
The Ascended Masters are the most amazing friends and teachers that you could ever imagine having. They can teach you how to be a master of life. They can train you to be fearless, resourceful, abundant, unconditionally loving and, an inspiration to everyone you meet. There is no problem too great for their intelligence to resolve, and their wisdom and humor can make a dark day seem like the dawn of a new and more hopeful chapter in your life. Now don’t these seem like the kind of people you would like to surround yourself with?

For the past two decades I have had the great pleasure of knowing these great and magnificent beings that have guided me on a journey into greater love, freedom and self-mastery. It is my great pleasure to now work with them as a channel and emissary of their teachings. While there are many Living Masters in the world today that are part of the same team, when I speak of the Ascended Masters I am most often referring to the collective of nonphysical/multidimensional beings that serve humanity from a more refined dimension of love and light. This series of teachings will extend the influence of both.

I first came to know of the Ascended Masters through books channeled by other students of the Masters. The art of channeling held a fascination for me from the very beginning of my spiritual exploration as a teenager. It wasn’t long before the Master Jesus appeared to confirm what I was beginning to learn about humanity’s invisible support system. Before that first experience, I had never thought of beings like Jesus or Mother Mary as Ascended Masters but, as I have heard from many of my clients, this concept made such beings more approachable as living examples of our potential.

I was delighted to learn that all of the great masters from Earth’s history were working together as a team to uplift humanity and that there is a single, common source behind all of the great revelations that had inspired the world’s religions and spiritual movements. Through my natural ability to travel out-of-body, I have been able to experientially verify the following truths concerning the nature and existence of the Ascended Masters:

1)   A vast, multidimensional reality fills and surrounds the Earth, populated by non-physical beings. This includes an “Afterlife” region, populated by the souls of our deceased loved ones and those awaiting new embodiments. There are also realms of pure love and light that are a home for angels, high-level spiritual guides, and human-trained graduate energies, known by many as the Ascended Masters.

2)   Throughout many of these regions there are schools, both for those between lives and some that interact with our consciousness during the course of our earthly lives. The Ascended Masters are currently working with many Living Masters and channels to extend the work of the inner plane schools and ashrams to their students on Earth.

3)   The Ascended Masters, in some cases, were incarnations of advanced teachers that were sent to Earth as an act of Divine Grace, to uplift humanity with demonstrations of our potential that brought us closer to our own divinity. In other cases, they may represent graduates who were trained by these advanced teachers to fulfill our human potential to transcend duality and become embodiments of unconditional love.

4)   There is a Center of Love and Light in the higher dimensions known as Shamballa that is a home for the Ascended Masters. I have visited this place many times out-of-body and regularly experience contact with Shamballa in my work with channeling the Masters.

5)   Shamballa is a focal point for the Will of God and the Divine Plan for humanity that the Masters know and serve, and houses the frequency of the Seven Rays of Divine Consciousness that form the basis of the inner plane ashrams of the Masters. There is also a synthesis ray that works to blend the qualities of all the rays into balance.

6)   As the Earth and humanity are gradually rising in vibration, Shamballa is descending and seeking to awaken within humanity as a source of light, healing and guidance. As students of the Masters on Earth, every step we take to fulfill our divine potential makes the resource of Shamballa more present and available to everyone. Shamballa is the unifying focalpoint on the inner plane of a global student body of initiates and world servers that have been trained in the Ancient Mystery Schools.  It is also a state of being in Christ Consciousness.

There are many ashrams in the world dedicated to the legacy of various Masters and some founded on the teachings of Masters currently alive. These places can be vehicles for the dissemination of teachings to the public and some offer a place where students or disciples can practice their training and devotion in community.

There are also many schools — some conducted primarily through books, videos, telecourses, workshops, and events — that extend the work of the Ascended Masters, representing their will to educate humanity about our potential to consciously evolve into our enlightenment and transcend the limitations of physical reality. Whether you call it Shamballa, The Divine University, The I AM University, The Mystery School, etc.; these are all names that represent the inner plane Academy of the Ascended Masters.

It has been branded in various ways to make it accessible in human consciousness and its work is being expressed through a wide variety of earthly educational projects. Having experienced several of these, I witnessed how the Masters worked through each of them in various ways, and yet there is no one vehicle that is perfect for everyone. As a disciple of the Masters I recognized that my training was not dependent on participation in any one particular vehicle for their teachings, though in time I was guided to the feet of a living Master who has become my sponsor into higher levels of training.

I have been blessed to know many living Masters and to work with a number of mentors who channeled the Masters as I do now. I am not here to recommend one set of teachings over another. The great diversity of religion and spirituality in our world is serving a diverse range of needs for education and the development of spiritual practice.  My primary focus has always been to connect people with the reawakening of the Ancient Mystery Schools as an emerging field of unity consciousness. We are all students of the field and incarnations of the universal hologram that is awakening within us.

After completing a major milestone in my spiritual journey, I asked the Masters about doing an book and their first word to me was “Manifestation”. At the time, I was walking around a lake in Orange County with my family and I realized that when we had lived on the Oregon Coast previously, I always wished for a trail that went around the neighborhood lake. The Masters were pointing out that the lake trail I had wished for had manifested.

When I took the idea into meditation they explained that this was not just a book about manifestation; this was the beginning of a series of books that would extend their training to more people that would first be delivered as a series of telecourses. When I first opened to begin channeling this course, Sananda (Jesus) was the first to speak, followed by Mother Mary and Saint Germain.

During the 2013 Wesak Festival, only weeks before, the Masters had informed me that I had been selected for acceleration into a teaching position and that I would soon be responsible for serving many more people that were seeking guidance and support. This course represents the beginning of what they had in mind. Though this course was originally delivered to a group of live participants, the messages address a much larger global audience that I could also feel during the transmissions.

What the Masters aim to do through me is to add a new flavor of their teachings to a growing library of spiritual knowledge while helping me to synthesize the best of the experiential insights gained from my training with them over the years into a series of books and courses that can connect you with the presence of their guidance inwardly. Each volume will be based on a theme and, even if you are a well-read enthusiast of the Ascended Masters, this series promises to be a new and more current thread of teachings that speaks directly to the audience that is being drawn to it. It is my great honor to serve you and to be graced by all of the care that the Masters have for each of you. I am humbly a student with you in this training.

Click Here to read the welcome messages from Sananda, Mother Mary, and Saint Germain for the School of Manifestation.

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