What is Awakening in Our DNA (6 of 7): The Twelve in One

What is Awakening in Our DNA (6 of 7): The Twelve in One

The Revelation of Oneness would be incomplete without the teachings of Jesus that were sealed until the time of humanity’s awakening. There were many pieces of the puzzle that could not be presented openly because we would not have understood and, it would have distracted people from the parts of Jesus’ teachings that were more relevant to the times leading up to the quantum shift that is now underway.

All of the revelations given to us by humanity’s great prophets and teachers were incomplete, and in many cases there was a sealed portion of these revelations that has been waiting to come forth at the right time, when the great diversity of humanity would be able to receive these keys as a global audience of equals. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (5 of 7): The Revelation of Oneness

What is Awakening in Our DNA (5 of 7): The Revelation of Oneness

There is a revelation of oneness awakening in our DNA that is accelerating our spiritual growth like nothing before. This revelation was, perhaps, first present for the human species through the short-lived dispensation of Adam and Eve whose mission when awry. During the time that they were operating in full alignment with Source, this revelation of oneness emanated from their bodies as a field of divine union that encompassed the world, imbuing everyone’s DNA with the divine truth that: we come from, are a part of, and will return to, a singular Source.

While the original resonance of this revelation was present on the planet for some time through the lineages of Adam and Eve, this eventually became dormant and the process of blending and integrating all forms of humanity into a singular field/body of oneness became stalled.

At different times, this revelation of oneness has reappeared throughout the ages as initiates have risen above the mass consciousness sleep of time to become aligned with the original divine blueprint for humanity that was seeded anciently. The Ancient Mystery School of Egypt was built around this process of initiation and many other teachers have come to build upon a restoration of the original truth. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (4 of 7): The Truth of Our Origins

What is Awakening in Our DNA (4 of 7): The Truth of Our Origins


As we open the book of our multidimensional DNA to read the story of LIFE, the truth of our origins will be revealed. We are going to remember a lot of things about how humanity came into being, and the truth of the human condition.

What is awakening in our DNA is the truth that we are a part of a galactic family, but also that our species was blessed to receive the very keys to the future history of the galaxy. These keys were seeded in a variety of ways, one of which through the ancient arrival of a pair of divinely created human beings that we call Adam and Eve (a far more ancient event than is religiously believed).

They were not the first human beings but were the first of their kind. Humanity already existed in a certain form, as hybrids with several kinds of ET DNA mixed with that of primitive humans whose evolution was augmented by ET intervention. We are, presently, a mix of these lineages. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (3 of 7): The Code of the Prophets

What is Awakening in Our DNA (3 of 7): The Code of the Prophets

Before I write more about what is awakening in our DNA, it is important to explain something about why our DNA is shifting. We are approaching an event that is causing a shift in the field of matter itself. This event has many effects. It is stimulating the rise of the Earth’s Kundalini. It is stimulating a reconnection with the galaxy from within, and even a reconnection to Source.

All of these effects are changing the resonance of humanity by taking us out of the illusion of linear time so that our brains will remember how to process circular/cyclical fields of information that are connected to our bodies. The multidimensional event we are moving into is characterized, in part, by the completion of many cycles of time and the opening of many new ones.  Such a rare event might only happen once in the history of a planetary civilization, and the effects will echo for millennia. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (2 of 7): Collective Memory Loops

What is Awakening in Our DNA (2 of 7): Collective Memory Loops


The first time I read that we are evolving from 2-strand DNA to 12-strand DNA I wondered, “How does that work?” Naturally the linear mind divides 12 by 2 and figures that having 12-strand DNA means having 6 double helixes but, as I said in the last post, the term “strand” can be misleading.

Even using the term “DNA” to describe these other levels of coded memory is misleading because we are no longer talking about memory that is chemically based. DNA is an abbreviation of a chemical name, but the other levels of coded memory that are awakening within us are not limited to the size of the physical body. There are forms of coded memory that exist in the field around us, that simultaneously extend from and plug into our bodies at a genetic level. (more…)

What is Awakening in Our DNA (1 of 7): The Creation Pattern

What is Awakening in Our DNA (1 of 7): The Creation Pattern


We have heard a lot about “New DNA”, “Multidimensional DNA”, “12-strand DNA”; but what exactly is happening to our bodies? I have heard a lot of concepts over the years that do not resonate with the highest vibration of truth. I have even witnessed a ridiculous competition between people regarding how many strands of DNA they embody. (One guy told me he had 64.)

One thing that I have going for me in this process is that I am very aware of the subtle changes happening in my body and DNA. I have even been able to feel the beginnings of a process of global genetic shifting; so my aim is to give you some of the best information I have about this subject; information that is truly relevant to our awakening. (more…)