Is the Galactic Federation of Light Fake?

That is what one of my subscribers on YouTube recently asked.  I thought I would share my response to the question below pertaining to the “Final Exam” video.

“To your knowledge is The Galactic Federation of Light fake? Are they the bad aliens? Their videos are everywhere in YouTube. Can you share more information?”


I actually watched the whole video and found it quite fascinating. First of all, after all my years of traveling out-of-body, channeling, experiencing and even facilitating ET contact, I feel I have become somewhat of an expert in this area.  Having developed many associations with various friends and guides who are part of the advanced ET groups visiting Earth, and also having experienced many levels of interference from ETs that I learned to protect myself from, I have experienced the full spectrum of what we are dealing with.

I have also witnessed some of the darkest and most devious forms of the ET presence undergo radical transformation through their participation in the karmic planes of Earth, so I don’t view fear-based ETs as a threat but, rather, a reflection of ourselves that we have drawn to us for a process of mutual healing and resolution.  I also recognize that we must also be very careful and vigilant about maintaining boundaries with the ET’s showing up, even seemly positive ones, because even so-called benevolent ETs can have agendas that do not serve the highest good. They are all learning, just as we are, from the Creator’s plan. (more…)

Discerning Humanity’s Potential: A Video Response

My video response to a comment posted about “2012 Spiritual Discernment: Future Lives on the Ascension Timeline”. I tell a brief story about leaping into the body of my future self in the year 2063 to witness aspects of humanity’s future; including the future of galactic contact. Also, some info about the process of integrating with light and the lightbody/ascension process.


Keys for Contact

In the last post I stated that I was not expecting a major opening of galactic contact for another 3 to 5 years.  We will likely see 2012, 2013, and even 2014 go by without the kind of global, paradigm shifting visual show of the ET presence that some are predicting. There will, however, continue to be a crescendo of awakening that will build towards a more global opening to ET contact, and this will prompt more people to form an assault on the official secrecy of the ET subject.

There may be high level forms of group contact that will take place in this window – bursting open part of the bubble of denial – but not the sort of events that will flood the whole world with truth.  I promise you, the flood of truth is coming, but such events can be like a mirage.  The ripple effects of future mass contact events are echoing backward in time, but they may be further away than they appear.

One key to remember is that the Arcturians, and many others involved in the program of contact, are not interested in enabling humanity to be distracted by outer appearances. The Arcturians will usually only appear visually to those who have made the connection with them inwardly, and who are able to meet them as equals. (more…)