The Officiate – A Photo Journal

It’s official.  I do weddings now.

Last month, my dear friend Erika that I know from Oklahoma (where we both grew up), asked me to officiate her wedding in Saint John.  Until then I had not met the groom, Skip, but I remember dreaming that I met him years ago when Erika first mentioned him, and I knew then they were meant for each other.

That’s Erika!


We have been friends since we were about 19/20 years old.  Here’s an old picture of us below from when we first hung out together. I treasure friendships that have lasted so long, and I was more than happy to officiate the wedding.


Erika is an amazingly talented person.  She has worked as a stage actress, and in film.


She also does work as a makeup artist.


Skip and Erika make an amazing couple. They are a lot of fun to hang out with. Skip is also super creative and works as a writer/director. They both want to do films together.  I remember when Skip told the story about how he met Erika. He was in a hotel waiting to be picked up for a film project that Erika was sent to get him for and she walked in to the bar and yelled his name, not knowing what he looked like. Skip said the moment he heard her voice it stirred his soul, and how amazing is it that she was calling his name.

That’s Skip!


They basically offered me an all expenses paid trip to the Virgin Islands, which is where they got engaged. They rented two amazing houses with beautiful ocean views, and a few jeeps. There was the quiet house, mostly for the older family members, and then there was the party house for the younger crowd.

Some of Erika and Skip’s best friends were able to come to the event. I got the best of both worlds. Secured a place to sleep in the quiet house but spent most of my waking hours at the party house. I am normally asleep by midnight but, I was on West Coast time, so my body didn’t mind staying up till 3am. I was the only one there that didn’t drink alcohol but we all had a lot of laughs and I made friends with everyone.

The wedding was held at Trunk Bay in the late afternoon.  It was beautiful. We went snorkeling there the next day.


It was wonderful and inspiring to be so present with two souls like this on their wedding day. Skip and Erika both wrote their own vows, though we also cocreated a ceremony together that was beautiful. It was based on an island wedding ceremony, though I changed it up a bit, added some words of my own, and a Native American Blessing at the end, since all three of us are part Native American.


Erika had laid out in the sun too long and I hear she was wearing many layers of makeup to cover the burn but she looked great.


I call Erika my guardian angel, and she says the same about me.  Somehow we have always been there for each other as friends in those moments when it meant the most. She reminded me of who I once was and who I wanted to be during one of the most difficult times of my life. I am forever grateful.


Everyone came together to make this an amazing event.  And we found lots of time for snorkeling and exploring the island as well. My favorite part was when Erika spotted a school of reef squid while we were snorkeling.  We swam with them for quite a while.


I wish these two all the best in the world.  They are such bright people, and I believe they will have an amazing life journey together.


Thanks again, Erika and Skip, for an amazing vacation, and for getting to play such an honored role.  You guys are amazing!


Cosmic Questions for Saryon

One of my clients recently read “Bringers of the Dawn” and posed a series of questions that I thought would be great to respond to on the blog. I remember Barbara Marciniak’s book was one of those that really helped my understanding and awakening in my late teens. That was before I started going out-of-body and learned to read the records and channel for myself.  My understanding has evolved greatly since then and yet there are definitely things in Marciniak’s books that have continued to resonate with universal truth.

In her books, the Pleiadians are quite clear about the fact that they are giving concepts at times that are stepping stones for people, and they are not always telling the whole story but feeding people the truth in stages. For me, there  was a point when my own understanding and exploration took me way beyond what any of these channeled books are telling us.  I have had the great fortune of directly witnessing, from out-of-the-body, the answers to many of the kinds of questions that come up when reading these channeled books.

Hope you enjoy some of the tidbits from that exploration below:

What would we see if we left our Universe, the part where the Universe expands to?

Answer:  This depends on how you exit the universe because space is organized in multiple ways. Metatron actually took me out-of-body once to a position outside the universe where I could see our universe as part of a large array of other universes. This answered the question “Are there other universes?”  YES, there are!

From this view I could see all of them as if they were overlapping each other in a single panoramic array.  I knew that this was Metatron’s view, and that each one was also in its own region of space. It was apparent that from inside the hologram of each universe there could be great distances between them. There are also many versions of each universe that overlap each other in the same holographic space with different versions of history, and consciousness CAN travel between them.

I have crossed over into alternative versions of our own history many times from out of the body and, in one case, I was informed that I had crossed over into an alternative version of this universe with a whole different version of Earth — not just an alternative version of our history — and yet there were certain things that were the same in that universe as well. Earth is apparently a key center in multiple versions of this universe, where very large blueprints for history in the local universe extend from.

The best way to answer this question about the space outside the universe is to first explain that what we call “the universe” is just a tiny part of a much larger construct that makes the hologram of physical reality possible.  Picture a diamond ring and imagine that the entire physical universe represents the diamond. In this case, the diamond/universe appears because of a band of focused energy that extends from a vanishing point behind it. The diamond could not exist without the ring, and if you think of how big the physical universe is, then imagine how big that ring must be by comparison to set the physical universe in its place.  The key to accessing the awareness of all of this in your consciousness is to understand that size is an illusion.

From inside the construct, there is a space that appears to surround the physical universe, even outside of the band of energy that contains it.  It seems to go on forever, and is connected to other universes, but if you were to travel so far into this space that you exceeded the limits that light had traveled, you would still be connected to the vanishing point, which is omnipresent.

I have observed the physical universe from outside many times, observing the nature of its rotation. This can be done without actually going anywhere because the light of everything is everywhere. It is possible to see, feel, sense, and experience the reflection of a greater reality through the reflective nature of light and consciousness. Our consciousness is mirror-like and can read the light of Creation far beyond the limits of physical perception. There are also different ways to view the whole universe. This is the really cool part of the Creator consciousness that we are a part of.  In order to “travel” outside of the universe, all you do is shrink the size of the universe by aligning your consciousness with ever expanded focuses of the lens that contains that reality.  Like I said, size is an illusion.

People have often asked the question in another way: “If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?”

Other way of answering it is to say that Creation is part of a Void, and the Creator found a way to fold the Void to create the illusion of Space. What vibration did to the Void is a little like when you place two mirrors in front of each other. There is an illusion of space in the reflectivity that appears to go on forever. That is what everything is expanding into. We call it Space, but its more like a form of reflectivity that is contained inside a larger pattern of vibration that has a basis in Sacred Geometry. One day we may be able to detect the light of other universes, and yet it is Sacred Geometry that will bring us closer to God.  So also, we will never travel to other universes physically, but if we wish to go there in our consciousness, we will just return to that point of origin where all of the beams that image all of the other universes are closer together, then choose a different beam to become a part of.  There is a way that all of this works that is perfectly natural for us to know, a forgotten science of reality that informs our very essence as souls, it is just that most have forgotten just how holographic reality is.

Where do energies dwell? Like Love, fear, peace? Are they always in movement from Universe to Universe answering calls or do they actually have a home from where they respond?

Answer:  Love is the very essence of Creation. It just IS. Just like God and Existence can never be fully explained in words, Love is a mystery to itself, but a beautiful one that continues to grow and expand infinitely with each new version of Creation. Love is inseparable from the Divine Matrix of Sacred Geometry, from which all universes are made. God is Love and Love is the Source of the Unified Field of Physics. Gravity is a form of Love.  Light is an aspect of Love. Form is an expression of Love. So the first part of the answer is that Love is more than an emotion. It is the very thing that makes everything spin and vibrate at a quantum level. Often what people think of as love is human love, based on biological relationships and the attraction between opposite poles, but Divine Love is the essence of life itself, and the eternal, ecstatic celebration of it.

Peace is also part of the foundation of existence.  It was established through the Perfect Order of Creation at other levels. The Promise of the Creator to return all cocreators to the Source and to continually renew Creation gives all being peace. The Promise of eternal life in the memory of God, and the Promise of unconditional love and forgiveness creates a peace that is sourced in all universes. We just happen to live in a world where there is still an ignorance of these things and so there is room for activity that disturbs peace.

Fear, however, is primarily a biological experience.  Most nonphysical beings at a higher vibration would never feel fear. There is no threat of death in those levels of reality. Fear was partly designed as a threat response system for biological creation. It acts as a warning signal to help physical beings avoid danger, but certain beings discovered that this threat response system could be abused and used as a way to feed distorted systems of power. Fear became part of many mind control programs.

There are also plenty of nonphysical beings that have been infected by such fear programs and so it is not entirely based on the biological experience, but this is only possible in certain levels of reality that are closer in vibration to our physical/biological reality like the astral plane, so you have to wonder about the connection between the two. Would nonphysical beings have gotten the idea to use fear to intimidate and control smaller, less influential beings if not for the way fear was expressed at a biological level, or was biological creation perfect before fear was brought into being through the distortions of rebels like Lucifer?

Why are we chosen to be the planet to receive more light than any other planet in the Universe, including getting light from Prime Creator directly?

First, I would say that God’s help, and the infusion of light that is taking place, is not as exclusive as is suggested in the question.  Earth is a very special place, but many channels still filter awareness of this as something more human/egocentric than it really is.  I will describe a universal pattern that others have tapped into, which may have led to such an idea, but I am showing you a bigger picture.

First we should look at our universe. Our universe is unique in that this was the only universe that experienced the Lucifer Rebellion. Metatron showed me how in all other universes, the pattern of creation is basically the same. So the duality present in our universe has gone to an extreme that may not have been tried before in any other universe before. In all universes however, God (Prime Creator) always sends a Emissary, known as Christ, to reveal to the Children of the universe the true nature of God, and our destiny to return to the One. And when I use the term God, I am not excluding the feminine nature of God. Some people say God as if that is the masculine form, with Goddess as the feminine, but when I say God I am speaking of something that has no true gender.

So in every universe, Christ is sent as an emissary of the One — bringing the consciousness of the beginning and the end into Creation. This dispensation of teachings is seeded before the midpoint in the grand cycle of time is reached, to prepare us for the experience of reconnecting with Source through a special alignment that happens only once in every universe. This is not the only planet that was chosen to receive such an emissary, but it is possible that there are not many that are chosen by comparison to the number of inhabited systems. All planets, however, that exist at the time of this special alignment will be affected by it.

It was once shown to me that our galaxy is a seed galaxy, because a change is being initiated here that will catalyze change in a multitude of other galaxies, and within our galaxy the Earth is a seed planet in the same way.

Being that this universe is also unique because of the rebellion, it makes what it happening on this planet that much more extraordinary. The plan of the universe though, is for all beings to realize their connection to God and to begin a path of ascension back to the One through Christ.

How does Prime Creator choose which planet gets help from Her directly?

It is not that God (Prime Creator) looks at all of the inhabited planets and then makes a decision. The Earth and humanity were designed with a key role in the blueprint for the whole universe. The decision was made to initiate the Earth and humanity at the very moment that the universe began. There are other factors involved that are difficult to explain, but the blueprint that is being tried here might become a model in some respects for other universes.

There are several factors related to “why Earth” that seem to be interconnected.  Earth may have been chosen because it was a key planet affected by the Lucifer Rebellion, but also, the Rebellion may have involved Earth because it has been chosen as a place of incarnation in the local universe for the Christ energy.  The question is: which came first? — and in truth, both factors may have occurred simultaneously in this universe.

Also, all inhabited worlds are graced with emissaries of the Divine in the form of angels, which are the invisible teachers of all worlds and, as a world progresses to certain stages of spiritual growth it can become qualified to receive advanced incarnations of enlightened teachers. Some worlds lose their spirituality and the angelic connection and miss the opportunity to become a spiritual culture, but that is a choice and not because the Creator did not respond, in some way, to the potential that existed in that world.

Can you describe the weirdest Universes you have seen?

A universe is too vast to see enough of it to categorize it in such a way, but I have certainly witnessed many other worlds that are very different from our own. On other worlds, there are people, or what we would recognize as people because of their humanoid forms, that live very differently than most of us do. There are some that live underground and remind me of a colony of ants in the way they are organized. There are patterns of life here on Earth that are a very good representation of what an alien culture might be like that is different than ours.

Pods of dolphins, colonies of ants; each have a sophisticated social structure that represent how intelligent life may have evolved elsewhere. Animals are one of the best windows to contact with a greater spectrum of reality. I have seen far more things in the galaxy that I would label as interesting or “cool” rather than weird. I think it is “pretty cool” that some cultures have developed completely mobile space colonies that live entirely on ships that can travel faster than light, and that have vast gardens and small cities onboard their ships where there are millions of souls all living together as one.

The weirdest thing I ever witnessed was during an out-of-body visit to an ET spaceport in deep space where there were many different cultures that could come and interact in a sterile environment. This might have been a place for trade but certainly had some groups present that were mostly interested in exploration. I happened to leap onto a small exploration ship that was docked and witnessed that the beings inside were absolutely not humanlike at all. They were more like hovering sea anemones that communicated with each other telepathically.


Can you talk about Central Suns?

Central Suns refer to the star or black hole at the center of each galaxy, and we are reasonably certain that every galaxy has one. This would almost certainly be a portal to universal consciousness and represent part of the way in which galaxies are connected together in a universal web. The term Central Sun has also been used to describe a star that is a major storehouse of information for a region of space, such that the evolution of consciousness in that region of space is tied to the movement and vibration of this star. Some have suggested that our star is orbiting around another star that is our Central Sun, not the galactic center but, another star that is a major storehouse of information.

This is the star known as Kolob in the writings of J.J. Hurtak in the Keys of Enoch. I can confirm that I have received some of the same information — that there is a star known as the Central Sun that is not the center of the galaxy, but a different kind of Central Sun. It is a spiritual center and source of spiritual light that has a direct impact on the evolution of the Earth and humanity. I can confirm that our solar system is in a cycle that brings us back and forth in our proximity to this star, and that this is what has lead to the experience of moving through ages of light and ages of spiritual darkness in a grand cycle. Fortunately, we are now moving into an age of light, and I do feel the light of this star in my consciousness at times, affecting our awakening on Earth.

I don’t believe that this necessarily means or confirms that our sun is actually orbiting around this star as has been suggested. There could be other ways in which our cyclical relationship with this star could have been set in motion without us orbiting it, but either way, I believe humanity will eventually become fully conscious of this star and of the Galactic Center.

How important was the Harmonic Convergence 1987 to our development? When was it realized that humanity may ascend with some help?

The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 was the first time when a large group of people worldwide focused on linking hearts and minds together to activate our peace potential.  I was in grade school when this happened but I remember that a noticeable shift occurred. Before that time I used to dream all the time about a future of nuclear war and then, after a certain date, it stopped.  I remember saying to myself a couple of years later that somehow an agreement had been reached that had averted that potential future.

I later learned that it was the 87 Harmonic Convergence. So I would say that it was very important because once we had averted that future of nuclear war, a whole new range of possibilities opened, including our ascension. Even though you could say that the Harmonic Convergence was a point of realization for humanity, from the perspective of the Ascended Masters, our ascension potential was realized  long before, this was just one of the stepping stones along the way.  Perhaps we needed the threat of nuclear war to catalyze our peace potential.

Can you straighten out human history?  Are we descendants of Homo Erectus, Lemurians, Atlantians?

I have actually done quite an extensive investigation into the answer to this question, involving many readings of Earth’s records, out-of-body travel into the ancient past, channeling, conversations with the Masters, as well as reading the resonance of my own DNA. I have arrived at what I believe is a more accurate picture than has every been presented in any book thus far, and I will be presenting several very long chapters regarding this in future publications. The answer is too long and complex to tell here, but I can give you some of the cliff notes in the interest of addressing what I know to be a very important and relevant question.

Humanity is a mix. We contain some DNA from primitive human/primates, giving our souls a window into, and a relationship with, the entire evolutionary journey of life on Earth. We were meant to be able to read the records of the whole evolutionary journey of the primates, though it was known that we would need some ET consciousness to progress towards doing this. Some of this human/primate DNA was mixed with the DNA of several other ET humanoid species some 200,000 years ago to create a hybrid. Our ET DNA endowed us with a gift of consciousness that came from those other civilizations, making us a part of a galactic family tree.

The galactic DNA came first from a group of Pleiadians, and this hybrid project was supported by a group of highly advanced Reptilians that had traveled forward in time from when they had ascended in Earth’s ancient history. The original human actually had some Reptilian DNA, designed to link all of humanity with the old Living Library, and the Pleiadians that were in charge of this project could not have achieved the results without the help of the advanced genetic knowledge of the Reptilians. These were different Reptilians, by the way, than the ones that had attempted to insert a paradigm of fear and control at certain points in history. Our relationship with the many different groups of these beings is complicated, so you will have to wait for the book to come out to hear the rest. The resonance of Reptilian DNA that came from these original contributors is truly a gift, and has allow someone like me to read the records of the previous library, traveling through the circuits of time through the body to see things that happened in the age of the Reptilian civilization.

After creating the first hybrids, the strongest offspring were bred with a group of Sirian mothers to create the race that we are today. So we have Pleiadian, Sirian, and Reptilian DNA, all of us. There may be some strains of human beings that were seeded anciently that have DNA from Orion as well, but all of us have the first three. There are also currently hybrid projects that are creating human/ET hybrids and introducing them into our society from races that are unfamiliar and there are a range of agendas involved — some with the intention to control humanity and some with the intention to uplift humanity.

The story is not complete without understanding the role of the Adamic lineage. Adam and Eve were divinely created beings that were sent to Earth well over a hundred thousand years after humanity was first created and they founded a lineage of humans that formed the basis of Atlantis, and who also mixed with us, adding to who we are.  The whole line of Jewish prophets, as well as Jesus and Muhammad were from a lineage of humans that contained a strong Adamic resonance in their DNA.

The Lemurian story fits into this quite differently. I do not know the time period that they were seeded into, but they do not appear to be connected to either of these lineages anciently. The Lemurians were not as dense as the Atlanteans, though they sought to develop their bodies and chakras by incorporating DNA from the Atlantean/Adamic species of humans. Many of them paired with Atlantean partners, had offspring, and these hybrid descendants eventually formed the basis of a vast subterranean civilization that still exists to this day. This inner-earth culture relates to itself as a remanent of both the Lemurian and Atlantean culture, and because we share the Atlantean/Adamic DNA with them, they also relate to us as cousins. Eventually we will come to know them again and they will be able to help us restore our awareness of Earth’s true history, which they are stewarding underground.

As for the Lemurian origins, I remember starships arriving from somewhere, bringing the first “Lemurians” from another star system, and they were semi-physical/semi-etheric humanoid beings. In order to understand how all of these lineages fit together, you first need to understand that humanity is something that is greater than the sum of all of its parts.  There is a whole human being that is arriving in the present, and all of the other versions of humanity from the past contained a reflection of some aspect of what we are awakening as today.  There were also ancient versions of humanity, briefly referenced in “Bringers of the Dawn” that were here as a community of light-bearing energies long before the modern incarnations of humanity that we call Atlantis and Lemuria.

I can remember being part of one of those ancient civilizations some 300,000 years ago or more.  I remember when the Earth was “raided” and this civilization was scattered, a drama that has been repeated over and over again since then in the Iraq portal — also described in Marciniak’s book.  I can confirm a lot of what was said in that book, but there is way more to the story, and the part about the crucifixion seemed a little deceptive.  To go that far, explaining something about the holographic nature of that event, but to then leave out most of the truth regarding it felt a little suspicious to me, but it may have just been related to the limitations of the channel, or it was as much as they were authorized to give us at the time.

The hologram of Christ’s crucifixion is one of the most divinely orchestrated and extraordinary events in human history. There was also an attempt by an ET force to create a secondary hologram to mask the divinely created one, and because of the fear and ignorance in human consciousness, the Bible was unfortunately influenced more by the deception.  This, again, is a very complex story that I don’t have the time to elaborate on here, but I intend to release more info in the future.

The biggest key I can give you regarding the crucifixion is that it was designed to be a great mystery for a time, and the early Christians who made this part of their religion were following conjecture without a complete understanding of what had been witnessed.  The idea that Christians know the truth about the crucifixion is one of the deceptions in that religion.  The whole truth was not given, and even the Muslims were only warned away from the Christian beliefs without being told the whole truth either. It just wasn’t time yet, but the time is coming.

If human DNA was changed from 12 strands to 2 strands and we were left in a survival mode, why give us an “extra baggage” of solving other planets issues? Why not give it to some race that is living their 3D the way it was meant to – without the violence and fear? It seems like we were overwhelmed!

The answer is that we needed to go from 12 to 2 so that we COULD take on the extra baggage.  Also, it was not known that we could go to such extremes with warfare, but on another level, we did choose this consciously, knowing what this would help us to become.  We will become a race of Ascended Masters, like the Arcturians, and we knew that this would be the end result going into this, and that we would prevent a more painful future in this galaxy.  It should be noted that while we took on a lot of karma and issues from other systems of reality, we have also been graced with many more enlightened teachers than other worlds have, so there is a great diversity of consciousness here with many extremes, making this one of the most amazing schools for consciousness that has ever come into being.

When a group of souls comes from another system of worlds with “baggage”, it is because they can resolve it here in a more accelerated manner, but keep in mind that with all of the baggage that humanity has taken on, we have also received many incredible gifts from different parts of the galaxy. And look at how amazing we are!  I believe we will be happy with the end result.  We made this a place that would attract interest from everywhere so that our transformation would reach many systems that had become linked in with us.  It is like a tribe that has allowed people from many other tribes to inter-marry with it, so as to bond other tribes to us, while strengthening us through the diversity. Everything we have taken on is a gift that is bringing us even closer to the truth that we are unconditional love.

Manifestation Story and Thank You Letter

Dear Saryon (Michael),

Where to even begin! The 5-week Divine Manifestation course that just ended has already completely changed my life. I had been slowly developing a connection with the Ascended Masters, particularly St. Germain and the Violet Flame, but your course took that connection much deeper. I could actually feel the energies of each Master as you channeled them and the connection they made with our group was truly profound. I have never experienced anything like it.

Mother Mary embodies the most peaceful, benevolent, beautiful healing energy I have ever experienced! As soon as you would bring her into our group, I immediately went into an almost trancelike blissful state. I have never experienced an energy such as hers. It is like you are being cradled in the Womb of Creation – and you surrender to the deepest peace you will ever know.

Before taking the course, I did continually make the attempt to work with the Violet Flame, but it wasn’t until I connected directly with St. Germain during our group sessions that I finally started to feel both St. Germain’s energy and presence vibrating within me and the sensation of being completely enveloped by the intensifying energies of the Violet Flame itself as I go about my daily life.

It’s almost as if I now enter the world cloaked in a violet “bubble” of protection and transmutation and it has helped me cope so much better with my challenges in the currently chaotic 3D energies which have been quite intense!!

I came to this course “Open to Receive” which actually became the mantra the angelic realms asked us to adopt at the beginning of the course. The knowledge, spiritual connection, deep clarity I received about my life’s mission and subsequent tangible manifestations have left me eternally grateful and deeply moved.

“Divine Manifestation” truly exceeded my expectations! I never expected that we would be connected with such ancient sacred knowledge, dating back to the Egyptian Mystery Schools. When the Arcturians made a surprise appearance I was ecstatic, as I realized they had been coming into my consciousness several months prior to their appearance during your course!

They had been communicating with me through Visions and Sacred Geometry patterns and that communication greatly intensified during your course.

During your Live Webinars, the Arcturians were actually “downloading” me with very detailed information regarding a special project I am working on, and each time you brought them in to speak, the vision they entrusted me with grew exponentially and began to take amazing Shape and Form – literally morphing before my eyes and taking on much greater Spiritual Significance!

It is difficult to explain how amazing it feels to receive these kinds of visionary downloads directly from a group as knowledgeable as the Arcturians, who have such a deep understanding of the Evolutionary Process we are currently undergoing! I am forever humbled and forever changed.

Aside from the personal downloads I received, I was simply blown away by the information the Arcturians shared with us as a group, including the Divine Creator’s Plan for humanity to achieve Oneness and Wholeness in Unity Consciousness!

We are literally on our way to becoming the “Avatar” race (like in the James Cameron movie) and by participating in these courses, we can become the nucleus and forerunners of that new race, paving the way for many others to connect with these Galactic Emissaries and learn how to achieve Global Unity and Peace just like they have already achieved in their own world.

We will never have this opportunity again, so if you want to be part of the School of Manifestation and help humanity become WHOLE again – become ONE again – I urge you to join us in the next course which will be taught directly by the Arcturian Ancient 7!

The Ascended Masters asked us at the beginning of the course to completely surrender to Source/Creator and no longer focus on lack or limitation in any way and simply trust completely in the Higher Realms to help divinely manifest everything we need, as long as it is in Alignment with Divine Will and the Greatest Good of All.

Well, I actually did this for the entire duration of the course and I felt as if a tremendous weight of anxiety had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt lighter, happier, more grounded — and could actually focus on the course material and the instruction being offered, without the daily distraction of monetary concerns.

And to thank me for my Act of Faith, the Masters have already bestowed many gifts upon me – some were gifts of Spirit (truly priceless) and others very needed material resources.

The intangible gifts of the Masters have already helped me, in just over a month’s time, to more fully step into my Power and speak my Truth as well as gain increasing clarity about the path I will be traveling as a Guardian of Planet Earth and a Steward of the Sacred Divine Earth Blueprint. That alone is of immeasurable value.

As for the tangible gifts, here they are (to date), encompassing just one week – 7 days – from the completion of the first course.

I have been engaging in private sacred ceremony / meditation with the Ascended Masters and Arcturians each week of the course. In Week 4 you shared some of your personal experiences with Divine Manifestation and learning how to implicitly trust the Higher Realms. One of the suggestions you made to our group was to set aside a small amount (even $10 or $20) towards something we wish to manifest as an Act of Faith.

Well I did this. During one of the meditations I purchased a Domain Name for a project I am working on and wish to manifest. It was about all I had left on a small credit card I have (the ONLY credit card I currently have). Here’s what happened the following week – in Week 5 of the webcast.

Just as you were completing the final Webinar on July 31, 2013, I was conducting a private brief meditation/gratitude ceremony with the Arcturians and Ascended Masters and had 3 candles lit. My ceremony concluded in the last moment your class ended.

Literally 3 minutes after the class and my ceremony concluded, I got this email. I have been trying to sell this ring for several months, to no avail, and I really needed the funds. The person who sent me this email ended up meeting me and purchasing the ring for exactly the price needed exactly 3 days later!

On Jul 31, 2013, at 11:06 PM, craigslist reply 0380 <> wrote:

What is the best that you will do for the ring?  I’m really interested in it if we can get the price right. Let me know, thanks.

Here is a picture of the money I received in cash for the ring — $500.


So in essence the Masters took my $10 “act of faith investment” and turned it into $500 a week later! It was total confirmation to me of what you are teaching us and what has happened in your own experience.

The next Divine Manifestation came for me 2 days later. This opportunity was mentioned to me the day before I actually got the money for the ring – that I would be asked to take on some added duties at work for a few weeks – which would involve a Bonus incentive. At first the offer was for $50 but then my soul sister Arlene (who also participated in your class and sponsored me) felt strongly that I needed to be compensated $100 extra per week.

When Monday came, I did not have to ask for the xtra compensation. My manager simply stated that it would be $100 per week if I met the goal!

That same morning, I got the monthly newsletter in my door from the apartment complex where I live. Each month they hold a drawing for those who submit rent early to receive $100 off of their rent. I have lived in this complex for a year and never won the drawing — until today! I was absolutely stunned to see my Apartment Number as the winner.

Here is a snapshot of the “winning” newsletter:


What was even more astounding is that the newsletter was printed on VIOLET paper. I knew immediately this gift was from St. Germain and that he wanted me to know it was from him. In all the time I’ve lived here, they have never once printed the newsletter on violet colored paper!

I was literally crying tears of joy this morning. I am so touched by the love and generosity flowing from the Masters and the Arcturians right now! What makes this so incredible is that I have truly struggled for a long time to simply make ends meet. Often I have been behind in paying bills and barely able to buy groceries some weeks.

But now that I am surrendering myself to the Higher Realms and offering myself in Higher Service, they are showing me that I am on the right path. I have never been so clear about what I am here on this planet to do. I have never felt so confident or so detached from materialistic concerns. I feel as if I am finally learning how to Co-Create……and Co-Manifest.

That requires a deeper, stronger connection with the Ascended Masters and the angelic realm. You have already helped me strengthen that connection exponentially dear Saryon. I just cannot thank you enough!

I am truly honored to be a willing student enrolled in the newly dedicated School of Divine Manifestation and cannot wait to see what miracles will unfold in the 7 weeks of working directly with the Arcturian Ancient 7!

In Deepest Gratitude,

~Rebekah Gaymon~ (U.S.)

Ever Had a Bad Reading? or Know Someone Who Has?

Almost every day I think about of all the people out there who are spending money on bad or mediocre readings. I hear other readers on the radio who can’t give an answer without going to a tarot deck or looking up the astrology of someone’s birthday — and here I am; more gifted, more conscious, more fully backed by the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms, waiting for the opportunity to serve.
After reading these testimonials — most from the last week — I feel compelled to share that when I post something like this, it is NOT just self promotion. People need to know about me so when they want a good reading with someone they can trust, they don’t end up wasting money on a bad or mediocre reading EVER AGAIN. Even if you are not ready for a reading, or cannot yet afford one, by passing this on, you are doing your friends a favor. Sooner or later, almost everyone has a need for something like this that can provide such clarity and help accelerate spiritual growth. Please read these testimonials below and let your friends know, not because I am asking you to promote me, but so people won’t end up wasting their money on something that is less than what I can offer. You will be giving someone a gift. (more…)

My Spiritual Name and New Website

Back in 1998 I received a channeled reading from Pranananda during which Sananda revealed my angelic name. I was told that a great many Masters and Angels know me by this name and I have definitely heard them calling me Saryon ever since. I was also told that my life would one day be graced with visitations by Angels and Masters as I was doing readings for people, and this has definitely come to pass.

Though I shared this name with a number of people over the years, even going by this name in Boulder, Colorado for a time; I have been happy to be known as Michael for the purposes of the employee communities I have been a part of.

Upon my recent exit from the corporate world I found my light quotient raising more rapidly than ever before and this began a more noticeable overlaying of the higher self. This name is now fulfilling a new purpose as a tool for the alchemical blending of the divine and earthly self. Thanks again, Pranananda!

Last year the meaning of this name was finally revealed while I was channeling my higher self. I was shown that this name represents a reversal or completion of a long karmic cycle that began symbolically when Gautama Buddha renounced his earthly kingdom. No, I wasn’t Buddha in a past life, but I am here to help fulfill his teachings.

The name means “The Renunciant who inherits the Kingdom”, though I don’t think the name had that meaning until I came along. There is a single movement of self realization that is sweeping through the meaning of this name. First the seeker renounces the earthly kingdom, and then he can inherit the Kingdom of God. It is a name that connects together the teachings of Buddha and Christ as part of a single path, and represents an experience that is dawning on my own life that took lifetimes to achieve. In essence, the meaning of the name contains a prophecy that is being fulfilled through me.

As of this last week I have launched a new website to feature the work of my channelship. Please visit and let your friends know that I am available for high quality readings. This is a whole new beginning and I am excited to offer this service to more people.

Exiting the Corporate World

For the last 8 months I had a unique opportunity to work in the corporate world, selling and implementing a pricey software package and providing tech support. The job involved getting to know people’s businesses inside and out, and I was a key player in landing deals worth tens of thousands of dollars.

For those of you that have followed me for a while, you might have noticed that I did not blog as much these last 8 months. And though I still did readings in the evenings and on weekends, it was not a primary focus. That is about to change.

Very recently, I had an encounter with the Master Jesus during which he showed me his memory of two disciples that came to him, hungry for GOD in a way that ungrounded them from their earthly responsibilities. Jesus admitted to me that he also had to get more grounded before he could begin his earthly ministry, and that there was a huge difference in the person he was before and after his grounding initiations.

These two disciples wanted Jesus to take them to GOD and complete their Source connection, but Jesus knew that what these two needed was some grounding work to get them back into there bodies; so he instructed them to get a job. He taught them that the way to GOD is service to others, and that when you are showing up for others, GOD will be behind you. This was a different way of looking at it for these two, but the work paid off.

My initiations over this last year and a half were also about becoming more grounded. Most recently, I was tested by the prospect of my employment coming to an end, which can be a very ungrounding experience, especially when you are providing for a family; but this test was matched by a feeling of GOD’s unconditional support. I found myself surrendering to the changes and moving into deeper and deeper trust in the divine.

For 8 months I had a unique opportunity to work in the business world; getting an education and grounding me through the constant necessity of meeting expectations that stretched me in a new direction. And though it was a momentarily frightening to see that source of income disappear, it became clear that I had passed a great spiritual test and was ready to move fully into my true vocation as a spiritual channel.

When I began the journey of this grounding initiation back in Oregon, I was instructed by the masters to get a job, any job. I took the only full time job I could find on the coast, working in a warehouse at Goodwill. After four months my family and I were able to move to Orange County to find a better opportunity and I took a job working as a furniture mover while reopening my practice of giving readings. After almost 6 months, I was grounded enough for the next opportunity, which ended up being the highest paying job I have ever had.

Last Thursday, May 2nd, I showed up to work and my boss handed me a check — my severance pay. Now I am free to do readings all day long, and the Masters have given this a green light.  My channel feels more aligned than ever, and I feel the quality of my work has gone to another level.

I am more excited than ever before to offer my service to people, and I can feel the light increasing inside me every day, all because I got grounded. This is truly a new beginning for me. I have come so far, healed so much, and grown wiser and more evolved. I feel nothing but gratitude for all these grounded tests, and I am exciting to work with all of the new people that Spirit will bring to me.


While walking around our neighborhood, Susan and I came across this glass piece over someone’s doorway, depicting Ganesha. I am quite certain that Ganesha removed the obstacle of my job so that I could expand in a new direction.  It feels like everything has come full circle since I wrote “Getting Grounded“, the second post on this blog after “God is My Elephant“.

I will be blogging much more often from here on so stay tuned.  It is going to get a lot more interesting.