Third Eye Clearing/Activation

This is the second in a series of conference calls I am hosting about clearing the conditions of separation and duality we took on at the end of the Egyptian Mystery School. This call focuses on the clearing and activation of the Third Eye.  It begins with a message I channeled from Archangel Metatron years ago about the Third Eye and explores what happened at the end of the Mystery School as our ability to access the Third Eye was diminishing.

Third Eye Clearing/Activation – conference call recording

The main presentation is a little more than an hour long and there is some sharing afterwards.


Egyptian Clearing Meditation

With this link you can download the MP3 of the first conference call I was inspired to host last Friday/Saturday. The presentation starts about 4 minutes in.

Egyptian Clearing Meditation  (conference recording)

In this call, I share some of the things I remember about the downfall of the Egyptian Mystery School and the clearing process we are in to restore the resource of galactic healing energy we came together to birth through Egypt. This is primarily a meditation/clearing activation. My partner Susan and I listened to it again the next day and both felt an even deeper clearing.

The main presentation/meditation is about an hour long, and there are about 20 minutes or so of conversation after. There are some long pauses in the second half, but if you are in the zone by then, you won’t mind.

A Four-Fold Increase in Intuition

Last year, I channeled an exciting piece of information about intuition that has been proving itself true ever since.  My guides told me that, in the coming years, humanity will experience a four-fold increase in our intuitive abilities.  For people who are not very intuitive, they will begin to discover their intuitive side.  For those of us who are aware of our intuitive potential, we will get a major upgrade!

The guides didn’t say how long it will take for this increase to occur but my sense is that, starting in 2012, we will notice a change from year to year.  It may take the rest of the decade for this global process to unfold, but for some of us it is happening faster than for others.  Choosing this potential consciously will quicken the effect of the shift.  I have already begun to notice a difference this year.  Have you?

So what will this increase in intuition be like?  Imagine you are in your car and you are at a stoplight.  Your linear mind is telling you that you are going to turn right to go to the grocery store to get something to prepare for dinner, but intuition takes over and you find yourself turning left.  “Where are you taking me?” the linear mind says to the intuitive side of the brain, and suddenly you have an awareness that you are meant to go to a friend’s house. (more…)

Become a Child Prodigy

. . . in your next life.

My angelic guides recently told me about a shift that has taken place in humanity’s multidimensional memory.  They said that, going forward, the skills and abilities that we develop in this life will come back to us more quickly and more fully realized in the next life.  In the past, there was far less bleed-through, except in rare cases.  Now all that has changed. (more…)

My Training as a Channel

This morning (April 10th, 2012), a visitation with the Ascended Master Saint Germain inspired me to blog about my training as a channel.  It is a fascinating story, but one I have never told publicly.  This is my lengthiest post to date, but for those of you interested in channeling I have tried to write something that will be of value to you.

As a teenager I loved the library.  I learned more from my trips to the library than I did in most of my public education.  I had long held an interest in unexplained phenomena like UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, and paranormal activity.  Eventually, at the age of 16, I came across a book about how to connect with spiritual guides.  It was not a very good book, but it did prompt me to attempt achieving a trance state for the first time.

I had a couple of experiences of feeling a tone or vibration in my head very briefly, which was startling and exciting at the same time. Without better information, I was uncertain about whether or not I wanted to continue with such experimentation.  Then, a breakthrough.

At age 17, (in 1993) I read “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer (I still recommend this book).  This was the first truly spiritual book I had ever read, and certainly the first book co-written by nonphysical guides.  I was hooked.  I knew that I had found my calling.  While reading the book, I felt touched by an awareness that connected me to my future and I knew that I was destined to be a channel.

I had always known that I wanted to be a writer, but now I knew I was going to be working with high level spiritual guides to bring new information onto the planet.  I was very excited about this discovery. It was like finding out that you had been accepted to a great college and knowing you would be able to get the training needed to become successful doing something that you love.  I felt like I had just gotten my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. (more…)

We Made It!!!

After four long months of working at Goodwill, GOD began removing the obstacles to my family’s relocation.  When I wrote, Getting Grounded, I was just beginning to face that I would need to work a minimum wage job for a while in order to make the move happen. Thankfully, I am on the other side of that test.

I had to laugh about the whole ordeal in hindsight.  I had literally grabbed the first full time job that came up in Lincoln City, Oregon at the time.  Uncertain about whether this was the right move, I drove off to the interview and witnessed a beautiful double rainbow that seemed to end right near the location of the store.  I also could not help noticing that the word “Goodwill” contains GOD WILL.  Along the way, I healed a lot of my resistance to surrendering to GOD’s will in the physical. (more…)