth and seek to obscure it in their personal lives in precisely the same way that this is done on a very grand scale by your institutions. So when you practice on a personal level being honest with yourselves and being honest with others around you; when you no longer seek to avoid the unpleasant reactions that can sometime arise from such honesty, not only will you progress more quickly and process through you lessons more quickly on a spiritual level, you will help to end many centuries, many thousands of years of various forms of denial.
You can collapse the psychological structure of denial that keeps the secret governments in place by changing the pattern from within; by no longer reinforcing the pattern with your own agendas of dishonestly. Here we are talking about an evolution in the way you communicate with one another. We are talking about the barriers to telepathy. There are barriers are being weakened more every day. They are being weakened by the presence of many advanced souls who are focusing more and more on the oneness of humanity, and your oneness with the galaxy and beyond. These barriers are being weakened as the light and love of the angelic realms assists you to heal from old forms of protection that were rooted in dishonesty.
We wish to pass on our knowledge about this aspect of the planetary shift, for this was one of the things we had to address on our own worlds in order to come into a conscious relationship with this diverse Galactic Family that is represented in this group. Our honestly allows us to merge vibrations, to pool together the resources of our consciousness and to apply these resources as a force of change in your world.
We see that throughout the world there are more and more people understanding honestly as a part of the evolution of your culture, and a way out of certain egoic patterns that reinforce separation and inhibit the coalescing of consciousness through a field of oneness.
The dishonestly that plagues your governments and your financial institutions cannot continue beyond a certain point. At the same time that this pattern is being used to control information and perception, it is also being used in ways that are self destructive and sabotaging to those who are involved — those who are the architects of this dishonestly. There is a pressure forming inside of these webs of power for change to take place. Presently many in the hierarchies of power feel as those they are running into a wall. They are seeing how their dishonestly is hurting others and hurting themselves.
There are some people who are growing sick from their dishonesty; and gradually there are masses of people moving towards the realization of a great insight, that the extent to which each individual participates in these patterns reinforces them collectively, enabling people to do dark and terrible things in this world.
There are some who believe that you have gone too far as a civilization in the wrong directions to repair the damage, or to align yourselves with a path that can save you. There will be many voices crying out, telling the world that you cannot trust the world, that you cannot trust your community, or the people around you to make the right choices when systems based in denial begin to fail. But what many do not see is the evolution taking place that is sometimes quieter, less visible, less known.
Many resources of love, wealth, and advanced teachings are emerging. These are all part of a vehicle, like a grand starship that can transport you into the new paradigm and through the changes and beyond, to many more shifts in consciousness. We are speaking of the vehicle of your ascension. Your bodies are part of this vehicle. The resources of love, wealth and knowledge that are beginning to stream forth throughout the world, represents the emergence of this vehicle, and those who are drawn to these resources will enter the vehicle to become part of it and extend the pathway to others – aligning them with the shift into higher vibrations.
You will hear from people all around you that are affected by negative speculation, doubt, and fear; but the great news of what is changing will come to you more from within for a time. It will look as though outwardly everything about humanity’s fate is uncertain, but if you attune inwardly to the new stations of consciousness that are coming online and broadcasting, you will hear and feel the news of victory after victory. New stations of consciousness are opening all the time, broadcasting a vision of oneness; a vision that is calling more and more people to enter and align to be fed by the knowledge of your oneness from within.
We are very aware of the frequencies that are being used in an attempt to trap you in a lower vibration of reality. There are many forms of technological — as well as psychic — pollution and interference, and you are all in need of support and protection from these vibrations. These countermeasures are being stepped up because the growing light in the world is seen as a threat to the webs of power. That is why we have been called here to assist you. Love and Light is being made available to a degree much greater than these countermeasures.
Your work on the planet is too important. Those who try to cause separation with technology will only alienate themselves. The world is being claimed by love and light. Know that we are inspired by you. You are helping us to see ourselves more clearly and to discover another part of our purpose in the Divine Plan. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to serve, likewise we are immensely grateful for your service.
End Transmission
by Saryon | May 23, 2013 | Regarding ET Contact
May 20th, 2013
Galactic Message
After meditating for a while and opening to channel, I perceived a vast fleet of multidimensional starships far out in space. I felt a connection to one of them, where there were familiar beings inside. I then perceived a group of humanoid ETs gathering around some kind of communication portal, almost like a raised table or podium, where many had gathered with one particular being acting as a spokesperson for the group. The following is a record of the parts of this communication that opened to address a larger audience.
Me: “Some of our ET friends are here with us and are connecting in with us now” – speaking to Susan who meditates with me to receive the channelings. “I am not sure if this is going to be a message for a larger group. It may just be for us. They asked me to start recording.” (more…)
by Saryon | Apr 28, 2013 | Regarding ET Contact, The World That Might Have Been
Following the release of the Sirius movie, I had a vision that took me back in time to one of the original events of ET contact that triggered the paradigm of secrecy we have been living in. I witnessed the crash of an ET craft many decades ago and its discovery by the military. I do not know if this was the Roswell event, but it didn’t matter. It happened, and it had tremendous impact on our planet’s history.
Had this discovery been made by a different group of people it might have yielded a whole different version of history, but the reaction of the military minds that surrounded this event was fear-based. There were many shocking revelations that were terrifying to their world view. The military/intelligence leaders of today need to understand that the decisions that were made back then to conceal the truth were not made by the best of minds.
Assumptions were made that set history on a course with the present dilemma of ending a global paradigm of secrecy that has only reinforced humanity’s denial of the truth. In the world that might have been, humanity would have begun a process of self discovery that would have ultimately empowered us with knowledge that is sorely needed in the present. That knowledge has been gained by the few, but is limited in its affect because the basic truth that we are not alone is still being obscured by both secrecy and denial.
The original resonance of these terrifying revelations about ETs that happened back in the 40s is still vibrating in the land of America; still characterizing a drama that is unfolding behind the scenes. At present, the worlds of greater potential that might have been are more than echoes. They are pulsing into our present like cascading waves of light that can reveal to us the choices that we made as our other selves. We have entered into a powerful, multidimensional window of time when the resonance of these other versions of history are more linked together.
Through this event, we have the opportunity to undo the decisions that bind us to a lower vibration of reality. We can even release the resonance of fear from the land and be lightning rods for a whole new love based reality to ground. The Sirius movie is helping to inspire a push for a reformation. It is a sign that we are moving in the right direction, and that we should all remain engaged and inspired by the potential for humanity’s transformation into a lasting age of peace. The world is ready for peace. It is only a minority that is seeking to hold us back.
by Saryon | Apr 17, 2013 | Regarding ET Contact
Yekra Player
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.
“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experience with the cover-up. Though he feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt, he comes upon an amazing find: a possible ancient E.T. skeleton, 6 inches long, is discovered in the Atacama desert. Dr. Greer, along with his team, backed by crowd funding supporters, travel to Europe to get a sample of bone fragment in order to have an IVY league university run genetic tests on the skeleton. What they find will completely change the reality of human existence.
While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.