The End of Vaccines

The End of Vaccines


The end of all diseases will spell the end of vaccines, and I have seen with great certainty that this change is part of our destiny.

Many years ago I experienced leaping into the body of a future incarnation where I saw a version of humanity that had transcended all diseases. We all had a glow around us, like an extra layer of skin made of pure energy that encapsulated each of us into the vibration of what people now call the 5th dimension.

It goes without saying that we did not vaccinate ourselves into this collective state of perfect, radiant health; and I know for a fact that is not how the Arcturians achieved the same state on their home worlds.

The Arcturians showed me through their living records how they achieved planetary ascension, and it was clear that their shift into a collective state of perfect, radiant health did not come about purely from advances in medicine, but through a change in their collective focus of vibration.

They achieved perfect health through the same ways that every planetary civilization always has that has entered the garden of the 5th dimension as one. They did it through aligning with the universal presence of the One and becoming integrated with the code of oneness: the one-one vibration.

Like the Arcturians, we are on an ascension path, and even though we may have a ways to go to transcend the use of vaccines, there are things we can do right now to strengthen our individual and collective immunity through practicing a simple insight that was divinely revealed to me years ago.

Our language instructs our bodies cells. There is a direct connection between disease and the language of separation. If we learn to speak peace and clear away violent tones of expression from our language, we can being to program our bodies cells with a language of peace that connect us with the growing strength of humanity’s new collective immune system through oneness.

Even now, with as much self purification as I have done, I still encounter frustrating situations that can challenge me to remain in balance. I have to always think about what I am projecting and how I can be loving, calm and supportive to the people I am relying on to help me, even when things are going wrong. It is all too easy to project frustration onto another but, with every step I take to bring more peace into my expression and remain in that accountable place, I can feel the support of the Masters helping me to fully align with their dimension of pure unconditional love. Gradually, that energetic skin of super immunity is forming.

For some years now I have casually researched the issue of vaccines. There is a great deal of polarity on this topic currently in the media and I want to throw in a few observations here.

When I hear news anchors telling us that it is immoral not to vaccinate our children and I see them bringing on expert medical doctors to speak about the proof that vaccines work, I find the lack of unbiased reporting in the U.S. media appalling.

What I notice is the fear-based tone in some of the statements being made about what might happen if more people choose not to give their children vaccines. I have yet to see an honest debate of all the facts and I want to highlight what I feel is missing from the conversation been generated in the media.

When I hear experts talking about the scientific fact that vaccines work, this is a generalized statement that does not present an honest appraisal of the full spectrum of what we are dealing with. Of course there is well founded scientific evidence that some vaccines have done a lot of good for humanity. But there is also a profit motive that has become more and more involved over the decades, and there all all kinds of side effects that have gone unreported. Fear is being used to sell vaccines.

To just flat out say, “they work”, assumes that all vaccines are the same and that the benefits are the same and the safety factor is the same, and we know that is not true. The fact is, people have reasons to be afraid and to not trust the medical establishment that is pushing for vaccines. There are well founded reasons why we should not trust what we are being told, and yet we have to consider each vaccine carefully and differently and do our research because there is truth to both sides of the debate.

The anti-vaccine movement doesn’t currently represent a solution either.  It may be a little like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is also, to some extent, fear-based. I, too, am suspicious of vaccines but I prefer to do my research and make informed choices rather that make decisions from a place of fear.

There is, however, another reason why I feel great concern over the push for getting everyone vaccinated. It is not the potential side effects or the way in which this situation feels disempowering or contradictory to our ascending health potential. I have witnessed something very disturbing from my observations out of the body regarding plans for the future that has given me a whole lens through which to perceive the push we are hearing in the media.

Some time ago I was out-of-body and was witnessing a routine alien abduction taking place at night in a neighborhood somewhere. I saw a man being lifted into a ship where he we given a medical exam and I was aware that these ETs were making the rounds and contacting a number of people they had done this with before.

They apparently were working on developing a vaccine that could prevent a certain type of disease, and their reasons for doing this were nefarious. They are working on developing a series of advanced vaccines so they can use these as bargaining chips to gain more of a foothold here because if we appear to be allowing their intervention through a sharing of resources, this opens the gateway for more of their plans to unfold legally within the galactic community.

They can’t be here unless invited but because they are currently establishing this kind of engagement through back channels and in a clandestine manner, we could end up with more of our freedoms being given away in exchange for such technology without even knowing it.

Suppose a secret deal is made for a vaccine that will be passed of as a human invention, and yet, even as effective as it might be for preventing or curing a disease, the vaccine itself is like a form of ET resonance that, once injected acts like a badge of acceptance that we are agreeing to their presence in our reality.  Such a vaccine could further attune us to the reality of those who seek to control us by changing our resonance to become more alike to theirs, making us more susceptible to the influence of their minds. It is like a trojan horse  being injected right into our bodies.

I know this sounds far out, but there are many ways in which certain ETs are seeking to entice humanity through back channels with the promise of advanced technology, and the elements of our governments or secret governments that are involved have very little discernment about what they are actually dealing with.

The push for vaccines is, in part, a reaction to the anti-vaccine movement, but I have to wonder if there is more going on in both sides of this debate. The vaccine push might be trying to gear us up for the introduction of alien vaccines, and the anti-vaccine movement might represent something that is intuitive in nature — not just a reaction to the fraud in the system, but a sense that there is something ominous about where the vaccine moment is going.

Again, I believe that we must use a combination of research and intuition to assess the cost/benefit analysis of any medical technology. We are not yet collectively at a stage of human evolution where everyone can just never take vaccines again. At least some of them may still serve a purpose at this stage, and there may yet be new vaccines in the future that have an important role to play, but we must be very cautious, knowledgable and vigilant against manipulation through fear.

The key to understanding this debate may be in the observation that humanity is engaged in multiple stages of an accelerating evolutionary process. There is a portion of our society that is on a journey to transcend disease through a vibrational shift, but for a great many others in this time period, the vaccine paradigm may still be valid.

What I do know for certain is that we are not going to vaccinate ourselves collectively into a disease-free state. That will come about through our ascent into a state of oneness, peace, and alignment with unconditional love. We can become immune to all diseases without vaccines, and I believe that I am on that journey in this life.  Perhaps you feel the same.

The only question is, how close are we to that being a reality? Is the anti-vaccine movement also reflecting our proximity to another aspect of the global consciousness shift, or is it primarily just a reaction to the corruption in our system?

Please comment below if you have an opinion.  All opinions are welcome.

To be continued . . .

The Next Outbreak . . . of Super Immunity

The Next Outbreak . . . of Super Immunity



Last time I was on the Judy Show, I promised to write about the next outbreak.

We constantly hear about Ebola in a way that energizes fear and awareness of the destructive potentials that exist in the world, but you will likely not hear about the other major global outbreak that is happening . . .  the Outbreak of Super Immunity!

Quite a lot of where the mainstream news media focuses reveals to us the opposite of what is manifesting as an emerging new paradigm behind the scenes.

These two processes of activity in the world are actually inextricably linked.  As more and more peace consciousness dawns on the world, we see violent skirmishes happening in places where people are repelling away from the emerging field of oneness.

The angels have said that for every war or outbreak of violence that the media focuses on, there are 10 more that were averted on our present timeline into the Promised Age of Peace.  You will never hear about them though, because the news does not report on all of the negative potentials we have averted through peace consciousness.

Likewise, while the mainstream media focuses on the Ebola Outbreak, you will never hear about the fact that humanity is developing a new collective immune system. 

This is one of the most exciting developments that I have been tracking over the last decade, and I have been given many visions and keys regarding this element of what we are evolving into as a species.

Once such vision came to me as a gift from the Holy Spirit.  I have only received a few such visions over the years.  It is hard to describe what it is like when receiving a vision from the Holy Spirit.  Her presence is such a vast and all encompassing, cosmic awareness.  The visions usually show me things that open my awareness into a level of multidimensionality that the mind cannot even fully contain — like being able to see every human being on the planet at once.

Seeing with the gift of such vision is a little like being Dr. Xavier in Xmen, using the Cerebro Chamber to see all of the mutants on the planet and locate any one of them by focusing on their unique signature.

The exciting things about such experiences is that they show us a glimpse of what our nervous systems are actually capable of, but, for now, such openings are more rare than normal.

In the vision I had about immunity, I found myself standing in a position out-of-body that was slightly above the world, and the Holy Spirit was showing me what viruses look like from a higher dimensional perspective.  I saw what looked like these long and very large electromagnetic astral worms.  Their movements through reality were happening through the human energy field, as if we were like a large body of water and these astral worms were slithering through various channels of fear that were made up of a pathway of contagion.

It was very clear in this vision that people attracted the viruses through the resonance of fear and denial of oneness, and these worms were like collective thought forms that were made up of a combination of people’s collective fears and the various groupings of astral entities that had joined with these collective thought forms to absorb energy through these channels, as if the worms were like a shared vehicle for astral parasites.

The Holy Spirit then said to me, “You can become immune to all diseases.”

I knew this was not just a statement being made to me but to the whole of humanity within me.  I felt it was a statement made to all of us potentially, and I know that others have felt the resonance of this revelation appearing in our consciousness as I am only witnessing a truth that has been spoken to all of us.

As I received these words into my heart, I was shown that potential immunity as an experience of holding a oneness vibration in the body with all human beings, and I understood it is fear and denial of oneness that makes us susceptible to such thought forms.

I have very rarely gotten sick since my childhood.  After a certain point, I just stopped getting sick.  I have only had flu like symptoms a few times in the last 25 years, and when I have come down with something, I have often been able to identify the resonance of fear or unresolved energy that was coming up so that I could release it.

Because of this vision, I would immediately go into a focus of discerning the presence of the astral level of the virus, and from there I began to go to work on changing my resonance and resolving the energy.  The healing process became more than just drinking lots of fluids and eating soup.  My illnesses have been major multidimensional adjustments to the way our bodies are releasing collective forms of density, based in duality.  This is part of how we are birthing a new immune system.  We are becoming immune to duality and fear, and this is actually strengthening our biological immune system so that we don’t resonate with the forms of electromagnetic energies that are connected with physical disease.

I am writing this from Cambodia where I initially was intimidated to go because I have not had any of the recommended shots. I didn’t even research it until after I spontaneously booked a flight to come here, and then I started reading about all of the health risks with only a couple of days before my flight. Not enough time to even think about how to go about getting immunized, but then the angels reassured me to trust the green light they gave me to buy the ticket in the first place.

This has been an exercise in letting go of fear, and how fitting to have made this leap, just when I was finishing up this blog post. I am beginning to trust more and more the love vibration I am holding and to practice the wisdom of keeping my vibration up in a variety of aways, so as not to attract negative experiences, or health conflicts.  

There are so many keys I want to share with you about healing, self healing, and where the story of our new immune system is going.  I have barely touched on the subject here, but I have had many more visions that tell me that a genetic shift is already under way that will not only change our resonance to disease, but, increasingly, it is giving us access to the strengths that we have to share with each other, as healing codes of empowerment.  

This coming Tuesday, Feb 10th, at 6pm Pacific, I will be sharing some of these keys in a very special live interview with Karen and Salma from the Go Beyond Show, based in Canada.  

Click Here to sign up and listen live to this inspiring, activating, and informative interview. 

I can’t wait to share more about this part of humanity’s transformation.

The Sarasota Events – Photo Journal

During the first week of November (2013), I hosted a week long series of events in Sarasota, Florida at the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light. My sincere thanks to artist, Mary Angelico, who recommended me to a friend of her’s in Sarasota who then recommended me to the president of the Board of Directors for the Center.


Sharon Elizabeth, president of the board, also had a session with me by phone and decided at once to have me out for their next big event. They are use to putting on expos and had done things like this before. I was an honor to be a guest there for the week. That’s me with Sharon EL, as I call her.


We really hit it off as friends and soul family, and her center was a perfect fit for hosting what I offer. The first talk I gave was on Angels and the second was on ET Contact. I even channeled my Arcturian guide, Shamal.


This was the first time I had ever presented a lecture series and it was a hit. More people came each night until it was standing room only. All in all, I did about 45 private sessions that week, 7 to 8 a day, while hosting the seminars and channeling for the group in the evenings. I barely had time to eat and change clothes between the doing the private sessions and the evening presentation but I was blessed with a supportive team that brought me some good vegan food to keep me going during my short breaks.


I even hosted a luncheon with question and answer from the audience. It was a sold out event!


I had a lot of fun sharing the most inspiring visions I have had about the future. The presentation was based on answering the question: “What timeline are we on?”



On Sunday evening, I had all of the healers that work through the center come together to co-facilitate a community healing night. Here are some of the wonderful volunteers that helped make the week special.

DSCF9805(2)Most of the healers that evening wore white. We had several chairs set up for people to come receive healing in while several of us moved about the room and worked with people where they were sitting.






It was exciting to feel such a flow of energy moving through the center that evening, and I often received personally messages for those that I laid hands on. Below is a picture I took with Richard, who filmed all the presentations. Our videos will soon be available on the blog.  Thanks Richard!

DSCF9594They already have plans to bring me back in March of 2014, and it will be great to reconnect with all the new friends I made.


Officiating My Brother’s Wedding – Photo Journal

I must thank Skip and Erika again for the opportunity to officiate their wedding because it was great practice and prompted me to get registered as an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church.

Not sure if this is going to lead to many more weddings, but it did immediately lead to one more. My youngest brother, Brian, asked me to officiate his wedding in Oklahoma with his fiancé, Shelby.

That’s Brian!


I have always felt blessed with my two brothers. I can’t remember any of us ever fighting with each other. We always enjoy being a part of each other’s lives. Brian is very loving, responsible, down to Earth, and has a big heart. When he met Shelby online, it was a big surprise that they decided to commit to the relationship before ever physically meeting each other.

That’s Shelby!


They met for the first time finally in Las Vegas where Shelby is from. Together, they read vows and promised they would give it their best shot. That was nearly two years ago and their love surprised all of us.

That’s Brian on the left, and our middle brother, Mark, on the right.


The wedding was held in the back property beyond a house that belongs to some of our family friends. It was a beautiful fall wedding next to a lake — just what the bride and groom wanted.

When I arrived on the scene I was handed a copy of the wedding ceremony with very little time to review it. Apparently it was a bit of a mix of pieces from several ceremonies that had been copied and pasted together, and it needed a little work.

There was also a candle ceremony included, which is usually an indoor thing, so I made it my mission to find a hurricane lamp before the ceremony. I managed to get all of their vows, plus the ceremony, prepared and printed only an hour before the wedding. That’s Shelby looking over her vows one last time.


At the last wedding, I noticed the groom was nervous enough that his mouth was really dry leading into the ceremony. This time I came prepared with lip balm and a bottle of water for each of them that I had stashed under the table for the candle ceremony. Those definitely were needed.


Funny story.  I had managed to find a hurricane lamp to protect the candle ceremony, but when I returned from the shopping trip I discovered that the hurricane lamp would not fit over the green candle holder that you see below for the main candle. This was a bit comical and we played around with several possibilities until we someone came up with the idea to place small blocks of wood around the base for the hurricane lamp to rest on.


Everything turned out great, and I will soon have a new baby niece. They found out about the baby not long after they got engaged. We are all very excited and I hope to see them again soon, after the baby is born.


I don’t know if GOD wants me to officiate more weddings, but if it means getting flown out to an exotic location, or getting to see old friends and family, I am open to the possibilities.