Loving Our Human Needs

So many of us learned to deny our basic human needs when we were little, thinking we were making things easier on others or sparing ourselves from feelings of shame, guilt or embarrassment. For some this began before we could even talk.

Our diaper needed changing and this was treated as something disgusting. Our cries for love and attention were treated as an annoyance, or our need for food was treated as a burden. And how many of us suffered through the projections of poverty that came from our family as our needs were treated as a drain on the family’s resources?

Some parents even reduced our importance and the importance of our needs in their own minds to make themselves feel less guilt for not being able to manifest more money. There are all kinds of ways that our basic needs and feelings may have been resented as we were growing up and this was very taxing on our morale.

A child can only handle so much resentment and poverty projection before the disparity of the adult world starts to sink in. We start to resent our own needs because of how they make others feel and because of the backlash that projects onto us. Better to not have needs at all than to be resented, right? (more…)

Free Classes for Out-of-Body Travel

How to connect with the inner plane schools of self mastery to begin your training with out-of-body exploration and working with spiritual guides. Out-of-Body Exploration is the new frontier and I invite all of you to come join the evolution of human consciousness.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjhEqw0cPcQ&w=460&h=315]

Lightening the Burden of Regrets

“Oh no!  He’s dwelling on his regrets again.”

How many times must my angelic guides have said that about me?  For them, it is like when our computers get hung up and all you see is the little spinning wheel or the hourglass turning over.  We are unreachable to our guides when we dwell on our regrets because our brainwaves do not match with the focus of loving acceptance they hold with us.  We are tuned to a different frequency, and they must wait until we become more present and receptive.

It is for this reason that the angelic realms are reaching out through this article to help lighten the burden of regrets.  We are entering a time of increasing contact with the angelic realms and this can be enhanced when our channels are more psychologically clear.  Let us assume, for the sake of this process, that all regrets can be transformed into self-love.  Every person that has ever attained enlightenment has transformed regrets into self-love, and so can we.  Know then, that a vast association of enlightened masters is also with you on this journey, offering you grace. (more…)